The official NMA board

General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: Billy T on January 14, 2010, 08:03:57 AM

Title: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Billy T on January 14, 2010, 08:03:57 AM
Just recently got around to upping these to my facebook phot albums and thought a few were pretty good, so I'll share....These were all taken by me, July 2008....

Monument-Chornobyl Exclusion Zone

Bumper Cars, Pripyat City, Chornobyl Exclusion Zone

Mural Inside Athletic Center, Pripyat City, Chornobyl Exclusion Zone

Another of the Mural

Ferris Wheel Operators Booth,Pripyat City, Chornobyl Exclusion Zone

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Billy T on January 14, 2010, 08:11:35 AM
And now for something happier....

This an annual event put on by Russian reenactors to commemorate the battle of Borodino (70km or so from Moscow). The battle was fought between the Russians and the invading French of Napoleon and his allies, and at the end of the day, Napoleons armies were victorious. Napoleon however, only spent one night in Moscow before being forced to retreat, due to the city more or less burning to the ground that night. It is unknown whether the fire was started by drunken French soldiers celebrating or deliberately set by the retreating Russians . Either way it is a source of pride to the Russians that Napoleon's victory was so short lived, as he never again set foot in Moscow.

To participate in the reenactment the participant must study for years and be able to pass quizzes on the event as well as be able to fabricate their own costume to exacting standards of historical accuracy with no outside help.

These are a few pics of the day we turned up for the event...





Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on January 14, 2010, 08:42:33 AM
Nice and interesting pics! Don't see things like that every day.
Thanks for sharing!

I just noticed your 'personal line' :
It's better than two goblins trying to f**k a donkey up the arse with a laser beam." - Noel Gallagher

Have no idea what it's about but as I own 4 donkeys and I love these animals to bits .. I find it a pretty strange sentence!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Billy T on January 14, 2010, 09:22:33 AM

I just noticed your 'personal line' :
It's better than two goblins trying to f**k a donkey up the arse with a laser beam." - Noel Gallagher

Have no idea what it's about but as I own 4 donkeys and I love these animals to bits .. I find it a pretty strange sentence!

It was from an interview with Noel Gallagher (Oasis) asking him what he thought about videogames like Rock band/ Guitar Hero...and that was his opinion based on his belief that the subject of other videogames is in fact "two goblins trying to f**k a donkey up the arse with a laser beam" apparently....

It made me lol, quite a bit, but the Gallagher brothers often make me lol....They are a unique and special sort of oblivious to the world around them...
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on January 14, 2010, 02:54:19 PM
Extremely poignant haunting images from Chornobyl. I hope you are not glowing in the dark as a result of your endevours.

Below is a snap of our new faithful companion (who came home with us from Batersea Dogs Home two weeks ago) taken with my new wide angle lens.

Her name is Indy. She really likes carrots.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on January 14, 2010, 04:04:40 PM
nice photos billyT!
here's a few pictures I took from differents places..

Poullile (South France)

Paris 11e

moto vintage exhibition (nr Paris)

at the farm nr my home

La Villette






Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Billy T on January 15, 2010, 06:19:27 AM
Guy and Stefany, wow...Great pics....A perfect example of the difference between an enthusiatic amateur such as myself and pro's....I know Guy makes his living with his camera, you as well Stefany?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on January 15, 2010, 09:05:48 AM
Can someone tell me how you get the black banner around the pics???
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: fabio on January 15, 2010, 10:22:03 AM
Can someone tell me how you get the black banner around the pics???

You can use this free software to put these frames (

It also works as a multiple images resizer.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on January 15, 2010, 10:47:34 AM
Guy and Stefany, wow...Great pics....A perfect example of the difference between an enthusiatic amateur such as myself and pro's....I know Guy makes his living with his camera, you as well Stefany?

I'd love to ..unfortunately it's not the case..maybe someday it will happen ;)
& the black banner around the pics have been made with Photoshop
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: lou on January 15, 2010, 03:16:10 PM

I generally don't recommend FARK, it can be a horrible timesuck of a website, but I almost religiously try to visit it at least once a week for the FARKtography contest that they run.  Some of the regulars post some fantastic photography.  I'm sure there are a lot of websites out there dedicated to photography that showcase great talent also.

Here's this weeks' contest:

One other phenomenal site that I know is Shorpy.  This site showcases older photos, I find it extremely interesting and enlightening, a very literal window into the past.  Quite a lot of stuff with children working in the Industrial age, pre-labor laws, things like that:

Sorry if I'm pseudo-threadjacking away from people just posting their own work.

That being said I'm in the market for a good midrange maybe not quite SLR digital camera and am open to suggestions!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on January 15, 2010, 04:18:43 PM
Right, I have installed 'Multiple Image Resizer", will spent the rest of the evening testing and trying.

As I have never placed an image on this board I will try it this very moment.
Let's see if it works. Sorry if it doesn't .

(http://<a href=""><img src="" alt="Boef" /></a>)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Desert225 on January 16, 2010, 01:35:11 AM
somewhere in the desert.....

AKA Panamint Valley, CA




Ballarat Ghost Town,_California


"Ballarat Jail and Morgue 1898............. and Motel if vacant"

and for something completely different


Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Desert225 on January 16, 2010, 02:22:23 AM
Very random shots...........

Albuquerque sunset


The lovely little tornado, Mazzy



New friend met on Rt 66 just before he ate me

Iris & Ivy

"looks like Im going to arrive a bit later than expected"

Albuquerque from hike on the Sandia Mountains (photo taken in a warm and toasty 10 degrees Farenheit - thats -12 C)


Nine Inch Nails Trent butt cam (vid still from my camcorder - not camera)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on January 16, 2010, 12:37:03 PM
Again, a test ... if it doesn't work ... well, that'll be the end of me :(


Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on January 16, 2010, 09:41:57 PM
love the Desert pix especially the one with the road and a car..

and also from mrloes, the one with the chairs  ..really nice :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: landells on January 16, 2010, 10:22:44 PM
Hey Billy, a few months back there were a few photographs were featured in a photography magazine that were taken in Chernobyl and although it was obvious they were taken by someone who spent a lot of time working out the composition and exposure, etc etc they didn't have the power and truth that your shots have

aside from that my fav shot so far has been mrloes frozen chairs and phone box - truly great stuff

here are a few of my mediocre efforts:

I am not a photograph

Original Marxist

007 (deceased)

Modern Music
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on January 17, 2010, 07:48:02 AM
I always love watching pics so just send them in and make my day!
Thanks for the nice words about the phonebox in winter - it's actually made in Holland, in our garden ... :)

Billy T: the bumper cars are great! Also like the re-enactment pics.
Guy: the dog ... so lovely, he looks like ours although I think yours is 100% Rottweiler?
Stefany: beautiful, I really like the Normandy ones (sea, tree)
Desert 225: they're all good, reminds me of my drive thru Death Valley in 2007
Landells: the grave, for sure!!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on January 17, 2010, 08:02:39 AM

London 2008!

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on January 17, 2010, 09:38:56 AM

Guy: the dog ... so lovely, he looks like ours although I think yours is 100% Rottweiler?

