The official NMA board
General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Andrew on December 19, 2009, 06:10:19 PM
I have lots of great NMA memories, but my first best one, is when I went to an NMA gig at St Georges Hall in Bradford. It must have been 20 years ago now, I still remember the gig, well most of it anyway. Hearing songs from Thunder and Consolation played live was just a fantastic experience. Walking out of the venue after the gig, and stepping onto the cold, damp streets of Bradford, I actually had a feeling that my life had just changed. And it had. Musically, nothing came close to NMA anyway, or indeed Thunder and Consolation after that night. Everything had changed, and for the better.
Think this was my first army gig, was a bit of a goth at the time and so was reluctant to acknoledge being an army fan will always remember the passion of the fans and the chaos of the gig! Remember people jumping down from the balcony to get closer to the band.
Not sure if this was before the free gig in Leeds outside the town hall, remember stumbling out of the darkness of the phono.
Happy days indeed!
Coming out off a gig either wolves or brum.some bloke selling bootleg NMA posters.Joolz walking up,grabbing his stock and giving them out free.Bloke went ape but shut up when he saw roadies.Class.Still got the poster.cheers Joolz
Coming out off a gig either wolves or brum.some bloke selling bootleg NMA posters.Joolz walking up,grabbing his stock and giving them out free.Bloke went ape but shut up when he saw roadies.Class.Still got the poster.cheers Joolz
I remember Joolz doing the same thing at Guildford Civic hall sept '87
My chat with Justin in November 2009 after Berlin's gig about Afghanistan (where I worked and I may work in the future), Bradford (where I studied), Prof. Tom Woodhouse (great prof we both studied with) etc.
Definitely a great guy.
Best would be meeting Justin in the pub at Holmfirth last year with my girlfriend her first army gig he was a gentleman couldnt have been nicer made our day plus all the people i have met over the years had some great times
Think this was my first army gig, was a bit of a goth at the time and so was reluctant to acknoledge being an army fan will always remember the passion of the fans and the chaos of the gig! Remember people jumping down from the balcony to get closer to the band.
Not sure if this was before the free gig in Leeds outside the town hall, remember stumbling out of the darkness of the phono.
Happy days indeed!
I think this was the gig that people were jumping off the balcony. I do remember that for sure. Fantastic gig, Ed was on Violin for Vagabonds and his solo intro to it was just perfect.
Think this was my first army gig, was a bit of a goth at the time and so was reluctant to acknoledge being an army fan will always remember the passion of the fans and the chaos of the gig! Remember people jumping down from the balcony to get closer to the band.
Not sure if this was before the free gig in Leeds outside the town hall, remember stumbling out of the darkness of the phono.
Happy days indeed!
I think this was the gig that people were jumping off the balcony. I do remember that for sure. Fantastic gig, Ed was on Violin for Vagabonds and his solo intro to it was just perfect.
I was there also - my first Army gig....did indeed change my life for ever more!!!
My first gig in 1985 in Lyon (France).....the beginning of my story with NMA....
Every Army gig transports me to a wonderful place. A really awesome one was joolz doing some spoken word followed by ed on violin then the Army. Bradford I think. Early 90s. All gets a bit muddled in the memory as the years pass! Many more awesome experiences to come I hope....
Cant remember ;0( sooooooo long ago
i have two
cork, green and the grey, in that oistin beag or something that is spelled like that
boston, 2008, with my mate canto, just us and the band really. good fun before during and after
After 'following' the band for approx. 20 years it's pretty difficult to name one memory but all in
all ... maybe the best one was last weekend, Köln and Amsterdam with A'dam being nr 1 due to
the adventure we had to get to the venue, meet people along the way and ofcourse Island and
North Star in a venue that was filled with maybe 1/3 of the normal amount of people.
And on top of that I finally shook hands with a bandmember - being Marshall.
I guess some of you know the members and the crew and meet them on a regular basis before
or after the show but .. well, not me. So yes, it was Amsterdam dec 2009!!
hard to pick one but maybe the hot, steamy show in a small auditorium in Leeds...
Paris 2009 - you should have been there (and no 225)
a lot from now.. :)
derby wherehouse 1992 tiny gig.....
justin at eastney cellars in 08 was fantastic
the black bull last year was great
js&dw in houston 2003 when i got to meet mark steven .......what a highlight !!
Sooo Many
But........... I think Tommystock for me :)
A sad reason for a gig , but really showed 'Family' both Band ( Ex's ) and fans
Was a lovely Atmosphere, and after near 30 years an honour to attend
My wife,jane in a euphoric state :D, jumping on justin at the Philipshalle in Dusseldorf 31/10/90 as he made his way through the crowd,she's never got over that even 20 years on!!.
We both still love this band, last seen 28/11/09 . peace and luv 2 all ;D
4th of July 1987 Saapasjalkarock, Finland :D :o ::)
[ :-*color
[)hi my best memory going too SHELTLAND 92 AND DOING THAT TOUR ON MY MOTOR BIKE :) happy days am go to do some tour dates this year :D
Currently it's the fridge magents in the NMA shop :D
The gig at the Outpost in Göttingen on 29/04/98 brings back wonderful memories. For reasons unknown I had lost touch with the band after their 1993 tour. I had moved away from Berlin, had lived in the US for some time and had just returned to Germany in February ’98.
I had had a fantastic start in Göttingen, was in love with my girlfriend - ex-girlfriend for many years now -, shared a flat with her, started studying, and made some new friends that I still like a lot.
I only found out by accident that NMA would play at the Outpost to promote Strange Brotherhood. And after five years I fell in love with them again. Fantastic support (& Nobody Else :)), fantastic atmosphere and after the concert I met a guy named Karsten (like me) with the same tattoo (T&C) at exactly the same place (right upper arm). I thought it was really funny back then, and I wonder if he is still around.
Double gig in Cologne - 20:2000. Went there with mates, one car broke down so we ended up sleeping in a hostel instead of the car. Mornung in between spending in Cologne's city center - freezing (still we got ourselves a 'Kölsch'). Buying "the Big guitars" CD at the merch ... which started a bittersweet friendship with NMA :-)
This is sort of a best/worst, i don't know...
Limelite, NYC, 1994 i think....Crowd was pumped, band came on, ripped into "Get me Out". Crowd explodes, my glasses go flying. Thats really bad, cuz its an hour and 1/2 drive home, and I can't drive without them, especially in New York City. get down on hands and knees dodging a mealstrom of boots, etc. Some how I found them intact! panic subsides, proceed
to have a great night! come back soon! Justin, we hope you are immortal!
another one, not live though....summer, 93
hearing "Before I Get Old", for the first time, at max volume, while driving across the high desert wilderness of Wyoming in a ripping thunderstorm, alone. A fleeting yet unforgettable incredible experience.
Really couldn't put my finger on just one best memory, there are so many to choose from. Had some amazing times in the years I did follow the band and although I can no longer do the travelling- bit, the memories stay just as vivid.
Really enjoy reading folks stories! Keep 'em coming!
Possibly the Lords of Chaos tour when they played at a village hall near Sudbury in Suffolk...about 200 people there that night.
The New Model Army exhibition at the Maxipark in Hamm in Germany: This exhibition was so great and I really do hope there will be a similar one for their 30th anniversary this year. Apart from that the NMA exhibition in Hamm was the place where I got to know some other NMA fans for the first time (i.e. some NMA family members) and was invited straight away to the NMA fan meeting before the gig. I had ever wanted to get to know more NMA fans as I’ve been following the band for half of my lifetime by now, and during the first years, before I got Astrid into New Model Army, I had to go to all the gigs alone and often felt sorry for myself that I there were do many like-minded people around but that I didn’t know a single one of them. So that finally changed in 2006.
Maxipark was such a nice location for the NMA exhibition – on the top floor of the glass elephant with a splendid view of the park and the region. I went to see the NMA exhibition three or four times and am still going for day trips to the Maxipark about three times a year.
That's only one of my best New Model Army memories - there are many more....
Regarding the NMA gigs: I have no “best gig” as all of them are unique in their own way and I’m always enjoying them so much – more than the gigs of any other band.
Since I heard The Gost of Cain 1st time in the 80'ties, NMA became for me the best band ever.
Than I never thought that I could listen HIP-HOP, but brand new record of polish group PAKTOFONIKA got into my hands and also changed my life. One MC from PFK called "Magik" made a suicide 8 days after 1st record was published. This was quite hard experience for me.
Shortly after that (2001), NMA arrived to Krakov, and Justin said that he knows that "Magik" made a suicide and it's a big lost and he dedicated him a song.
P.S. 2 days ago I was on the gig in Warsaw... Thank you...
It's weird nobody has mentioned the Rock City 20th Anniversary gig....I know it's almost impossible to choose just one memory but the memory of this one always makes me smile just 'cos the music just kept coming......and they played oh sooo many of my faves......Better than Them and Love Songs to name but two that don't get played as often as I think they should ;)
Meeting JS after the incredibly intimate Eastney Cellars warm up for Beautiful Days in 08 and him signing my ticket for the gig (which was no 1, the only time I've ever had the first ticket for any gig anywhere, let alone NMA);
Closely followed by seeing the band live for the first time in 17 years after time away having a family and chasing a career, this at Exeter Phoenix in late 07. And then they started with Vanity, possibly my no 1 NMA track of all time. That's what relaunched my obsession with the band a second time around and why I am posting here now I guess
Walking along a country road, 17 and about to leave school and home, skint but feeling inspired and good with 'Waiting' in my head all the way
Already said it here:
Already said it here:
Thanks for sharing that deeply touching and resonant article with us.
Nervously sticking our heads through the dressing room door in Queen's Students Union, Belfast, during the T&C tour, to be greeted by a smiling Robert saying something like " Come on in, guys, see all that food and drink down there - we've paid for none of it, help yourselves ". He then sat with us for about an hour talking about life in the band, touring, scaring the shit out of Paul Weller after he had slagged NMA off in the press, music and life in general. It meant a lot to a somewhat star struck 20 year old, and it still means a lot to me now.
Frome Tommy Stock , Wolverhampton Civic ( every time ) in fact thinking back the only crap NMA gig i have ever been to was the strange one day festival in Nottingham ( and only because Justins mic was not on for the first 3 songs ) . And not really NMA , but Justin all by himself at the very strange Wolesstock ( which was actually in Bilston ) it pissed down , it was great.
Me and my little four year old girl singing 'Everything is Beautiful' at the top of our lungs in the car on holiday. She says she likes my music. Can't start 'em too young I say. She's even got a little NMA t-shirt.
Tommystock was a great event and one I really enjoyed.
NMA were in great form and the venue was spot on for the event. I also liked the return of The Almighty.
Hope one of the 30th Anniversary shows is there.