Its difficult to tell (no history) but the vet at the dog rescue seemed to think that she was a pedigree rottie and about 8 months old. She is very small for her breed and suffers from severe hip dysplasia which is possibly why she was abandoned by some scumbag who realised that she was of no commercial value for breeding. Anyway their loss is our gain. She has a lovely nature and has settled in really well. She will always be on medication but her condition is treatable and we love her.
She really REALLY like carrots.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on January 17, 2010, 09:56:47 AM

What a story ... I wish people would look after their animal(s) but I guess it's dream that never will come true.
Our dog is from a shelter too, found at night - wandering around. No one came for him eventhough he was not
a year at that time. He was very dominant towards us and it was hard at times to raise/correct him. I have
cried many tears because I was too afraid that someday he would bite/attack someone and it would be over for him.
But - we succeeded and he is such a sweety now! He also is a good guard and no stranger is allowed to enter  the house.
He is a dog with a manual but he's the best friend ever.
I think he is half Dobermann and half Rottweiler.



Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on January 17, 2010, 11:06:53 AM
Wow! He is a very handsome boy.

I guess everyone worries about how their pooch will act with other people especially children. Ours seems so friendly and playful that we almost forget that they (Rottweilers) were originally bred to herd cattle and chase off wolfs, bears and anything else that threatened the livestock. Then we see how quickly she can demolish a bone and what she is capable of becomes all too apparent.

One thing that was really heartbreaking to see at the rescue centre was how many of the dogs were staffs, pitbulls, mastiffs, rottweilers and other breeds with a macho image. It was about two thirds of them. All bought as a status symbol. All abandoned because the owner decided that they were not vicious enough or too much work. Then the dogs will find it that much harder to find a new home because of its poor training or bad image.

Well done for giving yours a good home.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: dilla on January 18, 2010, 02:05:24 AM
Always believed and practised that a little hardship and discipline in dogs early years makes for a well trained,happy,life long loyal friend.Where I live it's not uncommon for a farmer to shoot any dog roaming around not under control.All my babies(sorry dogs)have had a strict first years training followed by a trouble free happy long life.It really bugs me when I see an intelligent dog gone to ruin because the owners can't be bothered to spend a little time training their dogs.My dogs(after the first year)are never on a lead and obey every command immediately.
Dogs in pics are beautiful animals. Unfortunately can't get another dog until my circumstances change.But don't really want one until MY BABY(STORM) passes away.He's been(not inside)to 3 NMA gigs and health permitting will be at Swansea,Falmouth and maybe more.
Yes I know.Big softy             
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on January 18, 2010, 07:46:42 AM
I agree, the first months/year of a dog (or any animal) are so important - I guess it's the same with (human) babies.
We all need a certain kind of strict raise, so do animals.
We don't know what happened to our dog or why he was found on the street: did he leave home himself, was he put
out of the car? Why didn't his owner went searching for him? I would if my dog got lost ... I would move heaven and
earth to find him. He is chipped now (the shelter took care of it) but he wasn't when he was found. Why?

I don't know if the shelters in Holland are filled for 2/3 with 'macho dogs' but I do understand what you mean and I
agree on what Guy says about not easily finding a new home for them.

Now we have to watch this because before we know it, this will be a "dog topic" instead of a photo thread :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: rich on January 18, 2010, 07:57:49 PM
One of my favourites from last year.

( (
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on January 18, 2010, 08:51:41 PM
Wow! That's great ... bright ... thanks Rich!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Billy T on January 19, 2010, 07:11:25 AM

Guy: the dog ... so lovely, he looks like ours although I think yours is 100% Rottweiler?

Its difficult to tell (no history) but the vet at the dog rescue seemed to think that she was a pedigree rottie and about 8 months old. She is very small for her breed and suffers from severe hip dysplasia which is possibly why she was abandoned by some scumbag who realised that she was of no commercial value for breeding. Anyway their loss is our gain. She has a lovely nature and has settled in really well. She will always be on medication but her condition is treatable and we love her.
She really REALLY like carrots.

Good lord, could that picture be any more "Awwwww" inducing? Adorable pic
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on January 19, 2010, 11:01:18 AM
One of my favourites from last year.

( (

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on January 21, 2010, 12:54:03 PM
nice pix of the plane :)

here are a few pix I took a few days ago..
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Greboicus on February 08, 2010, 11:09:40 AM
Hi, have lots on my Flickr site but here is one from Sennen a few weeks ago, was playing with textures on this one


And one of my favourite pictures

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on February 08, 2010, 04:31:57 PM
.. to the Sennen Cove shore ...

Wow! Amazing! Wonderful! Thanks!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Milla on February 08, 2010, 08:39:49 PM
How do you people add the signature on your photos?

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: landells on February 09, 2010, 07:17:48 PM
How do you people add the signature on your photos?

If you have photoshop you can create a brush based on your signature

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Milla on February 14, 2010, 06:17:50 PM
How do you people add the signature on your photos?

If you have photoshop you can create a brush based on your signature

I've just seen this reply: thank you very much for this advice! Unfortunately I don't think I have Photoshop on my PC (but Nik maybe he has it on his). Hmmmmm...
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on March 02, 2010, 09:11:57 AM
I don't want to bombard this thread with loads of riot-porn but yesterday I read that RBS gave out 1.3 BILLION of OUR money to their 'top' executives ensuring that over 100 of them got over £1,000,000 each!

Their excuse for this abomination was that if they didn't pay out such obscene amounts they just wouldn't be able to attract the best people to run their affairs. Presumably this is some new interpretation of the word 'best' that I was previously unaware of as those ever efficient RBS top executives managed to lose a modest 3.6 BILLION of OUR money last year. I can only imagine how big their bonuses would have been if they had turned a profit of 10 pence or more...

From the G20:
                              "Having a smashing time in the city!"
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on April 17, 2010, 09:03:37 AM
Testing one two ...

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on April 17, 2010, 09:04:02 AM
Oh, it was supposed to be larger ...
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: BillyMcann on April 17, 2010, 08:06:10 PM
Keep at it MrLoes, nice pigeon by the way lol
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on April 18, 2010, 06:40:47 AM
Uhm? You mean keep this small size ... ? Or keep practising?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: BillyMcann on April 18, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
Ha ha, I mean keep trying, unless you meant to have the picture small, in which case well done, I see you had a few failed attempts there.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on April 18, 2010, 05:44:43 PM
Well, I have succeeded in another topic - about the volcanic ash cloud.
I hadn't been doing anything on ImageShack so I forgot how the resizing worked, but found it again!
The pigeon is still on it's nest, breeding and being a perfect model :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: BillyMcann on April 18, 2010, 08:58:50 PM
Mr Loes,
   that looks like a Wood pigeon, I cannot tell but is this in some sort of pigeon loft, there appears to be a wall or something behind it. This bird usually nests in trees so the pic has my curiosity,
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: lou on April 20, 2010, 06:52:51 PM

Guy: the dog ... so lovely, he looks like ours although I think yours is 100% Rottweiler?

Its difficult to tell (no history) but the vet at the dog rescue seemed to think that she was a pedigree rottie and about 8 months old. She is very small for her breed and suffers from severe hip dysplasia which is possibly why she was abandoned by some scumbag who realised that she was of no commercial value for breeding. Anyway their loss is our gain. She has a lovely nature and has settled in really well. She will always be on medication but her condition is treatable and we love her.
She really REALLY like carrots.

Guy, I see the cover of Infernal Love by Therapy?

I do so love that album, I may spin it right now!
(cute dog too!)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Billy T on May 06, 2010, 05:55:19 AM
A few I finally got around to resizing and upping over the weekend...

Horses (and trash) in the northern Vietnamese mountains


Man and his bike, Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam


Umbrella Girl, Tam Coc, Vietnam

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Billy T on May 06, 2010, 06:01:28 AM
Crimea, Ukraine....


Girl in a bowl, Cambodia


Monk at Angkor...As terribly cliche as this is, this is one of faves I've ever shot....

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: ambient one on May 06, 2010, 09:24:20 AM
Well, I've been living in this strange country for a month now and so far I've captured the soul of a local:


Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: ambient one on May 06, 2010, 09:25:15 AM
(caption should read: "look into my eyes, don't look around the eyes, look into the eyes, aaaaand you're under")
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Billy T on May 06, 2010, 09:54:30 AM
(caption should read: "look into my eyes, don't look around the eyes, look into the eyes, aaaaand you're under")

That is hilarious....
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Wondergnome on May 06, 2010, 11:30:56 AM

Not taken by me - but Swansea, a few years ago....
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: ambient one on May 07, 2010, 09:59:24 AM
Rob, Mr the One says that was him groping yer butt...
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Wondergnome on May 08, 2010, 10:38:12 AM
not the first time, nor the last.....
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: welsh_beard on May 08, 2010, 02:03:00 PM

Image rights have been violated; my lawyers will be in touch in due course


J / B
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: annakarenina on May 09, 2010, 02:07:41 AM
I love all your photos BillyT, they are fantastic and really interesting. :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on May 10, 2010, 02:36:57 PM
This one from Mayday seems topical now that old misery guts is about to leave the building.


If its 'legacy' that these people crave then how about 'The man who paid for an illegal war with other peoples money?'
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: landells on May 10, 2010, 08:10:03 PM

The Endless Possibilites of Childhood


West Norwood Cemetry, SE27 - One of the Magnificent Seven
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: ambient one on May 12, 2010, 12:46:19 PM
I'm really pleased with this phyoto. I took it yesterday with my sh*tty N96, and I'm not a professional, but it turned out better than any others I've tried to take.

Nancy and Indie were curled up in the same hide, Nancy is the anery stripe, Indie is the anery het lavendar (for non-snake people, it should be obvious which is which anyway). Nancy (stripe) is the head poking out.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Billy T on May 13, 2010, 07:11:20 AM
I'm really pleased with this phyoto. I took it yesterday with my sh*tty N96, and I'm not a professional, but it turned out better than any others I've tried to take.

Nancy and Indie were curled up in the same hide, Nancy is the anery stripe, Indie is the anery het lavendar (for non-snake people, it should be obvious which is which anyway). Nancy (stripe) is the head poking out.


Love snakes( had a few myself over the years-ball pythons, burmese and a red tail) and that's a groovy pic....Could be one of those internet meme photos that get's captioned "Oh Hai!" or "What's going on in this thread?"
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: ambient one on May 13, 2010, 10:20:41 AM
On me facebook I'm using it as my avatar, I roflbotted it with "HALP - I IZ SPAGHETTI JUNCTION"

I have more snake pics but I'll clog the thread and not everyone enjoys seeing a huge pic of a reptile on their screen when they click a link! Dil II is settling in nicely. And as for the two girls in that pic, they're the same old same old - never do much but they're happy   :D
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Billy T on May 14, 2010, 10:13:03 AM
On me facebook I'm using it as my avatar, I roflbotted it with "HALP - I IZ SPAGHETTI JUNCTION"

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: ambient one on May 21, 2010, 09:47:44 AM
I can never get decent photos of Kai-Kai but here she is playing her first game of bowling:

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on May 21, 2010, 09:52:51 AM
Is it just the pony tails or ... does she just look like you a lot !!?  :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: ambient one on May 21, 2010, 09:55:27 AM
I reckon she looks like her dad. Same colour hair, similar face... But a few peeps have said she looks like me. I don't see it! Wish the pics I take of her would come out well. She doesn't stay still and I want to share her with you lot   :D
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: muninn on May 21, 2010, 06:41:31 PM
I'm really pleased with this phyoto. I took it yesterday with my sh*tty N96, and I'm not a professional, but it turned out better than any others I've tried to take.

Nancy and Indie were curled up in the same hide, Nancy is the anery stripe, Indie is the anery het lavendar (for non-snake people, it should be obvious which is which anyway). Nancy (stripe) is the head poking out.

(Great image of snakes!)
I really must get some proper photos of Ymir, our snow corn - most of them are pretty naff mobile phone pictures or from when she was young. She's now 4' long, and sat with me as I type. But she won't sit still long enough for me to take a picture!

Edit: Found this one of her from a while back:
Monorail snake?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on May 23, 2010, 05:24:30 AM
Stefany, again: great!!  :D
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on May 23, 2010, 10:48:41 AM
Merci mrloes that's nice :)

Love the picture of the snake and the one with statues, wonderful atmosphere
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: St alFonZo on June 08, 2010, 06:29:27 PM
This was on my fence for about three hours.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on June 08, 2010, 10:28:02 PM

My favourite. When I was a kid the nymphs swam around in my Grannys pond. But the herons and others used to eat them. So I used to rescue them and put them (the fully grown ones, they are underwater for five years before morphing into their better known flying version) in a tank and feed them leeches. Then they could could grow in a safe environment until they climbed out turned yellow and the dragonfly would burst out of the old body like a pupae. The nymphs were so cool they had a detatchable jaw which would catch their food. Its where Giger got the idea for 'Alien'.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on June 09, 2010, 10:01:33 AM
beautiful the word in English :)

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on July 19, 2010, 03:19:27 PM
Stefany, great photos!

I love the angles and the perspective in the second pic.
The light on the third pic looks like "a path to follow"  ::)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on July 19, 2010, 03:20:36 PM


Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: muninn on July 19, 2010, 05:34:36 PM
Nice.... where's that?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on July 19, 2010, 05:50:26 PM
i'd love to post some photos but all i get is (http://) when i click on 'insert image'. what's the secret anyone????
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on July 19, 2010, 07:40:36 PM
Nice.... where's that?

It is in Pertisau at the lake Achensee in Austria.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on July 19, 2010, 07:51:31 PM
i'd love to post some photos but all i get is (http://) when i click on 'insert image'. what's the secret anyone????

I load up my pics with (
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on July 19, 2010, 08:10:28 PM
i have just opened a flickr account but i am, as yet, in the dark as to how upload a picture from there to the nma board, any tips? Ta!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: landells on July 19, 2010, 09:08:42 PM
i have just opened a flickr account but i am, as yet, in the dark as to how upload a picture from there to the nma board, any tips? Ta!

Here’s how I do it…

If you are using the "new photo page", which is currently only in preview stage:

On Flickr
 - Actions drop down box (found to the left above the photo)
 - View All Sizes
 - Medium 500 (a good size for here but you could choose another size if you wish)
 - Right Click on the photo
 - Properties
 - Copy Address

(If using to old/current version of Flickr just click the All Sizes tab above the photo then choose the size and follow the last 3 steps) 

Then on here:
Click the little image that looks like the Mona Lisa (it says Insert Image when you hover over it, so you’ll know it’s the correct one) and that’ll automatically type the required html codes and then you just paste the link between them

Hope that helps and works

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on July 19, 2010, 09:32:32 PM
thanks landells, i'll give it a go tomorrow, thanks again.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on July 25, 2010, 09:14:05 PM

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on July 25, 2010, 09:44:36 PM
Wonderful ... really great!!!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Billy T on July 26, 2010, 12:07:56 PM
Wow Solly that's a tremendous photo!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on July 26, 2010, 02:15:14 PM
this is not a great photo but I like it :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on July 26, 2010, 02:18:46 PM
And I like it too, thanks!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: maggieloveshopey on July 26, 2010, 07:36:47 PM
(" width="640" height="480" alt="takaosanguchi (31))
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on July 31, 2010, 08:52:14 PM
It looks like a Acer rubrum (Red Maple) or a Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple). The color is beautiful.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on August 01, 2010, 03:08:18 PM
And I like it too, thanks!