Very lucky to sit in on the soundcheck at Marcus Garvey at nottingham. Can remember it well but being "too cool for school" it didnt really register what an honour it was , Joolz was support and the guys were so dedicated , came over for a bit of a chat but I cant remember what about, then it was music all the way. What i can remember was the mesmerising charisma and passion of Justin , proving to me that not only is the guy a talented poet but he can draw people in. Otherwise every gig ive been to has not disappointed.
Now proudly singing NMA songs with my two year old girl.
my best moment was meeting those that are still very close and dear friends, even after nearly 25 years!!!! Trina, bambi and co, probably the most caring and straight up people i know, and wouldnt know if it wasnt for NMA!
Hi Nora,
don't you think RSC Grootebroek should be in the top-3?!
(and no, not going to tell when that was, they could do some maths and figure out our age-lol-....and besides, I don't remember what year it was, but I remember how great that day was!).
say hi to Kees, xx from Miranda
Obviously,this is an odd one to log here,considering it shows that my 'favourite NMA memory' is pretty shakey at best.But...I remember being in Bradford on site(which I was on & off,for quite a while)and some friend of mine mentioning that,as part of a week of gigs at the old swimming baths(near Queens Hall) to promote/re-open/close(as I said-I'm hazy on the details)the venue,NMA were playing.Now,I'd seen them quite a few times by then,but to find out last minute that they were playing a gig in Bradford was pretty awesome...Thing is,all I really remember about it is thinking how much I enjoyed the idea of playing a gig in an old swimming-baths...they were good tho...absolutely amazing version of 'Over the Wire' too,which was a personal fave for years.
Anybody able to fill in the gaps on this?
Have I made it up completely?
Was it a vivid dream?
Have I made it up completely?
Was it a vivid dream?
They did play at the Baths - was it part of Bradford festival? and early 90s and the summer? A really good gig if I recall correctly through the strong lager haze - but cannot remember too much else about it - which isnt really much help!
I have a few seeing them at the Ritz in Manchester in 1985 .Driving round Salford listening to no rest lp at full blast as a teenager .The whole of the vengeance lp Best of all was meeting Justin at liverpool this year ,really nice guy .
1. Astoria on the 'Eight' Tour, Justin taking requests while the rest of the band had a break, someone shouts 'Vagabonds' and he looks around, laughs, and replies 'Do I look like I've got a bloody violin!?' , but then orchestrates us all into a chant of the violin phrase, and proceeds to do an an incredible acoustic Vagabonds with everyone on backing vocals.
Too cool for school 8)
i have two: fist time i saw then in leeds on the impurity tour and the 20th birthday bash at rock city. The rock city gig was so good because i think the band and crowd were just there to party!
Well... for the first time I drove in the car with Justin, and asked him questions I never asked before,,,. about life, about resistance...
ok, I went to some record collector show in 1990 and was looking for live concert tapes of Midnight Oil. A vendor told me I needed to buy a live tape of NMA (the Rock City FM broadbast gig from 89) and he'd refund my money if I didn't like it. I was so blown away that I started collecting every CD, poster, tape I could find. Pre-internet this was pretty tough in the states, and due to this I missed the 1993 tour leaving me QUITE A DRY SPELL! Anyway when Justin and Dean returned to the states for the 2 man format show in 2003 I was there with a college roommate that I converted to a huge fan. My memory is standing like 2 rows from the stage right in front of Justin eye closed and goosebumps all over my arms. It was 13 years leading up to the concert of listening to NMA constantly collecting all sorts of recordings, memorizing lyrics, and just being a fan of the way the band evolves and sticks to their guns. I honestly felt like a little kid again on Christmas morning, I cannot imagine what my EKG would have registered, I wish there was a pill you could buy that could give you that feeling at any time, I'd be a junkie for sure.
Thanks for 30 years of greatness and as always I cannot wait to hear what's next!
Todd in Wisconsin, USA
Mine must be around early 1990's, I was not even 20 by then and still living in Paris. The gig was at the Arapaho (I think, if memory serves!) and it was tiny! It felt like we were privy to a very good rehearsal session! The room was so packed and I was at the front being squashed so I kinda climbed on stage and semi-sat on Nelson's wedge, the band being the cool peeps they are didn't mind and left me there in awe for most of the gig!
Later, outside, despite my rubbish english and my youth making me shy, I managed to get Nelson's pick (I was a bass player and NMA taught me how to play!), my drummer at the time got a broken cymbal left on the street. Then, we got photocopies of the lyrics signed and I framed the whole lot later.
I was a still a kid and this made my day like nothing else can make your day at this point in your life.
I have many more like all of you guys I suppose as NMA is a band that lives with you and really create a soundtrack to one's life.
Astoria 2008. Myself and the prettier half (Vicki) had flown down from Edinburgh specifically to see them at the Astoria before it disappeared, much penny-pinching and pleading to kind parents just about making it feasible. We were so excited, a couple of Jocks on a crazy adventure to see the mighty army in London! But the bouncer decided that Vic was too drunk to let in. We'd had 2 pints each and were most certainly in no way drunk. Disaster! I explained our story, he suggested we went away and came back. We went, drank coffee, walked about, went back, even more sober. Same bouncer, same reaction! Jesus. Anyway this happened a 3rd time, but thanks be to whoever I should thank, 4th time round we were allowed in just as the band came on stage. That moment, relief, excitement, anticipation all bundled up and intense, will live with me forever.
hell I can't pick one
scamps 1980
clouds in preston 1984
rock city 2000
well all of em really....never had a duff gig ......just different ones
The 2004 show in Phoenix, AZ will always remain a very fond memory for me. It was their first time in Phoenix in 10 years and more importantly, the first time I ever got to see them. "Them", in this case, was just Justin and Dean, but it didn't matter. Or maybe it made it even better. It was a chance to catch a unique version of the band that I hadn't heard before. The versions of "All Of This" and "Ocean Rising" still stick out in my mind, though (at that time, at least) neither was a particular favourite of mine.
I had started to become a fan a decade earlier, but had missed them on that last U.S. tour. Now, after all this time, they were firmly entrenched as one of my most beloved bands, but I didn't really think I'd ever get to see them live. For them to come to this crappy little club in Phoenix, put on an intense and energetic two-man show, and then be completely humble and gracious with all the fans after the show made quite an impression. It was also well worth the wait.
Electric Ballroom, Dec 1984, simply blown away. I went to Brockwell Park but was too pished to remember NMA playing
NMA played a small club in Cambridge a few years ago and I was lucky enough to have a lengthy chat with Justin on the sidewalk after the show. Only because the club had no dressing room!
I also hung out at the merchandise table with Tommy the last 2 times they were here. He was so nice and I think he appreciated the company. I was stunned to learn of his too early death. At the gig we were trading stories about how much fun it was to take our kids to rock shows.
Many but was probably my first gig at Brixton June 1990, age 16, vaguely remembering poison street before fainting, waking up while nosing my way down some lady's bossom!!! If you are reading, it was an accident honest!!! Brilliant times....
The Union Chapel, just after the 'Freeborn John' gig. Everyone is invited to the backstage bar where there will be a post performance party.
Rev, 'the band', Maddy Prior, Phil Johnstone, various levellers and others are all there drinking with the audience.
However, if you wish to smoke, you need to go out to a cold back alley.
Everyone is chatting about the gig (absolutely cracking) when JS comes out. The chat subsides as he reaches for his fags and utters the immortal phrase..........'anyone got a light'?
At which point, about a dozen burly tattooed blokes, start franticly searching their pockets in a star struck frenzy, each wanting desperately to be the one that will light his heroes cigarette! Absolutely hilarious.............! Shows that deep down, whatever our job, age, blah blah blah....we're all still a bunch of kids with dreams! To quote the Book of Face.....'I Like'!
Oh, and in case you were wondering. The person who eventually offered up the sacred lighter was my misses (who utterly out cooled the lot of us.....sad eh? ;D)
Would have to be the first time I saw NMA live, Leeds Futurama 5 (Queens Hall I think) in 1983, just loved all the early stuff (and love everything produced ever since), bittersweet, and funnily enough - waiting - might not be an obvious choice , but love the melody in this song. Can remember buying Bittersweet with the free flexi from the underground market in Manchester, happy days! :)
Aberdeen Music Hall about 20 years back. None of my friends or i had heard of the Levellers at that point but they came on stage as support band, danced about like maniacs and got the whole crowd buzzing. By the time NMA set foot on stage the place was electric and true to form they didn't disappoint. Unfortunately we all came back down to earth rather abruptly shortly afterwards when one of our friends fell out with he boyfriend, ran off rather tipsy, managed to fall into the harbour and had to be rescued! What a night.......... Happy ending though, she married that boyfriend and they're still together today.
Got lots of memories of gigs (been to lots of gigs!) but I am sure it was 10 years ago when Justin did an acoustic set (was there 2 drummers or is my memory playng games?). I was inside from the start but my mate Roman was late getting in. I saw the first set and he came in as it finished. He was gutted when I told him what he missed! The full set was awesome!
Thunder and Colsolation was simply awesome! Still play it now. I liked it so much, I had the tattoo. Joolz told me where the inscription came from and if I ever go to Scotland, I will be checking it out.
The way that every time you see them live it feels brand new, no matter how many times you see them the excitement leading up to the gig and the euphoria during and after the show never goes away. That only happens with New Model Army....And Nobody Else.
When they came back to Boston with the first full band tour in 12 years they played nearly every song I really wanted to hear. It was almost as if I had written the set list! I love all their music but that concert will always stand out for me.
There are so many "best memories" I can remember. But one is special. When my long term girlfriend and I split up I really lost the ground under my feet. All my friend where really frightened about my physical and mental constitution. One of them send me a really nice letter from abroad where she started to work some days after the split. The letter ended with an excerpt from the "Courage" lyrics saying
But the proudest eyes are long since dry
And they're never going to cry again
Ch: Dear Friend, I salute your courage and I toast to your health
And I wish you all the luck in the whole wide world
May you never be broken like they say you will be
It hit me so hard that there is someone who understood me so well. We still are good friends and I love her so much (not in that usual way boys and girls do).
It's time again call her; to long time since we spoke.
Great story. There are definately songs for every situation in life. That's why my favorite songwriters, like Justin and Ian Hunter stand out for me. Sometimes I feel like they have written a song just for me.
Watching the soundcheck in Glasgow on IMPURITY tour and the run through of COURAGE!!!! Brilliant that was!
Or Justin doin' Marrakesh in Cambridge on the same tour coz the drum mic's had packed up!
"Oh alright then, for the Bradford lot in here!!!!!" :D.......... so glad I've got a big gob sometimes! ;D I have loved that song from the day i got the "moody" tape months before Impurity got it's grand unveiling!!!!!! Happy days indeed.........
Holmfirth this year was another stand out. The whole band were on fire, venue is fantastic.......
HUGE THANX to Justin and the crew for the huge bag of swag (and for signing the vinyl I donated to the cause too) donated to the Sophie Lancaster trust gig I'm playing in Blackburn in August aswell!!!!!!!!