And so am I.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on August 01, 2010, 03:11:57 PM
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: maggieloveshopey on August 01, 2010, 04:19:22 PM
It looks like a Acer rubrum (Red Maple) or a Acer palmatum (Japanese Maple). The color is beautiful.

I think it's a Japanese Maple - I took the photo on Mt Takao, about an hour out of Tokyo
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on August 02, 2010, 12:34:07 PM
I like very much your picture of the Fire , solly. Fire is beautiful but dangerous, fascinating or hipnotic to me..

Picture taken when I was in the car on the road..

little gig of the band called Irish Promenade.

Have a pleasant day!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Milla on August 02, 2010, 02:52:31 PM
WOW! What a beautiful solstafir, Stefany! The sky almost looks like it is all under water  :D
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on August 02, 2010, 03:29:07 PM
@ Stefany: what kind of camera and lens did you use for the "in the car on the road' ?
Looks amazing, thanks.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on August 02, 2010, 03:57:32 PM

( (

One of my donkeys Okke!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on August 02, 2010, 04:06:48 PM
( (

Two of the goats, Wicky and Wuffes.
You might notice a white spot, just on the right from the goats. This is the white nose of Okke, the donkey.
Interfering with my camera ...
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on August 02, 2010, 04:36:04 PM
( (

Last one for today: had to practise on the white banner/edge, almost forgotten how it worked.
Anyway, this pigeon was hiding under a roof and when she took off, I took the picture.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on August 02, 2010, 08:36:19 PM
I love your last photo Marloes, absolutely brillant, strange and dreamy to me :)
and to answer your question about the camera I use it's a simple one Lumix DFC FZ28, (but with a lot of programms inside I don't know yet and don't use a lot  ??? ) I take my picture that's all. I take that camera because of the zoom (x18) My photos are really instinctive. When I see some beautiful landscapes or lights in the sky  I decide to take a picture of it.  :) it's maybe a mistake but for the moment I don't care about all the programms the camera's got..maybe someday i'll be interested in that lol
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on August 02, 2010, 08:39:07 PM
@ Stefany: well, it's about the same here. I've got a Konica Minolta Dynax 7D with several lenses
but I am too lazy to try all kinds of stuff out. On the other hand, I could try and do my best.
I had audiovisual lessons but that was 20 years ago (yes, I am that old!) and digital camera's do
differ from the old ones, I guess.
I agree with you - just take a shot and see what the result is.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on August 12, 2010, 05:24:04 PM

edit: can anyone see this pic? if not then what am i doing wrong? its a link to a single photobucket pic.

ive been trying for ages to put pics on here without any success :-[    ***shakes fist at screen***

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: St alFonZo on August 12, 2010, 05:42:03 PM


edit: can anyone see this pic? if not then what am i doing wrong? its a link to a single photobucket pic.

ive been trying for ages to put pics on here without any success :-[

NO. The link is not visible in your post! But it is when you quote it!!!!!

Not sure what you are doing wrong though.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on August 13, 2010, 12:52:32 PM
Back from Ceret, a little town nr Perpignan in the South of France where I took some pictures..



have a nice day everyone!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on August 13, 2010, 02:24:39 PM
Thanks Stefany, the clouds are great.
Yesterday the sky here was beautiful, with all sorts of red.
Unfortunately I was in the car and my camera was in the house.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on August 16, 2010, 03:39:14 PM
The lizard looks like a female common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis).
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on August 16, 2010, 04:47:34 PM
Leicester Borough Asylum (Towers Hospital) former admistration block, taken on a visit last week.


edit: yay i did it, even if it is a bit oversized!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on August 16, 2010, 05:45:56 PM
now ive got the hang of it (sort of), heres one from the forum, london 17/12/09 whilst i was being crushed at the front.....happy days :)


Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Strangler on August 16, 2010, 06:09:36 PM



Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on September 12, 2010, 10:07:39 AM

Testing testing.
my four year old Rowan going up in the world
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on September 12, 2010, 04:31:56 PM




Rowan on Hadrian's Wall
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on September 12, 2010, 04:35:40 PM
Thanks for posting, your little one is a very brave kid!
He'll be on someone's shoulders during a NMA-show for sure  ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on September 12, 2010, 04:48:45 PM
er, she will! haha
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on September 12, 2010, 05:01:13 PM
My sincere excuses for messing up the name & gender ...
I just had to look better, again - sorry.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on September 12, 2010, 05:13:25 PM
no worries mate. to be fair Rowan is a name that can go either way!  :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: originalgoth on September 14, 2010, 03:23:55 PM
Here's the link to my pics that me & my Wife took on Alcatraz.

I really do love Alcatraz, it must have been so depressing for the inmates to be there, knowing that there was no safe or easy way of escaping.  San Francisco is 1.5 miles away across the bay but the current & freezing cold water would make it nearly impossible to swim it unless you were really fit.  There are no confirmed escapees from Alcatraz.

I've been to America 8 times over the last 4 years and have got many more great pics & memories from there.
North California really is beautiful - I lived in Eureka for about a year & spent just over a month in San Francisco.

Me on Alcatraz

( (

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on September 14, 2010, 03:41:16 PM
it must have been so depressing for the inmates to be there, knowing that there was no safe or easy way of escaping. 

Uhm, I somehow believe that it's not meant to escape from a prison ... ???

Been to Alcatraz myself in 2007 and liked it as well but actually found it a good place for a prison.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: originalgoth on September 14, 2010, 03:48:03 PM
it must have been so depressing for the inmates to be there, knowing that there was no safe or easy way of escaping.  

Uhm, I somehow believe that it's not meant to escape from a prison ... ???

Been to Alcatraz myself in 2007 and liked it as well but actually found it a good place for a prison.

Yea Marloes,
I know what you mean, it was a good idea for a prison, I'm just looking at it from the inmates point of view as well  :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on September 14, 2010, 05:11:05 PM
I think this is Beverley folk festival, any of you on it?

It's grim up north, the Yorkshire east coast
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on September 14, 2010, 05:22:50 PM
Thanks for the photos of Alcatraz originalgoth. I've never been there but the place is so familliar, must be all the crappy movies I've watched! Escape From Alcatraz, and The Rock spring to mind and didn't one of the Dirty Harry movies have a sequence there? There was also The Birdman Of Alcatraz but I thought that was a great movie.

Must have thoroughly depressing to stare out across a thin strip of water at the affluent and vibrant city beyond.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: MadMary on September 14, 2010, 06:35:14 PM
Sharing a bit of Northern California. These were all taken at the abandoned military forts just on the north side of the San Francisco Bay.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on September 14, 2010, 07:28:02 PM
St Crispin asylum, Northamptonshire



the whiteish hole in the slate roof is where the rooks enter to roost
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: St alFonZo on September 14, 2010, 08:19:19 PM
Our derelict asylum was turned into a prison.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on September 14, 2010, 08:48:58 PM
Our derelict asylum was turned into a prison.

it was a prison in the first place.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on September 15, 2010, 01:03:26 PM


Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on September 15, 2010, 01:30:48 PM
Funny! Typical British humour, I love it.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on September 22, 2010, 07:56:37 PM


Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on September 27, 2010, 03:12:33 PM
I took this a few days ago. This is Kabul from the top of a nearby mountain. 30 second exposure.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Brian-DC on September 27, 2010, 07:31:59 PM
Amazing photos everyone!!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on October 02, 2010, 11:32:22 AM
hello! have a nice weekend everyone ..

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on October 02, 2010, 11:42:47 AM
Thanks Stefany, another great and unique picture by you ... !!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: St alFonZo on October 14, 2010, 05:15:12 PM
Not mine.

WOW is all that can be said.


This is the moment a lightning bolt appears to strike the Statue of Liberty in New York. New York photographer Jay Fine had spent the night braving the storm in Battery Park City, Manhattan, in a bid to get the perfect picture. Jay spent nearly two hours poised with his camera and took more than 80 shots before striking lucky with this particular bolt of lightning at 8.45pm on 22 September. He said he had been waiting 40 years to get the picture.

To capture the shots Jay used a Nikon D300s with 60mm f/2.8 lens on the following settings: Aperture: F/10, Shutterspeed: 5 seconds, ISO: 200.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on October 14, 2010, 07:42:33 PM
Almost scary ... but really great! Thanks!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: RANTMAN on October 14, 2010, 08:07:37 PM
Its a real pity this photo is a fake. Because I would so love it to be true.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on October 14, 2010, 08:34:22 PM
Come on, don't keep the suspense ... why is it fake???
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: RANTMAN on October 14, 2010, 08:58:16 PM
Isnt said statue copper plated ?

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: St alFonZo on October 14, 2010, 09:42:23 PM
Is it striking the statue?

A 5 second shutter speed!!!

80 shots tried!!!

40 years in waiting!!!

Of course it's a fake.  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on October 14, 2010, 09:49:35 PM
Sadly it looks fake to me I have to say........
The main body of the lightning bolt appears to come away from the armpit area of the statue, as if it's a distance away from it, in the background almost. If it had struck the statue, it would have an obvious shorting out point. Most likely at the highest point, or the most conductive point near to it.

Either way, it's a pretty impressive picture. Very iconic you'd have to say. I'd guess it's a post card on sale on site, at the Old Lady Liberty Gift Store? ::)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on November 03, 2010, 11:52:26 AM
Samuel Becket Bridge (of Santiago Calatrava) in Dublin



Ha'penny Bridge


Suffolk Str. in Dublin


More photos of Dublin are there: (

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on November 03, 2010, 07:06:12 PM
Hells bells.......... what time was that? Not a soul on the street?????
Must have been PUB O' Clock, the very famous Oirish opening hour! Begorra!!!!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Brian-DC on November 03, 2010, 07:09:51 PM
Fantastic photos!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on November 03, 2010, 07:30:56 PM
me dad.


took this on me nephews 18th

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: RANTMAN on November 03, 2010, 07:59:37 PM
He is a far wiser man than you Coumarin my dear! I had dinner with him today.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on November 03, 2010, 08:22:58 PM
Great pics, Solly - thanks for posting!!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on November 03, 2010, 08:26:49 PM
He is a far wiser man than you Coumarin my dear! I had dinner with him today.

hope he paid!!!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: RANTMAN on November 03, 2010, 08:37:53 PM
OH NO,  we walked out in disgust with good reason i may add.....
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on November 03, 2010, 08:45:16 PM
is dad doing ok carryoff ?

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on November 03, 2010, 09:07:09 PM

This pic was taken of me n my buddies The BOUNCING SOULS in Newcastle a couple of years back!  ;DI figured I'd give Bryan a family eye view of the crowd!!!!!!!! lol It was a great gig and we drank a very large amount of alcoholic beverege type stuff! THAT DAY WAS A GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on November 04, 2010, 07:26:54 PM
He is a far wiser man than you Coumarin my dear!

absolutey. everything he says makes perfect sense. you cant even get in an argument with that man. hes won before you even open your mouth. he had liver and onions for dinner yesterday
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on November 11, 2010, 04:44:25 PM
I always pride myself in being able to own up when I am wrong about something. For years I have winged that our students here in England are vaguely liberal but on the whole pretty apathetic compared to their counterparts in France and Greece.








Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on November 11, 2010, 04:57:13 PM
it did cross my mind that youd be there Guy. great photos as always, many thanks.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Fluffy Wytch on November 11, 2010, 05:06:42 PM

They certainly do, and may long it continue......fantastic pictures
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: St alFonZo on November 11, 2010, 06:17:05 PM
But, where were the riots when LABOUR introduced the system in 1998? Or when LABOUR raised them again in 2004?

Seems kind of funny to me.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on November 11, 2010, 06:26:31 PM
But, where were the riots when LABOUR introduced the system in 1998? Or when LABOUR raised them again in 2004?

Seems kind of funny to me.

its all smoke and mirrors it seems.

...not that im using politician or oxbridge speak there  :D
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Brian-DC on November 11, 2010, 06:27:24 PM
Amazing shots!!!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on December 07, 2010, 12:33:28 PM

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Brian-DC on December 07, 2010, 01:57:12 PM
Those are cool.  How did you do the effects on those??
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on December 08, 2010, 03:48:31 PM
you know ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on January 08, 2011, 05:15:17 PM
Meet 'Rambo' who I was caring for over Xmas and New Year.


Special thanks to Ian McDonnell who sent me this useful link:

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on January 21, 2011, 05:15:05 PM
full image, taken on the b+w setting with a sony dsc w300, not tinkered with.







Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: BillyMcann on January 21, 2011, 05:17:18 PM
If you like pictures of Creepy, deserted and derelict buidlings etc check out : (

There are some very interesting photographs on this site.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on January 21, 2011, 05:26:13 PM
ooohh yes, thats a great site Billy. i found it when i tried doing a bit of research on derelict prisons.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: BillyMcann on January 21, 2011, 05:43:07 PM
ooohh yes, thats a great site Billy. i found it when i tried doing a bit of research on derelict prisons.

Coumarin, I spend hours on this site sometimes, I am astonished at some of the empty, deserted places. Its quite sad, sometimes disturbing too. Some of the pictures are quite dramatic. Your shots above are pretty cool too  ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on January 21, 2011, 06:12:15 PM
i find such sites addictive too! last year i joined midlands heritage

needless to say what my name on there is...ahem... ;) we post pics of our travels around various disused/derelict/historic projects, its well worth a look. do you know the area? i remember reading that you worked off-shore, uk based?

personally i like checking out old asylums, my local one is due to be demolished next year (except the clock tower which is a local landmark), hoping to take a few last pics before it happens.


st crispins hospital clock tower, northampton. august 2010
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: BillyMcann on January 21, 2011, 06:22:19 PM
 I will check out that site too, I too get addicted to looking at derelict abandoned sites. My girlfriend is totally hooked. That clock tower pic is amazing, it should indeed be preserved. I am offshore yes but international, it does leave me time to go around looking at old places sometimes. I will check out the site now, probably be on there all day too. I live near Nottingham but pass near Northhampton regulalry as my girlfriend is based in Portsmouth, I may detour and try having a look at the clock tower for myself,
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: RANTMAN on January 21, 2011, 06:49:59 PM
Coumarin should have been admitted to one of these institutions years ago..................
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: ottodeth on January 21, 2011, 07:04:58 PM
full image, taken on the b+w setting with a sony dsc w300, not tinkered with.

brilliant! very nice , thank you!

we had a great place that the state just tore down.

it was the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor Manor.

the owner also built this

which is still standing.

there is a small lake (mayslake) that separated the main estate from the fryer housing.

unfortunately the tax payers of dupage county (the county i live in) paid out 17.5 million dollars in 1992 (this doesn't include the efforts in over the decade since to raise even more money) through the forest preserve to save and restore the friar manon to only have it torn down in the last 2 months.

really really sad to me, I used to spend a lot of time there in the summer and fall, it was a nice forested area with a really neat vacant building that no one hardly ever ventured to, 99% of the people stayed on the main kept grounds. So i lost my own -secret garden- so to speak ...

i'm also a fan of old grave yards. been know to travel hours just to see old sites in the middle of nowhere usa.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: BillyMcann on January 21, 2011, 09:08:14 PM
i'm also a fan of old grave yards. been know to travel hours just to see old sites in the middle of nowhere usa.