The auction is being sorted out now and I'll post a link as n when!
...catching NMA at my first ever festival experience at The Elephant Fayre in 1985.....The passion and wonder of that experience has stayed with me forever...
27 years of brilliant memories and superb gigs, but Sweaty Preston springs to mind immediately, as does singing in the rain at BDaze (the second one I think). My favorite has to have been a gig at JBs in Dudley in about '84. The gig was supposedly a secret, I think, but was absolutely rammed, about 500 people in a 350-person sized shed. We'd turned up late and ticketless and had to argue, plead then beg the bouncer to let us in. He finally relented and let us slip in, it probably cost us well over the odds, we couldn't get near the bar or the stage but the whole place was alive. I think The Price had just come out as I don't think we'd heard it before. Never had to work so hard to get into a gig.
Cheers Rick
Hope you like this...
It was last year and we made an abrupt visit to Istanbul with my wife to have her thyroid removed as she got diagnosed with cancer... A week after the (successful) operation I had to fly back to the UK and she had to stay a bit more for further tests. At the airport in Istanbul I was waiting at the gate alone, feeling miserable about returning to the UK on my own.... I turned back and Justin was behind me !!! I pinched myself, thought it was a dream... They were returning from their Istanbul gig. I introduced myself and we talked for about half an hour until we boarded. In this short time we talked about many things such as my wife's illness, life in London, NMA, Istanbul, Turkey, new coming album (TIAGD)... It was like we had been friends since our childhood and he was one of my best mates. He is such a gentleman.. Now I'm looking forward to running into him again and tell him my wife is well and have a beer together!
I have a few seeing them at the Ritz in Manchester in 1985 .
I was at that gig, me and 2 mates went. We slept at the train station afterwards and it was freezing... :(
just loved all the early stuff (and love everything produced ever since), bittersweet, and funnily enough - waiting - might not be an obvious choice , but love the melody in this song.
Waiting is probably my all time fave NMA song, love the lyrics, and you're right about the melody... 8)
First time I saw them on the Thunder & Consolation tour. The venue was the Coachhouse in San Juan Capistrano, Ca. It was a dinner theatre so they had tables set up. Management wouldn't let anyone stand. Yes. that's right. Not aloud to stand. Justin apologized for the venues rules, and thanked them by running around on the table tops!
The 1st time I met Justin in Bradford and I told him the way got to know the band………picking up Thunder and Consolation in Innsbruck when I was 18 years old and listening to it in the vynil shop at the wrong speed…………!
Well, besides the brazilian´s gigs I remember when I had the Vengeance´s vinyl and a compilation called the White Coats ... I loved NMA since then but we hadn´t no news about the band (at that time there´s no Internet and almost zero information about the band here in Brazil). Suddenly in 1989 I open the newspaper and I saw an excellent review on the release of Thunder and Consolation with the following title: "The New Model Army remains amazing!". So I had to wait a couple weeks until a friend of mine that went to London to bring me the album .... When you heard Vagabods and 225 at the age of 17 you really believe that this band is unique. I still have these moment in my mind after 20 years.
Actually finding two chaps big enough to hoist me on their shoulders in Frankfurt on the Hopeless Causes tour! Prior to that always been one of the pyramid bases so to speak. Always the bridesmaid never the bride! :)
Travelling from Kent to Tingwall Hall in the Shetland Isles ... anyone else there?
I cant remember my first , I think it was Leicester or Leeds. I just wanted to make this post.
NMA the greatest band ever. Am so happy they keep going. From the rough and ready anger and passion of the 80's.Through the 90's they kept going with the unique sound and lyrics(apart from 1 or 2 record company pleaser's :p) .To the crisp, well rehearsed sounds of today. Their lyrics have something that everyone can and should relate to. NMA and their lyrics helped me understand that I am not alone in the world and others do see and feel what I do. NMA forever.
Thanks Guys
When I caught Michael Deans drum stick at Ocean in London Oh joy still have it in a place of honour !!
bradford poly...mid eighties i think...two girls ripping each others clothes off, whilst joolz trying to read poetry over the 'army, army, army' chanting and stomping, one of the boyfriends steps in to stop it and both girls turned on chyeanne still around anyone???
first post on the site
Best NMA memory, all good
best gig tho probably rock city 20th aniversary
will be there this satdi for a damn good mosh, been building up for this all week
THIS WEEKEND IN NOTTINGHAM was just ******* fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what he said, only bigger and redder...
I thank you! That reply made me really laugh! ;D
what he said, only bigger and redder...
Me too!!
what he said, only bigger and redder...
Me too!!
Me 'n all!
what he said, only bigger and redder...
Me too!!
Me 'n all!
think i'd go for a nice oak leaf green.... :D
BRITISH RACING GREEN surely???????? ???
can you say **** in big red letters ?
can you say **** in big red letters ?
You mean
thats a yes then :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :-\ :) :) :)
There's loads of great memories but this weekend has to be one of the best. Was our wedding anniversary on the 31st and my wife April said she'd organised something but didn't tell me. Got to Bristol to find out we were off to Dublin for the weekend. Then later on she said and by the way we're of to see nma tomorow sat. Godsmacked. Had a great night felt 20 years younger, then 20 years older on the sunday. Have never seen a bad gig in the many i've been to
hmmm, I have to say when they played in Gothenburg -91 I think. The last concert on the "Impurity tour", just brilliant, they played for two hours and the final encore was "I´m a believer" by Justin on acoustic. About 2500 in the audience(sold out) at an old disco, everything was fantastic!!! Started with "Ambition" and "The charge" and the rest is history.
Gig at the Hummingbird in Birmingham (favourite live venue of all time) stood at the back watching Ed_alleyne as support transfixed by his playing and becoming struck up in conversation with a lady sat on the floor next to me, realising it was Joolz, chatting rubbish, poetry, music then joining the heaving masses down the front for a blinding NMA set
Gig at the Hummingbird in Birmingham (favourite live venue of all time) stood at the back watching Ed_alleyne as support transfixed by his playing and becoming struck up in conversation with a lady sat on the floor next to me, realising it was Joolz, chatting rubbish, poetry, music then joining the heaving masses down the front for a blinding NMA set
Sounds great - what year though?.
I'm guessing 91 or 92? I'm sure Ed did a support set on the 2 Dogs Tour every night.......
Well, the TIAGD gig in Hamburg this March was the best gig i've ever been at, NMA or otherwise. Can't pinpoint it though on any specific song, but the energy at the venue, the energy of the band, it was real magic. 30th Anniversary shows were beyond great, but this one stands out.
my best experience was the concert in a small festival 9 years ago, where my friend was interpreting to the group and I wanted from him to get me an autograph from the group and while we were talking about it Justin was passing arround and my friend said:look, here comes Justin. So he stopped him, told him what I wanted and I was so happy and it was just too good to be true that when Justin asked what my name was I wasnt able to answer, i was just looking at him silently :-[ but at the end of the day, after the concert he got me backstage and I chatted with group for about half an hour and it was the greatest feeling since I have heard the first NMA song :)even I have seen them another few times and chatted with them again, this is the best memory
Would have to be Nottingham Rock City, 28 Feb 89 (bless the good book's gig list!), when they played Vengeance for the first time in ages. I can still feel the pain and euphoria of those 4 short minutes.
My best NMA memory? Everytime I watch the broadcast of the gig in Cologne the WDR filmed for their Rockpalast show on december 16th, 2006. I planned to attend the gig but then something slightly more important happened - on that day at 9.10pm, when NMA where about to enter or maybe already had entered the stage, our son Tom decided to leave the cosiness of his mothers womb and enter this crazy thing called life.
By the way, now every time he is driving in the car together with me he tells me to put on that "rock 'n' roll music from the band that played in Cologne when I was born' - I love him :)
My best NMA memory? Everytime I watch the broadcast of the gig in Cologne the WDR filmed for their Rockpalast show on december 16th, 2006. I planned to attend the gig but then something slightly more important happened - on that day at 9.10pm, when NMA where about to enter or maybe already had entered the stage, our son Tom decided to leave the cosiness of his mothers womb and enter this crazy thing called life.
By the way, now every time he is driving in the car together with me he tells me to put on that "rock 'n' roll music from the band that played in Cologne when I was born' - I love him :)
No better reason than that is there? My youngest likes the "getting the RATBAG SONG" (since we've edited it slightly! and Justin of 9 years wants and is getting a New Model Army cd for Xmas, it was number 3 on his list under Lego and a machine gun........ 8)
The Warsop gig last december, made me realise what was missing for eight long years.....
The Warsop gig last december, made me realise what was missing for eight long years.....
I did a similar thinmg at Necastle's Uni on the Carnival tour......... Missed way too many gigs through a number of reasons, gigging myself, but just being out of the loop aswell after I moved from Bradford....... :-[
But am I ever glad I went with my mate to that show! I think that was the last time I spoke to Tommy now I think about it............ :'(
Probably the gig in Berlin some years ago when the crowd kept shouting and shouting for an encore...and didn't give up. Band came back on and did a third encore despite half the equipment being packed up. The whole gig had a great atmosphere...
Can't pick one for myself, but love reading other's memories.
Until this autumn I would've said the first time we did two nights in a row (Liverpool and Manchester in about '92ish), as it came as a revelation that I didn't have to get post gig blues, we could have an amazing night then do it all again the next day.
However, this tour provided some truely amazing nights so that makes this a bit more tricky. I think the weekend of the Brooklyn gigs now tops my list. Des has picked the Dublin weekend as his.
Either way, this has been a fabulous three months.
NMA had taken position as My Favorite Band some years ago but I was always resistant to any sort of "we're in this together" attitude. Maybe my cold and unfriendly New England background, maybe being the only punk type kid at school (before Kurt Cobain died and it was cool to be a freak), whatever the reason, any sort of group identification set my teeth on edge. As deeply as I felt their music and as much as their shows were glorious, raucous and redemptive, I could not help but sneer a bit at the cult of the whole thing. My sister and best friend came along for the ride and experienced it all much the same way.
Then I found myself dragging a broken heart across the Atlantic to Ireland. I remembered Joolz and an exceptional email/mail order encounter with her from a couple years ago so I scheduled a tattoo appointment and extended my tramp to England. I was intimidated, I was being tattooed by one of my favorite visual artists and a woman I knew to be pretty badass. Of course, meeting Joolz was nothing short of remarkable. She even assisted this hapless vegan in experiencing Essential British Junkfood. I am saving more space on my skin for her because one is simply not enough.
Two days after that I dragged my hungover, tired and road weary carcass to Frome for Tommystock. I watched Joolz perform a poem called "Boy You Need The Road", as I was on my first ever adventure of that kind. I watched Ed come out and as he finished his set realized he was leading into Vagabonds; New Model Army took the stage and performed like I'd never seen them and you all know the weight a statement like that, about them, carries.