Without a spade I hope !  :) ;) :D ;D ::)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on January 21, 2011, 09:22:57 PM
Any fan of graveyards REALLY HAS TO GO to UNDERCLIFFE cemetary!!!!! It's amazing...... The amount of money being made in Bradford in the 19th centuary was astranomical..... Which is reflected in the ornate and extravagant moniliths erected for the Upper classes in Bradford......
Woo ho, get me, Bratfud Tourist board will be pleased as punch with me!!!!!! ;D
Seriously tho' go if at all you can....
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: ottodeth on January 21, 2011, 09:27:55 PM
i'm also a fan of old grave yards. been know to travel hours just to see old sites in the middle of nowhere usa.

Without a spade I hope !  :) ;) :D ;D ::)

you just gave me an idea  8) lol
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: St alFonZo on January 22, 2011, 12:49:38 PM
ooohh yes, thats a great site Billy. i found it when i tried doing a bit of research on derelict prisons.

Coumarin, I spend hours on this site sometimes, I am astonished at some of the empty, deserted places. Its quite sad, sometimes disturbing too. Some of the pictures are quite dramatic. Your shots above are pretty cool too  ;)

Her's something for you two.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on January 22, 2011, 01:18:34 PM
Hope this link works? Some nice pics of Undercliffe on here....
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: BillyMcann on January 22, 2011, 02:13:46 PM
ooohh yes, thats a great site Billy. i found it when i tried doing a bit of research on derelict prisons.

Coumarin, I spend hours on this site sometimes, I am astonished at some of the empty, deserted places. Its quite sad, sometimes disturbing too. Some of the pictures are quite dramatic. Your shots above are pretty cool too  ;)

Her's something for you two.

That is a very interesting piece St alFonzo, I cannot believe they maintain it simply for use as amilitary training facility. Unbelievable.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: BillyMcann on January 22, 2011, 02:19:48 PM
Hope this link works? Some nice pics of Undercliffe on here....

   WOW, that is some 'boneyard', when next up that way I am gonna have to pay a visit, sans digging implements of course  ;D
I was once stuck in Aberdeen when the ship was in port and just took a walk and came across this ancient graveyard, many of the grave stones had eroded very badly, all were well over 100 years old. The ones that were legible all bore testimony to many, many young men lost at sea in the fishing trade. A very sad and solemn place. I have no photographs unfortunately.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on January 22, 2011, 02:25:38 PM
I'd really like a wander around the big graveyard in New York, and HighGate aswell if I ever get a chance. The New Orleans graveyard in Easy Rider looks amazing aswell......
I wandered round Undercliffe as a youth a few times, it's a big and really interesting spot to have a look around......
Sadly I'll be in Nab Wood crem' on Wednesday....... Not for any kind of pleasant occaision either.... certainly not sight seing. It's my mates funeral this week, the worst reason to visit hometown in a very long time........ :'(
I might pop in to see the New Joolz Studio tho' since the do is litterally 100 yards away......
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on January 22, 2011, 02:52:24 PM

It's Saturday, glass of wine anyone?  ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on January 22, 2011, 03:00:11 PM
YOU SWINE!!!!!!! I may embibe til beddy bies time fer the Mini me's........ wahhhhhhhhhhhh :'(
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on January 22, 2011, 04:19:10 PM
it's a little early even for me! not pouring one yet, I took that a couple of years ago at crimbo.
I must say I admire your restraint Stoney. I'm afraid the missus and I do have an occassional glass in front of the five year old. Alex was feeling rough one day, a bad cold, and Rowan was stroking her head and said, "would a glass of wine make you feel better mummy?"  ::)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on January 22, 2011, 04:24:40 PM
Nice one..... It doers make ya squirm when that happens don't it just????  :-[

Just now little Evan (4) just piped up and said "Daddy I'm borded of singing RATBAG Can't we sing BASTARDS like Justin does?". ::)....... I was listening to Vengeance while repairing a t shirt for him.....
The Ratbag song of course is the (ahem) sanitised version of Vengeance I play him at bedtime in the Stoney nightime repertoire....... lol
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on January 22, 2011, 06:54:15 PM

It's Saturday, glass of wine anyone?  ;)

nice pic
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on January 22, 2011, 06:56:24 PM
last night I went to see for the first time Patti Smith. It was an acoustic gig at La Cité de la musique (la villette, Paris). The gig called 'Unplugged Dreams'. I had a great evening. Tomorrow, another Patti Smith concert but this time it will be at La Salle Pleyel and with her band she'll play Horses, the whole album.

always wanted to see patti live, lucky you. great pic too.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on January 30, 2011, 02:34:35 PM
I've been scanning some old school photos from way back when I was a student and thought I'd share a few of them. Here's som stones!

Central stone at Callanish, Isle of Lewis

Castlerigg, Cumbria

Stonehenge, Wiltshire

Long Meg and some of her Daughters, Cumbria

Foundation burial under the floor of a roundhouse on South Uist

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on January 30, 2011, 05:58:31 PM
Love that Castle Rigg pic....... It's so long since I was at Long Meg aswell..... Mebbe's I'll take my brood in the Summer.....
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: OldScottishPhil on January 30, 2011, 07:19:09 PM
Really liked your photos Ragamuffin.
Thanks for sharing them with us.

Bring back some happy memories for me.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on February 01, 2011, 08:26:40 PM
Cheers fellas!  ;) I had a few good summers. here's a few more


Another of Callanish, Isle of Lewis


Another of Castlerigg


Stones of Stenness, Orkney
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on February 03, 2011, 08:40:04 PM
wow! make me want to be in your pictures :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Paul.. on May 06, 2011, 01:37:51 AM
My profile picture
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: witch on May 09, 2011, 06:07:19 PM

Hello @ all ,
this picture was done last week from my husband .When he was at work he saw the ship on the rhine please have look for the name of the ship :)
@ all I wish you a nice evening
Cheers witch
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on May 09, 2011, 06:11:45 PM
hi Witch

That is cool, thanks for posting and sharing. Your area is lovely, I will visit one day!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: witch on May 09, 2011, 06:44:24 PM
hi Witch

That is cool, thanks for posting and sharing. Your area is lovely, I will visit one day!

Hi Marloes,
thx for this you are very welcome  ;) And you also can see the low tide ...
I wish you a nice evening
Cheers witch
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on May 10, 2011, 11:56:11 AM
So that's how NMA tours Gerrmany now? Nice n relaxing! ;D
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on May 13, 2011, 06:27:23 PM
Initial indications suggest that my hound was rather taken with the New Forest.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on May 14, 2011, 06:48:04 AM
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Barty on May 14, 2011, 08:40:59 AM
What a great pic, Guy :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Paul.. on May 15, 2011, 10:09:01 PM
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: originalgoth on May 16, 2011, 06:32:40 PM
Great pic Paul

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on May 30, 2011, 05:47:11 PM
Mashed up clubber brings Elephant and Castle intersection to a standstill last night.


I bet he felt like a complete prat when whatever he was on wore off?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on May 30, 2011, 06:13:43 PM
down the beach last saturday


Zac trying to turn back the tide


Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on May 30, 2011, 06:23:07 PM
I bet yer mrs is lovin' the first pic mate! lol My good lady reckons I get pics like that on purpose..... I mean, as I would y know? lol
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on May 30, 2011, 06:36:10 PM
I bet yer mrs is lovin' the first pic mate! lol My good lady reckons I get pics like that on purpose..... I mean, as I would y know? lol

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on May 30, 2011, 06:47:04 PM
Mashed up clubber brings Elephant and Castle intersection to a standstill last night.


I bet he felt like a complete prat when whatever he was on wore off?

looks nasty, nice pic though.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on May 30, 2011, 07:40:07 PM
It's only nasty if the idiot landed on a fireman or a copper just doin' their job....... Bloody mad some folks........
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: mgb on May 30, 2011, 08:23:03 PM
cant see any emergency services waiting to break his fall. unless the coastguard are late in delivering the paddling pool he so desperately wants to dive into.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on May 30, 2011, 08:24:24 PM
I'd have been stoud well back aswell....... The copper nearest looks thrilled to bits with the job at hand.......
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on June 16, 2011, 02:15:44 PM
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: St alFonZo on June 16, 2011, 02:26:16 PM

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Brian-DC on June 16, 2011, 05:17:34 PM




Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on June 17, 2011, 12:28:01 PM
i like the effects on your photos. Really nice :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on June 27, 2011, 01:10:51 PM
I snapped this kid in a remote village in Cuba last December. I think he has the most amazing eyes that I have ever pointed a camera at!

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: St alFonZo on June 27, 2011, 01:43:31 PM
I snapped this kid in a remote village in Cuba last December. I think he has the most amazing eyes that I have ever pointed a camera at!

He looks very similar to someone in your AFGAN people shots from a while back. Very nice picture which says more than a thousand words.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on June 27, 2011, 02:09:16 PM
He looks very similar to someone in your AFGAN people shots from a while back.

This one?

Yes the 'Afghan child with striking green eyes' shot has long been coveted since a certain Mr McCurry took this photo a while ago:

We all try to emulate it. None of us come close....
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: St alFonZo on June 27, 2011, 02:25:16 PM
Yes. They appear to be thinking the same.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on June 27, 2011, 04:58:01 PM
The kid looks like a young JOE FOSTER of IGNITE/UNIFORM CHOICE fame.......
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: witch on July 04, 2011, 06:34:10 PM
Hello @ all .
Last week I had a wonderfull time in Bradford and I had a Bradford New Model Army tourist guide ;) He was very nice and kind and very friendly ;)
I think the best tourist guide ever for this very special Bradford NMA sightseeing tour but he told me the Queen Victoria goes every evening at home into the stone and I thought wow a great thing .....but in the next day I had a strange feeling about it and after we came back from Derby and Leeds I told  my daughter and her girlfriend  I wanted to had a look about the Queen and it was after 18 o clock so I was surprised that the Queen was not at her home but maybe she was so kind to told us good bye ? Just kidding ;D ;D
@ all I wish a nice evening

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: witch on July 04, 2011, 06:35:20 PM
Hello @ all .
Last week I had a wonderfull time in Bradford and I had a Bradford New Model Army tourist guide ;) He was very nice and kind and very friendly ;)
I think the best tourist guide ever for this very special Bradford NMA sightseeing tour but he told me the Queen Victoria goes every evening at home into the stone and I thought wow a great thing .....but in the next day I had a strange feeling about it and after we came back from Derby and Leeds I told  my daughter and her girlfriend  I wanted to had a look about the Queen and it was after 18 o clock so I was surprised that the Queen was not at her home but maybe she was so kind to told us good bye ? Just kidding ;D ;D
@ all I wish a nice evening

Ups I forgot something
cheers witch
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on July 04, 2011, 06:50:02 PM
Thanks for sharing the picture & story, Witch!!
I am sure the queen stayed up there for her German guests
cause I don't think Stoney would ever tell you a lie .... ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on July 04, 2011, 08:23:01 PM
Hello @ all .
Last week I had a wonderfull time in Bradford and I had a Bradford New Model Army tourist guide ;) He was very nice and kind and very friendly ;)
I think the best tourist guide ever for this very special Bradford NMA sightseeing tour but he told me the Queen Victoria goes every evening at home into the stone and I thought wow a great thing .....but in the next day I had a strange feeling about it and after we came back from Derby and Leeds I told  my daughter and her girlfriend  I wanted to had a look about the Queen and it was after 18 o clock so I was surprised that the Queen was not at her home but maybe she was so kind to told us good bye ? Just kidding ;D ;D
@ all I wish a nice evening

It's MAMBO QUEEN Of The SANDSTONE CITY that is!!!!!  ;D  She must've been on overtime or something! 8) Just because there was some very nice German tourists around for a couple of days! 8)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on July 06, 2011, 07:48:05 PM

and when you've finished the grass lad the chimney needs cleaning out...
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: archway on July 06, 2011, 07:56:08 PM

and when you've finished the grass lad the chimney needs cleaning out...
What a lovely photo, I cant get my toddler to stay still long enough for a piccy  :) :) :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on July 06, 2011, 09:01:48 PM
Thanks for sharing the picture & story, Witch!!
I am sure the queen stayed up there for her German guests
cause I don't think Stoney would ever tell you a lie .... ;)
Of course not......... ;) well maybe this once, it was very funny tho'!!!!!!
"REALLY?????????? ............ I do not think so........ Really??????? No.......  :o" ..... ;D
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on July 10, 2011, 02:01:24 PM

etti0001.jpgJust came accross this pic in my photobucket, it made me smile so I thought I'd share....... Been married 10 minutes at that point! =)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: archway on July 10, 2011, 03:06:13 PM

etti0001.jpgJust came accross this pic in my photobucket, it made me smile so I thought I'd share....... Been married 10 minutes at that point! =)
Great pic, how many years ago Stoney?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on July 10, 2011, 05:50:02 PM

etti0001.jpgJust came accross this pic in my photobucket, it made me smile so I thought I'd share....... Been married 10 minutes at that point! =)
Great pic, how many years ago Stoney?
Coming up 7 years mate, 2004 it was. Bloody freezing aswell! lol A very alternative wedding, the bride n groom's car was a 1963 Ford Falcon hot Rod. 386 cubic inch V8 with a dragster gear box. Fast n noisy just like the happy couple! lmao ;D  Unfortunately for us, the 1967 Mustang the bloke also owned was out of commision otherwise it would've been the 454 Shebly big block ferryin' us to our nuptuals!!!!!!  8)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on July 10, 2011, 06:01:00 PM
This asks for more wedding pics, Stoney!!
Come on, share them ... ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on July 10, 2011, 06:13:30 PM
This asks for more wedding pics, Stoney!!
Come on, share them ... ;)
Here's us and our 2 page boys!

Justin (the other one! lol) on the left and Connor on the right hand side!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Jibberish on July 10, 2011, 06:36:07 PM
I hope you had words with the wife about her non-matching footwear!  ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on July 10, 2011, 06:41:06 PM
I hope you had words with the wife about her non-matching footwear!  ;)
She is " a Creepers kinda girl! What can you say?" is the message I've just had to pass on! them shoes cost me and arm and a leg from Berlin and I had to colour tyhe skulls myself at that! She loves em, even though they are half knackered now! 8)
Plus here DM's are black, so she woulda spoilt the set! ha ha
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on July 10, 2011, 06:56:37 PM
Thanks for sharing, nice to have a look in the Stoney family album ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: archway on July 10, 2011, 07:27:46 PM
This asks for more wedding pics, Stoney!!
Come on, share them ... ;)
Here's us and our 2 page boys!