Later, Joolz would find me and present me with a bag of fruit ("it's hard to be vegan in England") and a book of her poetry. She pulled me by the arm to show Justin the seahorse tattoo and she introduced me to an acquaintance who offered me his car to sleep in for the night; if you're reading this, thanks again man, I really needed that. I went to a lock in that night and drank til 4 in the morning with my favorite band in the world and a whole bunch of other fantastic people.
All that, and it wasn't even the charity and genuine friendship offered without reservation. All that simply solidified the feeling. It was somewhere in the middle of that first song when it hit me. This was happening and I was part of it. I remember thinking "okay, I give in, I'll join the ******* cult, where do I sign?" It's not a movement, it's not a club or a label. It's a shared perspective and a mutual understanding and goddamn, it is awesome. In the year and a half since then, every show I've seen, every story I've told, the release of Today Is A Good Day and the weekend in Brooklyn with my sister; it's all taken on a whole new dimension and I'll be carrying this with me for the rest of my life. Thank you to everyone who helps create this.
Now that's the way to sign up!!!!!!!
Nicely done McBastid!!!!! If yer in England again gimme a shout!
In ten year's time there's a good chance my favourite memory will be the Forum on last 4th of December. I hadn't seen the Army in so many years, not since London in 1993 (the Astoria, May 5th, if the old ticket stub in the bottom of my cupboard is telling the truth). My gig-going tailed off in the 90s, so I don't know what it was about last year, but ever since I found out about the tour I had been looking forward to it so much, and it felt so passionate, so intense, even more so after all the years. In the end it was just such a great night - I was expecting and hoping for a lot, but it was still better.....
But all that's for the future. I could reminisce about individual gigs but it's hard to put my finger on why one was better than the others. So my most precious memory isn't about one night - it's a whole period of time around 1989 and 1990 - nights sat in my flat in Nottingham, listening to Thunder and Consolation over and over and over again. For me it was period of contemplation, change, and, well, to be honest, finally starting to grow up (I think I may still be working on the last bit - I'll manage it eventually!). Even now when I can't sleep, and I skulk down to our living room on my own and put that album on, there still seem to be new meanings in those songs that I hadn't noticed before. What can I say - respect due - thank you so much.
Slightly off the track know but having seen NMA at the Marquee a number of times in the mid 80s I always laugh to myself whenever I catch a glimpse of Whams video for "Im your man" or some dribble or the other shot in no less than the Marquee!! Oh Mr Michael you were always such a ****!!
Now that's the way to sign up!!!!!!!
Nicely done McBastid!!!!! If yer in England again gimme a shout!
Hah! Absolutley, Stoney. It may be a couple years off but it'll happen and you'll hear from me
I'll be here mate....... Count on it! 8)
I have thousands of great memories, but nothing compares when a friend in Germany send me in 1986 here to Brazil "the gost of caim"... love at first meet... a vinil gift that i have until today.....
NMA had taken position as My Favorite Band some years ago but I was always resistant to any sort of "we're in this together" attitude. Maybe my cold and unfriendly New England background, maybe being the only punk type kid at school (before Kurt Cobain died and it was cool to be a freak), whatever the reason, any sort of group identification set my teeth on edge. As deeply as I felt their music and as much as their shows were glorious, raucous and redemptive, I could not help but sneer a bit at the cult of the whole thing. My sister and best friend came along for the ride and experienced it all much the same way.
Then I found myself dragging a broken heart across the Atlantic to Ireland. I remembered Joolz and an exceptional email/mail order encounter with her from a couple years ago so I scheduled a tattoo appointment and extended my tramp to England. I was intimidated, I was being tattooed by one of my favorite visual artists and a woman I knew to be pretty badass. Of course, meeting Joolz was nothing short of remarkable. She even assisted this hapless vegan in experiencing Essential British Junkfood. I am saving more space on my skin for her because one is simply not enough.
Two days after that I dragged my hungover, tired and road weary carcass to Frome for Tommystock. I watched Joolz perform a poem called "Boy You Need The Road", as I was on my first ever adventure of that kind. I watched Ed come out and as he finished his set realized he was leading into Vagabonds; New Model Army took the stage and performed like I'd never seen them and you all know the weight a statement like that, about them, carries.
Later, Joolz would find me and present me with a bag of fruit ("it's hard to be vegan in England") and a book of her poetry. She pulled me by the arm to show Justin the seahorse tattoo and she introduced me to an acquaintance who offered me his car to sleep in for the night; if you're reading this, thanks again man, I really needed that. I went to a lock in that night and drank til 4 in the morning with my favorite band in the world and a whole bunch of other fantastic people.
All that, and it wasn't even the charity and genuine friendship offered without reservation. All that simply solidified the feeling. It was somewhere in the middle of that first song when it hit me. This was happening and I was part of it. I remember thinking "okay, I give in, I'll join the ******* cult, where do I sign?" It's not a movement, it's not a club or a label. It's a shared perspective and a mutual understanding and goddamn, it is awesome. In the year and a half since then, every show I've seen, every story I've told, the release of Today Is A Good Day and the weekend in Brooklyn with my sister; it's all taken on a whole new dimension and I'll be carrying this with me for the rest of my life. Thank you to everyone who helps create this.
Welcome...'re obviously not to know this(me being me,no-one does really), but I'm in a pretty awful mess at the moment and that entry has made such a strong impression on me...18 months ago ,my life was changed(it's only lack of confidence in myself that doesn't let me write 'saved'...) by a woman from New England who came over here a few years ago and after a couple of years was stranded here with a broken heart too...she's NEVER bought band t-shirts herself cos she's so resistant to the idea of being a 'fan'...and then the NMA gig in Leeds,on the Today...tour changed that and she wears it proudly ever since,including at the 3 other NMA gigs we've gone to since...I'm gonna keep this brief cos it could potentially go on forever at the moment,but your entry just helped me see some things I needed to see about my own life,and,y'know-thanx for that.
Thanx xx
i guess it was 1996.. and the crew and nma played videogames.. and after the concert at the tourbus.. everbody would scream " one big fireball" and would throw it in your direction..
first and last time i send a fireball towards justin. lol.
In something like 22 years, I have only actually seen NMA twice and the first time doesn't count because it was Justin, unplugged, in a huge theater in Miami Beach, with something like 60 people present. But it was one of those "life changing" events nonetheless. It's strange to think about because at the time Justin was probably younger than I am now. What I remember most is this sense that, wow, I've never seen anyone express so much, real, punkish passion on an acoustic guitar. This was back in the old days when Justin's chops were not so great, but it didn't matter at all. Everything was there that needed to be there -- attitude, amazing songwritng. It was, if I remember correctly, about a year before Thunder & Consolation came out. I suppose what makes these moments great is not so much what the performer does, as what happens inside of us. Something broke way down inside, like all the tension of my difficult childhood flooding out at once, and for the first time, my own feelings about the world making sense. It is a memory I cherish.
man, all equally the best
although i do have a leaning towards acoustic, small numbers, intimacy
I think my best memory was the very first time i saw NMA at the Hummingbird - i think thats the 02 academy now - what a great night, i was only about 16 at the time, being surrounded by 6'6" tatoo sporting beard wearing guys ferociously battling with each other down at the front, then spotting a slightly smaller guy emerge from the fray with a broken nose are images i will never forget, been to see every other concert in the midlands ever since.
when was the gig as there is a bootleg of a Hummingbird concert kicking about somewhere?
Not sure, it was a while back.....maybe 91/92 somewhere around memory is rubbish. I do remember one concert (might not have been the hummingbird) they did a cover of Summer In The City which was quite good.
Was the Hummingbird gig on the "Two Dogs" Xmas tour in 91? It was a great gig, tho' bloody freezing in the van that night!
Yeah i think it might have been, cant say for sure. I have a feeling it was the love of hopless causes tour in the 90's. I was brought up with NMA before that though, i will never forget asking my foster parents to let me borrow their radio so i could listen to them live at wembely - if i remember rightly whilst "i love the world" was finishing the radio guy who was covering the event said some along the lines of.....'No-one really knows who this band is but they sure can play live'....something like that, i didnt really care what he said to be honest i was mesmorised and still wish to this day that i could have been a part of that crowd....oh well i have been to many great gigs since then and will keep the NMA faith.
Meeting Justin and Dean backstage before they played Bearded Theory, easily the best day of my life never mind memory :)
Bring on Rock & Bike !
Meeting the band for the first time... it was so magic! Wow!!!
Going to see N.M.A. for the first time with my future wife, it was her first ever gig, we stood near to the back and she couldn't see anything as she is small. It was one of our first dates and trying to impress her i invited her to get up on my shoulders so that she could see. Not wanting to appear a "wuss" I kept her up there all through the set even though I was in agony! she loved them and to add to the agony was dancing about on my shoulders too. It was love all round, we loved the band and...another great N.M.A. memory was a few months later, the "first dance" at our wedding reception to Green and the Grey :)
Happy memories tend to always be in the distant past but the recent tour provided many too.
"first dance" at our wedding reception to Green and the Grey
...that's awesome
I remember when we had a virtually spam free notice board. Ah them were the days!!!
Went away on an all-ex's break in Amsterdam in 1998 thanks to my wife being brilliant and working hard. After our first breakfast we walked out to find a tram, walked by the Melkweg and saw who was playing that night.
Tickets bought, amazing day and a blinding night later. Ranks up there in my Top Whatever of gigs. :)
One of best concert moments I ever experienced with NMA was a massive clog dance that suddenly took off in a gig in Liverpool in 1990 during Vagabonds I can only describe it as a wild whirlwind frenzy. It was an atmoshere like none other! <33333... Smitten.
One of best concert moments I ever experienced with NMA was a massive clog dance that suddenly took off in a gig in Liverpool in 1990 during Vagabonds I can only describe it as a wild whirlwind frenzy. It was an atmoshere like none other! <33333... Smitten.
The Royal Court gig was a pretty damned good gig! Has to be said! The ruptions outside with touts/bootleggers n scallies onl;y made the gig even more edgier than normal......... Happy days indeed! ;D
Was the Hummingbird gig on the "Two Dogs" Xmas tour in 91? It was a great gig, tho' bloody freezing in the van that night!
I can remember hitching to Leicester the day after in the snow - it was freezing....
Was the Hummingbird gig on the "Two Dogs" Xmas tour in 91? It was a great gig, tho' bloody freezing in the van that night!
I can remember hitching to Leicester the day after in the snow - it was freezing....
Fog all the way from Brum aswell........ Nearly froze to death in the Transit the night after Brfum.... we bought water pistols at the Toys R Us opposite the Hummingbird...... Thought it'd be funny...... It was til after the gig....... Then, not so much! ha ha ha
One of best concert moments I ever experienced with NMA was a massive clog dance that suddenly took off in a gig in Liverpool in 1990 during Vagabonds I can only describe it as a wild whirlwind frenzy. It was an atmoshere like none other! <33333... Smitten.
The Royal Court gig was a pretty damned good gig! Has to be said! The ruptions outside with touts/bootleggers n scallies onl;y made the gig even more edgier than normal......... Happy days indeed! ;D
and shhhhh! The Levellers were on form that night not 'alf! :D it was a weird and wonderful night of vicious beauty<3
One of best concert moments I ever experienced with NMA was a massive clog dance that suddenly took off in a gig in Liverpool in 1990 during Vagabonds I can only describe it as a wild whirlwind frenzy. It was an atmoshere like none other! <33333... Smitten.
The Royal Court gig was a pretty damned good gig! Has to be said! The ruptions outside with touts/bootleggers n scallies onl;y made the gig even more edgier than normal......... Happy days indeed! ;D
and shhhhh! The Levellers were on form that night not 'alf! :D it was a weird and wonderful night of vicious beauty<3
......... Sorry who???????? :D That was before the trouble started I admit...... :-X
Hey stoney I rember all the fun with Touts/bootleggers it was going to kick off?what i rember of that gig and we had fun in the pit ect :)happy days
Aye, running battles up the main drag outside the venue, it spilled into a shitty Wild west type pub at one point. I'd bailed to get a drink with a couple of others and it spilled into the pub we were in! Typical! =) Couple of riot vans outside at one point, about 6 ish I think, it all settled down after that. Similar grief in Madchester end of the tour aswell I recall........ ;D
There's two for me.
Number 1 is my first NMA gig which was the International 2 in Manchester. Must have been the Ghost of Cain tour 85/86?
The second was the anti-aparthied gig they did at the NEC (late 86 i think) along with the Pogues, Icicle Works, Balaam and the Angel, Half Man Half Biscuit.
Feargal Sharkey and King were the headline bands (I left after the Pogues ;))
The second was the anti-aparthied gig they did at the NEC (late 86 i think) along with the Pogues, Icicle Works, Balaam and the Angel, Half Man Half Biscuit.
Feargal Sharkey and King were the headline bands (I left after the Pogues ;))
That was my 2nd ever NMA gig, it was a magical day out in the big city for a little country bumpkin like me :)
First gig, Berlin Bizarre Festival 1992, age 19, with two of my best friends (R.I.P. both of you).
That's when it all started...and never ended :)
First time I'd been to a gig outside of Manchester. I was about 16 or 17.
What I found funny was all the pop kids there to see Fergal Sharkey. I'm sure they enjoyed Vengeance..... ;D
Just before NMA we had to stack some of the chairs as there was no room in front of the stage.
The opening bars of Vengeance at the beginning of the Thunder and Consolation gig in Glasgow. After all the time of not playing it cos of the way it got hijacked, I thought I would never hear it live. The whole gig was immense, although Moose sang all his backing vocals wildly out of key! We were right up front, dead centre, and we spent the whole gig hanging onto the crush bars for dear life. One of the girls I was with got broken ribs from the pressure. Wild, wild night!
The opening bars of Vengeance at the beginning of the Thunder and Consolation gig in Glasgow. After all the time of not playing it cos of the way it got hijacked, I thought I would never hear it live. The whole gig was immense, although Moose sang all his backing vocals wildly out of key! We were right up front, dead centre, and we spent the whole gig hanging onto the crush bars for dear life. One of the girls I was with got broken ribs from the pressure. Wild, wild night!
I got a broken nose during Vengeance at Rock City on the same tour. Best injury ever! :P
The opening bars of Vengeance at the beginning of the Thunder and Consolation gig in Glasgow. After all the time of not playing it cos of the way it got hijacked, I thought I would never hear it live. The whole gig was immense, although Moose sang all his backing vocals wildly out of key! We were right up front, dead centre, and we spent the whole gig hanging onto the crush bars for dear life. One of the girls I was with got broken ribs from the pressure. Wild, wild night!
I got a broken nose during Vengeance at Rock City on the same tour. Best injury ever! :P
Des' cut eye was pretty saucy at Middlesbrough it has to be said.......
I have 3 i think..
1. Meeting Justin at a DW & JS tour a few years back above lifetime tattoo studio in Derby. There couldn't have been more than 20-30 people there...all seated and we could smoke. So the gig was amazing and so up close and personal. qalso got to say hello and cheers to Justin although I was a little start struck and mumbled ridiculously.. it didn't help that Joolz had me showing off my arm tatto she had recently done so I was bare chesty, and nervous..
2. Nottingham & London on the 30th anniversay....perfection all round..nuff said
3. can't remember where or what tour but having an eye contact moment with JS during "One of the Chosen". from in the pit..of course he probably couldn't see me but still...
Here in Canada we don't see them that often but when we do it is usually in a tiny pub. THey had been away 10 years but then played at a legendary place here in Toronto called THE HORSESHOE. Probably 150-200 folks. I was up front drumming away with my hands on Marshalls monitor , which he told me afterward had made him nervous. LOL At the end of the set Micheal gave me his drumsticks and thanked me for giving him some extra energy that night. Then when they came back on for the encore he jokingly asked for them back , and of course being a polite Canadian I tried to hand them back to which he laughed.
My wife and I also had the extra bonus that night of meeting two British women who were vacationing in Toronto that had spent a couple of summers in The Tribe when they were younger , following the band around Europe. They had an absolute blast and were very drunk and loud. hehe
toss up between astoria show 1998 meeting justin and the band after, or doing both nights of anniversary tour at rock city.
Many great memories but one of the most recent has to be seeing JS going into a cafe in Northampton last Oct - nothing unusual you might think as I did at the time until I later noticed the cafe name ' Cromwells '
You should've got a pic of that one jsyi - next time they play Roadmenders I am up for a trip to Cromwells in Northampton; a bit of NMA sightseeing...
You should've got a pic of that one jsyi - next time they play Roadmenders I am up for a trip to Cromwells in Northampton; a bit of NMA sightseeing...
I'm sure The RACEHORSE will feature in any post gig shindig after last October's do? Blinding end to the night that was! 8)
totally agree stoney i had work next day i was totally sober stayed till about 2 had fantastic night at the racehorse everyone and the music was brill ;D ;D ;D
That has to be the first time in 1991, here in Sao Paulo, Brazil, an unbelievably hot night before 700 punters; and the last time, their 30th Anniversary Tour, September 2010, when I bumped into Justin & the gang at a newsstand, and I started mumbling :D something to him about his lyrics and music. I still got my autographed "Lost Songs" from 2007!
First night of their '95 gigs i went to the club realy early, the band had their soundcheck so i asked the bouncer if i could watch it, he politely refused but he kept the doors wide open so i could hear clearly the songs, they played gimme shelter and no greater love none of which was included in their set.
So i was sitting there alone, with my beer and it was raining, and just when you thought things can't get any better Justin walks by staring the avenue in front of the club so i greeted him and we had a nice little chat.
A few weeks later i received a postcard :) ...
October 2011, Northampton gig. Got there to see loads of others with painted on stitches in tribute to the gash I got above my eye two days earlier. Never felt like I've ever really belonged to Any group, always thought I was an outsider. That night I realized that i'd been part of one for a long time without knowing it.
Thanks JC & Mama, love you, and love you all
October 2011, Northampton gig. Got there to see loads of others with painted on stitches in tribute to the gash I got above my eye two days earlier. Never felt like I've ever really belonged to Any group, always thought I was an outsider. That night I realized that i'd been part of one for a long time without knowing it.
Thanks JC & Mama, love you, and love you all
I see why Ozzie was called what he was now! ;)
WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!!!! 8)
October 2011, Northampton gig. Got there to see loads of others with painted on stitches in tribute to the gash I got above my eye two days earlier. Never felt like I've ever really belonged to Any group, always thought I was an outsider. That night I realized that i'd been part of one for a long time without knowing it.
Thanks JC & Mama, love you, and love you all
It wasn't us it was all the others, when we said who it was for, it was easy :)
I remember meeting Justin in Cambridge ,Ma after a gig in a tiny club called TT The Bears. It wouldn't have happened but the club is so small there was no dressing room so he was having a smoke out on the sidewalk.
This weekend, my best memories are always the latest ones.....what's stormin show at BD 2012..So many people I spoke to said they were NMA virgins ( which I. Struggle to beleive ) and that they were out to buy CDs, get to gigs etc.
My best memory would have to be Rob saying "come in, come in!" as i stood rather dumbstruck at the door of SawMills studio.I'd heard the guys were down(this was 1991) and thought i'd be cheeky and go visit John the sound guy,who i met whilst roadie-ing for a local band he was the soundman with.
I was invited in and taken down to the studio by Rob where the final edit (i hope i remember correctly) for Raw Melody Men was being finished.Then i was asked to sit down to dinner with Justin,Rob,Nelson,and a couple of other guys whose names i cannot remember.Have to say it was slightly surreal,i recall talking with Rob and Justin whilst Nelson was playing Vengeance on a nearby piano (an enduring memory).Also i remember walking across Bodmin Pill with Nelson trying to have a "not starstruck at all" conversation about bass guitars and trying not to trip over the railway sleepers in the dark ::).In the pub Rob bought me a guiness.After, i recall sitting at the SawMills end of the Pill with Justin watching Nelson trying to light a fire with just one match (as was the rule)
I was bowled over by the hospitality of the guys,and the way i was made to feel welcome...and accepted for a very short time as one of the "tribe".
I remember it all like it was yesterday,and it has somehow made the music more personal to me;and the band more real,not just icons on the stage but real folk that i sat and "broke bread" with...and things like that stay with you.
seeing them back in the day with Morrow simple as that .
I have seen NMA all over the UK, lost count at fifty times. Usually three or four times a tour is all my pocket and work would allow. Suddenly the realisation that it seemed absolutely normal to be stood infront of the band watching them, seemed like family come home.
Two best moments for me, NMA at Nottingham at a festival in the late 90's playing 51st state with a blood red sky as the sun was going down. And a JS solo gig in Walsall in early 90's, it was in the top room of some really small pub, Justin was sat in the room waiting to start his set, my then girlfriend squeezed my ass and Justin burst out laughing as he was watching.
Happy days!
For me this is an easy one. I used to have a friend called Barty, we both got into NMA at around about the same time while still at school. First, I had all my stuff on tape, and Barty had all the albums except Thunder, at the time, all our pocket money was spent down the pub, so buying records did not happen as often as it should.
One day in the summer 1989 while killing time walking around Nottingham, we saw someone busking. He was playing an electric violin. It sounded phenomenal, so we stud and watched for a bit. You could not see his face, there was a curly black mop with the back end of his violin sticking out of it. When he finished his set, we went and had a chat with him. I asked him if he had heard the song Vagabonds with a similar sound to it, and he said, - yes, it was me on the track. He was Ed Alleyne-Johnson
We were thrilled by this, being big fans, but never having seen any of the band members on anything. So, I suggested to Barty, if we clubbed together, we could go and buy the Thunder LP, and get Ed to sign the inner cover where the lyrics to Vagabonds was. So, we dashed off up to Virgin mega store, and purchased a copy with its gate fold sleeve. and then headed back down to where Ed was playing. I remember joking to Barty on the way back, that we would get back, show him the album, and then the violinist would say - no, I was only joking mate !!
But, no, as it was is was Ed, and he was pleased to give a nice long scrawl along in the lyrics to Vagabonds. I think Barty still has that album cover amongst his prised possessions.
My best memory that involves NMA is my first show. It was in Paris on the 14th of December 2012. I was expecting a lot but the gig was far better than I ever imagined. Everyone made me feel very welcome,people bought me drinks afterwards. It was well worth flying across the Atlantic for. I am not used to being around kind people so it makes me cry a bit thinking about it. :'( But happy tears. I also met half the band and a tall German guy lifted me up on his shoulders when he found out it was my first gig.
Thanks to everyone who help make this the best memory. It means a lot to me and will never be forgotten.
My best memory that involves NMA is my first show. It was in Paris on the 14th of December 2012. I was expecting a lot but the gig was far better than I ever imagined. Everyone made me feel very welcome,people bought me drinks afterwards. It was well worth flying across the Atlantic for. I am not used to being around kind people so it makes me cry a bit thinking about it. :'( But happy tears. I also met half the band and a tall German guy lifted me up on his shoulders when he found out it was my first gig.
Thanks to everyone who help make this the best memory. It means a lot to me and will never be forgotten.
Glad you enjoyed Paris Amanda. Hope you still have Ceri's pic' from Melkweg?
Living on the "Left" Coast (California) does not provide many opportunities to take in the lads' performances, but I would have to say that the Oct. 4, 2009, DNA Lounge gig in San Francisco was my fave.... not a large crowd, nice acoustics, excellent performance (as usual), and a chance to really see all of them up close and personal..... that would be followed by my first chance to see them, because I was so excited at the time... at the Variety Arts Theatre in LA on Aug. 15, 1987... but the acoustics were terrible.... Hope to see them again next year after the new LP comes out, if we're so lucky! USA fans--- keep pulling for another tour of the states!
Lots of good memories, but having a day off in Manchester on the Impurity tour (I think) and going to see the Jungle Book with several of the following singing all the songs sticks in the mind.
Edit: Think it was the Love of Hopeless Causes tour, 1993?
Mine is interviewing Justin at Strumercamp and seeing them for the first time at the ritz in manchester with Stuart Morrow on bass .Also No rest on top of the pops ,changed my music totally, heres a link to the interview.
Wolverhampton Civic, way back , probably Thunder and consolation tour....and then Frome at The Tommy Tee benefit, what a night. And weird to be dancing right next to Nelson inbetween his guest slots.
And then Wolvestock just Justin , ADF and Ozric Tenticles pissed down, it was Wolverhampton and Justin played his heart out.
And it goes on, generally the last time is always my favourite
Many - Justin at the cellars in Eastney (tiny pub venue)
The Rawmelodymen show at the redcow (little civic) 2005
Manchester Academy when Ed played unannounced !
But my favourite by a mile was the typhoon during Tales of the road at Bearded Theory 2009 .....
Sitting around the bonfire after the show in Ulm last weekend, drinking, talking, singing!
The 30th Anniversary gigs in London, for starters.
Also the show at Electric Brixton in 2011, and the recent spots at Rebellion.
Heck, pretty much every time I've seen them live has been a life-altering experience.
A toss up between the Astoria gig ...& Nobody Else '98 and meeting the band backstage; OR 30th anniversary shows @ Rock City
Not exactly a full-on NMA memory, but one that makes me laugh when I think about it...
Me and my best mate (Dan) went to Leeds last November to see Carter USM. We drink our own body-weight in beer and are having a last smoke outside the venue before the show when Dan nudges me the ribs and moves his eyes over to my right... I say 'what'? and he does it again... I'm thinking WTF... I turn my head and see a certain J. Sullivan standing right next to us, also having a smoke...
I've met Justin on a couple of occasions before and exchanged a few fan-boy words then, but I was a bit too drunk on this occasion, so we let him drift off into a cold Leeds night... and then laughed like little girls at a One Direction concert...
A few, but maybe not the usual sort....
- buying Brave New World 12" because of the artwork, just had a feeling
- Get Me Out - in my first rental, confused and naive
- Before I Get Old - Aberdeen
- White Light - midnight on Newburgh beach, drunk as hell, with friends now lost
- Poison Street - my first girlfriend
- Headlights, Big Blue, Lullaby - read my mind, travelled each of these roads
Snapshots, and off the cuff....
Think this was my first army gig, was a bit of a goth at the time and so was reluctant to acknoledge being an army fan will always remember the passion of the fans and the chaos of the gig! Remember people jumping down from the balcony to get closer to the band.
Not sure if this was before the free gig in Leeds outside the town hall, remember stumbling out of the darkness of the phono.
Happy days indeed!
do not know. may be going insane during Kolln's gig in december 2012 knowing that baby maya was there (with mom too) ready to come to this world (listening to navigating by the stars) in august 2012. I hope <i will be there this year too with Levellers as I missed all the other gigs................
Cologne last year was a rally good gig, next night in Amsterdam was FANTASTIC though!
I honestly think the last 4 days in Spain with too many wonderful people, cities and sun. Some were missed truly but still, a great great great weekend!!!!!!
This is an update as i now have even better memories.
I just got back from doing 14 gigs. 11 uk dates and 3 Greek. what i recently experienced was amazing. people from all over the world travel and meet each other with only one thing in common. that is the love of this band. you meet wonderful people who are all very kind and caring. it really is a bit like family. the gigs have some kind of energy that can't easily be explained by words. nobody seems to care about your age or how many gigs you have been to, just that you came.
Some of the best memories were being lifted to actually stand of people's shoulders. another is being spinned very fast for "Here comes the war", traveling to Greece at the last minute for just three more gigs. Myself( a small female) feeling perfectly safe in a pit with very tall men,being bought drinks and offered places to sleep, pub meetups, loosing my voice in Greece from singing with voice weak from a cold, being handed drumsticks at the end of my last gig, being involved with the signing of a melon for the band after they gave out a signed banana. i am just sad it all had to end.
Here's wishing you many more updates to come!
Two really stand out. Firstly, at either the Oct or Dec '86 T&C (now Forum) gig, the bass & drums only version of The Hunt as JS's guitar had packed up...
Secondly, hearing the live version of Before I Get Old on the Impurity tour. Spine tingling & unforgettable!
I have a few Firstly my favourite gig Glasgow garage think it was the Strange Brotherhood tour ( i might be wrong) where the band did their own support and later released the New Model Army and Nobody Else live cd from the tour Just a totally awesome gig from start to finish.
Secondly getting to shake Justin's hand after a Red Sky Coven gig at the Glasgow Cathouse
Last and not least my most recent gig again at Glasgow garage where i met all the band apart from Justin in the pub across the road (Nice n Sleazy) The lads were busy enjoying their pre gig meal and soft drinks. I didn't want to disturb them so waited until they were leaving n said alright to them and shook there hands.
The gig itself was awesome as always the new songs from BDAW were excellent but the standout song for me was Archway Towers
OK, not my fave NMA memory but a story I like to tell... think I've told it before so, as Morrissey once said, 'stop me if you've heard this one before...'
November 2011, Leeds Academy, me and my mate Dan (who's as obsessed with NMA as I am) were going to see Carter USM and, full of beer and laughs, we were having a last smoke a few yards from the entrance... when Dan said something like 'hmmm, lkkk ovvrrr therrr...'
Things were a bit blurry by this point, so I leaned in a bit closer, wondering if he was having a stroke or something (well, he's a bit older than me... ;))
By this point he's jerking his neck over to the left rather harshly, still mumbling, so I look over, and there is a certain Mr Sullivan, not three feet from us...
Now I've met Mr Sullivan a few times, but always at gigs... it's so odd to meet a hero of yours in completely random circumstances. Had a couple of brief chats before. In this instance, though, I left him alone. My attitude is that if you get the chance to talk with anyone from NMA, that's fine, but ONLY if you're at a gig or something immediately afterwards. If you run into them on their own time... let the man have his private life.
Still... a memory that always puts a smile on my face.
there are a few. But right now I remember when thay played Berlin in a good venue in 2005 and the crowd was mad and they called them back at least 3 times. and also Dublin last year in the small pub........completely another atmosphere but great.
OK - this is more of a NMA linked memory. I have a very fond memory of my last day working at a very large bank based at that most soulless of places (Canary Wharf) listening to TIAGD at ear splitting volumes watching all the miserable looking people scurrying to get to the lifts and thinking "I'm done with this shit". It was a lovely feeling after the worst 10 months of my working life. I should have listened to my wife who sat on the bed on my first day while I was getting ready and said "you don't have to do this" but the experience made me get out of that industry for good, hopefully.
Every gig has been a truly uplifting experience. Southend was special, being able to see the band in a local venue and so close was fantastic - like a dream come true. Looking forward to the Forum now.
OK - this is more of a NMA linked memory. I have a very fond memory of my last day working at a very large bank based at that most soulless of places (Canary Wharf) listening to TIAGD at ear splitting volumes watching all the miserable looking people scurrying to get to the lifts and thinking "I'm done with this shit". It was a lovely feeling after the worst 10 months of my working life. I should have listened to my wife who sat on the bed on my first day while I was getting ready and said "you don't have to do this" but the experience made me get out of that industry for good, hopefully.
Every gig has been a truly uplifting experience. Southend was special, being able to see the band in a local venue and so close was fantastic - like a dream come true. Looking forward to the Forum now.
Great story, sir! I also have had those moments when great music was pounding in your ears and you have a personal epiphany about something or other!
Please post often!
The Orange Room in Canterbury, best gig of my life! Was 100 ticket venue, like having Justin play in my front room, awesome and mostly acoustic, fantastic!!
Getting to know a few fans really well and travelling with them. Also having them be really understanding of my flaws and correcting me when it was needed. Also putting up with the fact that i have no filter between my brain and mouth. That's really rare to find anywhere therefore makes the best memories.
Plus in Augsburg, there was a bonfire. It was amazing. Basically all of Greece, the good and the bad shit. Even being robbed of all my money is a pleasant memory now. Next time,I must get stoned as i just recently discovered how much i love weed. :)
The Orange Room in Canterbury, best gig of my life! Was 100 ticket venue, like having Justin play in my front room, awesome and mostly acoustic, fantastic!!
That was my very first NMA / JS experience!
And I totally agree it was wonderful
I think it was maybe the first two times I saw actually Sullivan as a solo with Dean White. That was years before I saw any of the NMA's gigs, 14 years ago, although I've been a NMA since -90 when I heard them first.
I was singing along at front of Justin with tears in my eyes.
I saw Justin play in a small bar called the lobby in cork city , saw nma in the half moon club in cork, saw them in limerick as well, but the one in templebar in dublin in the early 90s to a packed out venue was probably my favorite mainly due to it being my first time seeing them
Got to give Nottingham last year (13/12/14) a massive mention My first nma away trip for a long time. A totally amazing gig and got to meet some brilliant people along the way. Already looking forward to this year Xmas gig hopefully and maybe at least one or two gigs before then.
I'm old and have a crap memory but out of the haze I think it's this...........
Oxford, April last year:
Down the front, edge of the pit doing my usual away with the faeries "dancing" , I noticed a Mum there with her daughter (I think) and son/daughters boyfriend, by halfway through the gig that young lady was as lost in the moment as any of us long term fans. By the end she was as sweaty and knackered as we were - and that gig was HOT (seem to recall someone had decided not to have the air con on.......... :o).
Seeing a new generation of fans "getting" it like a sad old middle aged crone like me does was just brilliant. Long may that continue to be the case :)
You don't meet a fellow NMA fan every day of the week and when you do it really doesn't matter if they've liked the band for 35 years or 5 minutes.
"We are old, we are young, we are in this together"
p.s. It's never too young to start brainwashing your kids ;D
p.p.s Nottingham December 14 - Best gig EVER xxxx
Thinking back makes me feel old ;D but just because there are so many memories to choose from.
NMA live is always a memorable event, but what I hold most dear were the 'Big guitars in little Europe' shows, Justin did back in the days with mr Blomberg in Rotterdam (de Vlerk) and Leidschendam (de Sater).
The closeness and intimate atmosphere of those stand out, especially the one in Leidschendam (as mentioned on the album), where they came out from the back, straight through the crowd looking like a couple of street musicians ;), and tape recorders laying everywhere around the stage.
Really is not possible for me to choose the best memory in more than 20 years following. So many good times, so many fantastic people... incredible gigs... and much beer does not easily remember them all :)
But of course the first time I listened them. I was very young and I was in a gothic disco here, and suddenly Dj played G&G. I went to ask him for that band and he showed the cassette of T&C. Next day i went to the shop...and from then until now.
and much beer does not easily remember them all :)
Doesn't help does it ;
Düsseldorf, August 2001, the JS&F tour. My very best friend died in an accident three weeks ago, and that concert gave me really power. Thanks Justin!
best NMA memory, wow, have many, but up there at the top, with many others has to be Ris Orangis outside Paris 91 with me GF who's now my wife. took ages to find the place, even the band apologised for being late as they had trouble finding Le Plan as well. small compact venue, 80 francs to get in, remember them, great gig and then the SNCF decided to go on strike. couldnt get back to paris so started walking along the motorway with another couple. got picked up by the old bill and taken down the cop shop, thought we were gonna get charged and trumped up. they made us coffee and let us get warm again then back in the mariah to the paris outskirts. they let us out and said to us you need to take so and so line to get back to where you need to be. so we said thank you and goodbye and me and me gf just walked together back into central paris at dawn just as the day was about to break. great cherished memory.
i think brixton acadamy has to be one of the best days of my entire life. a transit van full of us drove down from leicester first thing, all of us speeding our faces off. to this day i dont know where we parked but it was north of the river and the pub we spent the first half of the day in had holsten pils on draught- something i had never seen before or since. after outstaying our welcome there (simply by being loudly exuberant and dominating the pool table) we headed across london to brixton where it was surreal as ****. we must have literally seemed like an invading army to the locals. 4000 people dressed like the figures on the radio sessions sleeve, wearing clogs and carrying kit bags lol. all of the shops were baricaded at the door so you couldnt go in and browse, but also ordinary houses had stalls out front selling beer and stuff. both "sides" wary of each other but totally respectful and absolutely no trouble. and zero police as i remember 'cause they would have caused trouble.
at the gig i remember being blown away by the audience, as it was the first time i had seen an NMA gig purely full of the faithful (like they are now). other gigs of the time there was always the militia -the family- stood in a big ring so the those who wanted to dance could without being mosh-pitted, and keeping their distance warily behind were the other concert goers. at brixton it was all family or so it seemed. an awesome venue with its tiered auditoreum from when it was a theater/cinema meant everyone could see. eddie laine did an amazing fiddle set and i was so pissed i tried to lift my bro on my shoulders and we both fell backwards over a row of seats.
and afterwards nearly getting arrested for seeing who could climb up the very tall lampposts the furthest.
when i hear 11 years the line about brixton always makes me glow and tell anyone who will listen "thats us he's singing about!"
Hi Andrew. ..... Been a few years.....
A stranger NMA memory... on either the 'T&C' or 'Impurity' tour, seeing the band play in Swansea and kipping in a car that night with mates. The following day deciding to go to the leisure centre for some reason (I think we needed the toilet and it was the only place available).
Bearing in mind that this was part way through the tour and those of us with season tickets had been sleeping on floors / in cars for a while and we probably not terribly clean at this stage... I remember glancing through the viewing area into the swimming pool and seeing a few other followers with season tickets taking a swim. They'd obviously figured that it would be the cheapest / easiest way of getting a cheap bath and had planned it, taking swimming costumes.
The best thing about it was seeing the ring of muck spread away from them as they entered the swimming pool and the looks on people's faces as these tattoo'd and wonderful people entered the pool. Fantastically funny.
Tales of the road!
my very forst one. i was around 18 in a music shop in Innsbruck Austria and I picked up Thunder and Consolation vynil by chance.I played it at the wrong speed still I found it good...............i was (and am) into lot of fast and furious music so.........was noyt bad anyway. at home i played it at the 33 speed and ...............that was it.
since them am a family member.
then much later i even went to study at the university of bradford for a while met there justin the first time and so on.................
and justin and all never disappoint always delivered great lyrics and music.
looking forward to the gig now............again.
The year 1999 March 26 Ankara..The capital town of Türkiye. First NMA gig ever.Actually there are many stories to tell and write about this legendary gig but will write shortly.Gig was one of the wildest NMA gigs ever I believe.(Even band has shared their thanks about JS&Friends gig at website to Ankara audience but now don't remember when)A small club.And there was a totally gone wild crowd on the street.My closest friends were even looking like they were members of Exploited with sprayed hairs and mohawks and everyone was too hungry for New Model Army.We had a phone call from friends from Istanbul and they said Istanbul was excellent and now they re coming to Ankara and we are on the road too.We watched New Model Army maan and it was real.Before the show starts somehow I managed to get inside but don't remember how.
All mates gave me the cd's and told me to get them signed.There was a barbed wire in the club before the backstage..
I saw Tommy Tee behind it...I shouted him
-Are you english? !!!!!!! (original stupid question in the moment of that drunkness)
-Yes he replied
-So could you please get those cd's signed by the band members?
-Ok he said and told me to wait a few minutes while I was trying to catch his hand and passing him the cd"s.
And after a while a he turned back with the cd's signed and a few was Thunder and Cain and my one and only precious Hopeless Causes.Nelson's sign was unforgettable he even draw a cartoon picture of himself. so I turned back to street to friends with signed cd's and that was the glory.We opened more beers and lighted up many cigarettes.There was party on the street..It was magical..
When they first appeared on stage and with the first keyboard tune of White Light,everyone was screaming high and Justin was too high showing us his middle finger in anger and wildness and holding his brilliant sg..So nothing ever remained same..With the first lights of morning I left the town after a terrace party.
Great story, BER...
Great story, BER...
Thank you man
Let's have another drink in the memory of great good Tommy Tee.
i know this sounds dull but my best memory is my first listen to each album. these are the markers on the road of my life, to be honest. it doesn't so much matter how i first react to the album, it's the opening of the whole, the new, the hearing of words that connect.
First NMA gig, Dunstable, 1985.
(didnt see them again until Brighton, last night..)
I suppose technically not a NMA memory but a Joolz/Justin one:
I'd gone to watch JS on his Navigating by the Stars tour in, I think, Northampton. Having spent the preceeding couple of hours in a nearby pub I was fairly oiled when I got to the gig and got talking to this incredibly interesting lady on the merch stand who of course turned out to be Joolz. Not only were there the usual cds, T-shirts etc on display but also several copies of two of Joolz's books. Anyway, chatting away animatedly to Joolz I threw my arms out and crash, bang, wallop knocked my pint of Guinness flying all over her merch stand. soaking everything in its path!! Guinness swimming everywhere Joolz picks up two of her now very soggy books and says " Well, you might as well have these! " She was so kind and generous of spirit that she didn't raise more than an eyebrow at my drunken mayhem!! We carried on talking for the entire gig and I didn't see Justin play one song to my shame. To this day I still haven't seen him or the band play live. Has never stopped me loving them to absolute bit though. Cheers.
To this day I still haven't seen him or the band play live.
P'raps you should try again ;D Nice little story :)
I'm 45 now and a fan since a long time : I saw them many times during the last 25 years, and I could have highlight the first one (they were opening for a band and I discovered them at this moment), the one at the Locomotive in Paris for their 25 years, the 30 years tour, a concert in Marseille (around 91 I think) but finally I choose Vaureal last week. Indeed, I was there my with my 12yo son. Since he was born, he "listens" to NMA with me in my car, at home but he never listened by himself NMA (in fact, he doesn't really listen music by himself but more with us). He was me with me at Le Divan du Monde last december, but we were on the upper level, so very static.
When I learned for the Vaureal concert, I asked myself if I have to take him with me as he's a bit a small format child and it was a small venue, and I finally I bought tickets. And this was my most fantastic experience at a NMA concert : I know fans are amazing people, but all the people were so sweet with him, when we were dancing in the middle of the crowd, sitting on my shoulders, when they helped me to get him standing on my shoulders during G&G, giving him hugs, sending us pictures ... and a F...... amazing sentiment to see your own son enjoying so much the music ! If someone would have tell me 20 years ago it will happen (even 5 years ago !), I would have laughed ! So a big thank you to all the fans, and to the band and the crew for the after show.
See you all in december
I'm 45 now and a fan since a long time : I saw them many times during the last 25 years, and I could have highlight the first one (they were opening for a band and I discovered them at this moment), the one at the Locomotive in Paris for their 25 years, the 30 years tour, a concert in Marseille (around 91 I think) but finally I choose Vaureal last week. Indeed, I was there my with my 12yo son. Since he was born, he "listens" to NMA with me in my car, at home but he never listened by himself NMA (in fact, he doesn't really listen music by himself but more with us). He was me with me at Le Divan du Monde last december, but we were on the upper level, so very static.
When I learned for the Vaureal concert, I asked myself if I have to take him with me as he's a bit a small format child and it was a small venue, and I finally I bought tickets. And this was my most fantastic experience at a NMA concert : I know fans are amazing people, but all the people were so sweet with him, when we were dancing in the middle of the crowd, sitting on my shoulders, when they helped me to get him standing on my shoulders during G&G, giving him hugs, sending us pictures ... and a F...... amazing sentiment to see your own son enjoying so much the music ! If someone would have tell me 20 years ago it will happen (even 5 years ago !), I would have laughed ! So a big thank you to all the fans, and to the band and the crew for the after show.
See you all in december
Fantastic story, almost makes me wish I'd had kids! ;D He seems like a fine young chap and you might be in for some kind of 'father of the year' award...
Brixton Academy. Year? On the morning before the gig I ran a 10 mile XC run relay leg on the North Downs (Kent), took a wrong turn, got stuck in a field corner, clambered through a mass of shoulder high stinging nettles, stung all over, soon took a really bad reaction + I had bad hayfever already. Finished. Threw up. Started to have breathing difficulties. Drove 5 miles home. Started to go anaphylactic, struggling to breath, drove myself to a hospital A&E. They treated me urgently, and pumped me full of STEROIDS. After some observation, I was released, visited a nearby friend's new refurbished house. Threw up in his newly refurbished bathroom. Went home. REMEMBERED that I had a ticket for the gig. Drove 50 miles to London. Danced with abundant energy without one rest. Drove home. Slept well. That Day was a Good Day!
So far its destroying Joolz' book display with guinness in Northampton once but I'm hoping that will change as of 21 june at Leam Spa. My first ever NMA gig proper. Loved em for a long time now but never seen em live but next month just all fell into place. Can't wait!
Hi ManxPat,
The Leam Spa gig is on the 22nd not 21st.I know you are keen but turning up 24hours
Had to check my ticket just to be sure.
it pays to be prepared but yeh there r limits. Thanks :-)
Shame about late start and early finish but was still utterly amazing and brilliant. I know it's a cliche but I feel different having seen them. I guess its a confluence of things. From meeting so many lovely people ( cheers for the Newcy brown Frankie! ) to just watching Justin work his magic I feel altered for the better somehow. It was my first ever NMA gig but no way will it be my last! Slaint Vie
Next time Pat come to the post gig curry to round off the evening a treat.
Thanks jc would love to, NMA and curry being two of my most favourite things in the world ever! Not sure how I would know which curry house to go to though eh?? :-\.... All the best. :)
Hello Pat, I usually post something on the Book of Faces or here, or you could go to any pre meet and make some friends, the curries are always open to all.
The Book of Faces..a book changed forever by just adding of one letter
Amongst many others, playing five-a-side football with members of the crew, band and following outside an obscure venue somewhere during a 'small town England' tour before a gig. Much laughter was involved!
Pretty sure it was '99, but time seems to blur everything. My wife had been working all hours as her place installed a new network. They were pretty decent about it and said thank you by getting us flights and a nice hotel in Amsterdam. While we were out and about doing touristy stuff, I discovered NMA were at the Melkweg that night.
We used to go off riding motorbikes around Europe every summer and always kicked off with the ferry to The Hook, the Netherlands holds many special memories. Combining two of my favourite things was simply awesome, and the gig remains one of my favourites - up there with Pixies at Reading in '90, Primal Scream's Screamadelica tour at Northampton's Irish, and Neil Young in Finsbury Park '93.
Getting back to the Melkweg this year is going to be special.
Listening to this new band called New Model Army. There really wasn't much written about them here in the USA. Didn't really know a thing about them (pre-internet days, kids). The band only had the "No Rest" album released in America. I loved every second of it. Couldn't wait for a follow up with new material to find out how solid these guys rock. Cool, they release this EP as a follow up:
I buy it, run home, put it on my turntable...every song is acoustic? These guys are hippies!
::) It does say 'the Acoustic E.P' :P
::) It does say 'the Acoustic E.P' :P
You've got to remember, at that time NOBODY was doing acoustic music. This was years before MTV Unplugged. Acoustic guitars were for Crosby Stills and Nash or Joan Baez. Try to find an acoustic guitar on a Clash album. At that time - early '80s - acoustic guitars were still associated with the '60s and folkies and hippies. (Jimmy Page would use one, yes, but that was bombastic pretentious rock.) Acoustic guitar = hippie.
So to get an EP from a hard rocking band of all acoustic, these guys are really hippies! Long hair, jeans, look like they haven't bathed in three months, and now acoustic guitars? Hippies!
Nothing wrong with hippies Man............ 8).........nor acoustic guitars..........
Roy Harper was doing acoustic guitar music, but Al Di Meola (jazz rock), too - and Al wasn`t a hippie at all ;)
Roy Harper was doing acoustic guitar music, but Al Di Meola (jazz rock), too - and Al wasn`t a hippie at all ;)
Come on, no rock and roller was doing acoustic sets at the time of NMA acoustic EP. It was a brave and startling effort. Sure we got an acoustic guitar rarely from a rock artist and when we did it was pretty spectacular. I am thinking of the first time I heard The Jam's "That's Entertainment;" but Weller was a huge Beatles fan so him pulling out an acoustic guitar was no surprise or in any way shocking. NMA eleasing an all acoustic set was really, really different. If you were around then you would know what I mean. Years before MTV unplugged. Acoustic guitars back then were for aging hippies, folkies, or middle of the road muzak singers.
(And, yes, I know the reason why NMA released the acoustic EP. It wasn't a statement they were was simply they lost their bass player and couldn't rock and roll at that instant. However, the acoustic tracks kept coming on all future NMA releases. I realized they weren't hippies, just guys using another color with which to paint their musical pictures.)
Agree with whirlwind here, acoustic releases were nowhere to be found at the time. Brave choice.
This one is very recent... Not sure if to say 'best', but definitely important. I went to Vienna last year to see NMA. Life situation at that point - went weekly to see my shrink, just to be able to deal with my job as I suffered from chronic stress.
Was standing there, waiting the gig to start... intro tape... feeling weird, light-headed in kind of a good way... Band comes to stage, start with One Of The Chosen... When the drums started thundering, I broke down completely, into a hysterical crying fit. Because in that moment, I felt free. Rest of the gig, total pogo -mode on!!! :D
So, I realised I was in fact completely burned out. Outcome? Took a while, but finally in mid-January, I quit in my job position, started doing simple job in nightshift instead. Coming to work after that felt like a holiday, everything was suddenly so simple! It takes long time for the brain to recover from burn-out, currently feeling quite relaxed and able to think straight :)
...if you were in Vienna that night and saw somebody shaking and crying, it was probably me... :)
This one is very recent... Not sure if to say 'best', but definitely important. I went to Vienna last year to see NMA. Life situation at that point - went weekly to see my shrink, just to be able to deal with my job as I suffered from chronic stress.
Was standing there, waiting the gig to start... intro tape... feeling weird, light-headed in kind of a good way... Band comes to stage, start with One Of The Chosen... When the drums started thundering, I broke down completely, into a hysterical crying fit. Because in that moment, I felt free. Rest of the gig, total pogo -mode on!!! :D
So, I realised I was in fact completely burned out. Outcome? Took a while, but finally in mid-January, I quit in my job position, started doing simple job in nightshift instead. Coming to work after that felt like a holiday, everything was suddenly so simple! It takes long time for the brain to recover from burn-out, currently feeling quite relaxed and able to think straight :)
...if you were in Vienna that night and saw somebody shaking and crying, it was probably me... :)
Great story, buddy. I've also had a couple of, shall we say, 'over emotional moments' at NMA gigs, usually when life wasn't working out too well for me. Straight on to the days ahead! ;)
Well this is an easy question. My best NMA memory, one of my proudest moments as a musician, and equally one that's tinged with sadness because of what might have been... was the day I nearly joined New Model Army as their bassist.
It was 1989, I was working for a charity and played in local bands, as a bassist/vocalist. I use to follow Fields of the Nephilim on tour and NMA were also one of my favourite bands and main influences. Following the release of the mighty Thunder and Consolation and the tour, with the band in the UK charts with Vagabonds (arguably the most commercially successful point in their career, certainly in the UK), the music press announced the departure of Moose and NMA ran adverts seeking a new bass player.
I recorded several of their songs (bass and drum track only) and had a photo shoot done, and was thrilled to get a call inviting me to London to audition for the band. Nik the Frog chatted to me whilst I nervously waited my turn: "How long does this take?" I asked. "it depends how much they like you" he said.
They called me in, I shook hands and plugged in my bass ready to go. Justin was quiet and cautious, Rob was smiling and friendly. Justin asked me which numbers I knew, and we played Stupid Questions, Christian Militia and I think Poison Street. Rob asked me if I knew Green and Grey (which I'm sure most of you know was his creation). It wasn't one I'd worked out and Rob got out from behind the drumkit to quickly show me the main riff. "Ok, lets see how quickly you can learn things", he said. And we played it, even though I'd had about five minutes to get my head round it at most...
Justin asked me if I knew "No rest". I had most of it down but there were parts of the solo I hadn't yet sorted so I said no. Rob gave me a useful tip on that one..
Justin asked me to do backing vocals and also asked to hear some of my own material. He then asked me if I could leave my job etc. I said you bet (betcha?). I asked how the auditions were going and he indicated there were about 4 of us (inc me) they were interested in.
All in all, it seemed to go well. I wished them the best and went home, still buzzing with the idea I might actually be about to leave my job and join one of my favourite bands and could be touring the world with them in a matter of months.
A few days later I got a call, maybe from Joolz I can't recall. She was very polite, very positive and complementary, but they had decided to stick with Nelson who they kind of already had 'in the bag'.
Gutted, obviously. After the 'Hopeless causes' album I lost touch and interest in NMA and have only returned to the fold recently. I missed the point that Nelson left and their search for another bass player, otherwise, who knows...
Great post....
Seeing them live in the flesh for the first time!
Raw Melody Man that was really interesting thanks. Wow, so near..yet so far. What did you do musically after this?
Raw Melody Man that was really interesting thanks. Wow, so near..yet so far. What did you do musically after this?
Carried on doing stuff with my band for a while then packed in the whole band thing. Few years later took up classical guitar and after several years study started gigging Spanish guitar stuff (think Rodrigo Y Gabriela meets Gipsy Kings) playing mostly functions but also some concerts and festivals. Packed that in about 18 months ago and now revisiting my roots again :)
3rd time lucky?
I just posted this in another topic, but is seems more appropriate here:
In 1995 I was on exchange to Westminster College in Oxford. I went looking for music, the folks I hooked up with introduced me to 4 of my favorite bands - Ozrics, The Levellers, Fields of the Nephilim, and New Model Army.
I have these memories of walking the paths between Botley and Westminster in the dark English rain trying to get back to my bed; more than several pints/spliffs in, and being inspired by the words and voice of Justin Sullivan. I have been a huge fan since. My favorite lyric writer to this day. Ive seen them on every US tour since and traveled several times to the UK to see them.
In 2009 I suffered a traumatic brain injury while racing my road bike. I was still in full recovery mode and trying to remember who I was, my girlfriend/ now wife took me to see NMA in Indianapolis IN where we were living. Justin spent some time talking with me, i have a picture, it's one of my favorites.
I will always love this band
New Jersey