Justin (the other one! lol) on the left and Connor on the right hand side!
Another great pic Stoney. Its good to see your kids involved. Our wedding was a bit more trad 3 years ago, my 2 girls and my 3 step girls were bridesmaids and my eldest son was my best man. The little `un was only 6 months so he just made a racket  ;D
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on July 10, 2011, 08:32:53 PM
We made a racket later at the do, my old band LOWLIFE UK played and Keyside Strike aswell...... I'm ashamed to say I totally mauled Lovesongs......  :-[ The moment got the better of me.... It seemed an excellent idea at the time. :( Still the intention was good.....
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on August 14, 2011, 11:41:12 AM
Ruben Block (Triggerfinger's singer) taken from their last gig at Les Nuits Secretes festival :)

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: tist sadist on August 17, 2011, 10:24:55 AM
Ruben Block (Triggerfinger's singer) taken from their last gig at Les Nuits Secretes festival :)

Aah, nice pic Stephanie !   

Triggerfinger is becoming big in Belgium and Holland.  Saw them twice this year (once as a support act of Iggy and the Stooges and once supporting the Black Crowes).
Didn't know they were also touring in France now. 

Would be great to have them supporting NMA in Cologne next winter...

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on August 22, 2011, 05:20:51 PM
thx tist sadist ;) i discovered TF when they played in a place nr where I live. I haven't heard any songs from them before, just know their name. Since that gig  I really love their music, and on stage it's powerful. At Les Nuits Secretes festival it was my second TF gig. They will be in France again i think, they will be the support for Within Temptation.
TF is a really good band.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Pim on August 22, 2011, 05:29:09 PM
TF is a great band saw them on Dauwpop earlier this year. But to be honest within temptation should be their support band, TF is so much better  :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on August 25, 2011, 02:06:20 PM
I'm agree  with you ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: tist sadist on August 25, 2011, 02:38:42 PM
All you UK'ers : Trigger Finger will be touring in the UK early next year with Thin Lizzy !

And they're still free in December, so I hope there still is a chance of having them supporting NMA in Cologne !   TF and NMA : would be the gig of the year !!!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on August 28, 2011, 05:30:23 PM
why not ? ...

and another new I've seen on NYAAA facebook, NYAAA will be the support of Triggerfinger for a date in London.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on August 29, 2011, 12:05:54 PM
holiday snaps from South Uist  :)




Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on August 29, 2011, 12:42:06 PM
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: originalgoth on August 29, 2011, 04:13:49 PM
Looks beautiful Ragamuffin, hope you're enjoying your trip


Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on August 29, 2011, 05:30:10 PM
cheers guys, unfortunately OG we got back to Wakey yesterday.  :(
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: originalgoth on August 29, 2011, 05:38:11 PM
So Wakey, Wakey, Rise & Shine then  :D :D :D

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: archway on August 29, 2011, 08:04:01 PM
Great photos Ragamuffin. A friend of mine has a fair number of his family living on either north or south Uist, cant remember which but it looks just great  :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on August 30, 2011, 09:45:20 AM
A few snaps from this years NHC
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on August 30, 2011, 11:30:21 AM
Thanks Guy, nice pictures!
Looks like there were as much police (wo)men around as celebrators?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on August 30, 2011, 11:39:48 AM
Yes it was also a festival of overtime....
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Semmelnknödöln on September 01, 2011, 09:56:38 PM
Thought I'd share some pictures from a trip around Iceland in July.... no words nor pictures do justice to the magnificence and diversity of this vast land of fire and ice... :-* NMA should do an Iceland tour through the HIGHlands  8)












































Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: originalgoth on September 01, 2011, 10:17:24 PM
It looks amazing.

Thanks for sharing them.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on September 01, 2011, 10:33:34 PM
Those ICELAND pics are stunning!!!!!!! I've got to to get some pics on my next Desert trip!!!!!! I'll pull myself together and sort it!!!!!! 8)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on September 01, 2011, 11:03:42 PM
Just ... WOW!
Thanks for this!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: dilla on September 02, 2011, 02:50:48 AM
Fantastic Iceland pics.Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on September 02, 2011, 06:32:27 AM
wow! What exciting landscapes, thanks for sharing. :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: tist sadist on September 02, 2011, 08:12:31 AM
Brilliant pics !
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on September 02, 2011, 08:16:56 PM
beautiful land so beautiful pics but there's a kind of mistake on the 6th image...the car.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: archway on September 03, 2011, 09:34:42 PM
Truly beautiful pics  :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on September 04, 2011, 01:39:00 AM
Wonderful pics  :)

If the band tour there I'm doing every date.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on September 17, 2011, 01:02:09 PM
Fame at last!!

My soppy special-needs rottweiler is on the April page of the 2012 Stranger Than Paradise Calender.


Also in the picture are 6ft 4 belly dancer Luna Rosa and Finlay the Border Terrier-Jack Russel cross.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on September 17, 2011, 01:29:58 PM
That looks indeed stanger than paradise!!  ;)
Thanks for sharing, great picture.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Red on September 17, 2011, 01:35:45 PM
Excellent Iceland pictures.

I've been to Iceland once as part of a family holiday to also Norway and the Faroes.

I'd definitely love to go back one day and spend more time there.

Thanks for sharing.

I may post some pictures of a trip I did last year to Switzerland and Italy on my scooter.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Jibberish on September 24, 2011, 01:06:59 PM
Here are a few from my recent road-trip around the south west USA, starting with the road into the valley of death!

Full size versions and more are on Flickr - ( - with more to come when I get around to choosing what else is worth uploading,









Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: originalgoth on September 24, 2011, 05:35:25 PM
Great pics Jibberish

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Paul.. on September 24, 2011, 09:20:51 PM
Really good, what Camera/lens did you use?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Jibberish on September 24, 2011, 09:46:33 PM
Nothing special, Paul - it's a Canon Powershot SX120 IS. I was actually slightly disappointed with the apparent overexposure of some of the shots taken on the brightest days, but I've not had this camera long so I still haven't quite figured out how to make it work as I want it to!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Paul.. on September 24, 2011, 10:11:25 PM
Nothing special, Paul - it's a Canon Powershot SX120 IS. I was actually slightly disappointed with the apparent overexposure of some of the shots taken on the brightest days, but I've not had this camera long so I still haven't quite figured out how to make it work as I want it to!
Good stuff especially for a compact , I thought you had used an SLR...
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Jibberish on September 25, 2011, 04:43:23 PM
Thanks. Keep thinking about getting an SLR but can't be arsed with hauling all that clobber around and pissing about setting the camera up for that perfect shot all the time. Prefer to figure out how to use a decent compact, then point shoot & hope for the best!  :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on September 25, 2011, 04:45:50 PM
Very cool pics Jason mate looking forward to my own Desert trip in a couple months! Tho' I'll be in bars for most of it!  ;D So not to dry I hope!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: NickyG on September 25, 2011, 05:15:29 PM
Here are a few from my recent road-trip around the south west USA, starting with the road into the valley of death!

Love the pictures - it’s a fantastic part of the world, all those wide open spaces - breathtaking. Were you mainly in Monument Valley and Death Valley – where did you fly in and out of, and what was your route when you were there?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Jibberish on September 25, 2011, 05:47:21 PM
Thanks, Nicky - I was all over the place! Flew into Los Angeles and flew home from Phoenix. My route between the two was something like this:

LA - Primm
Primm - Death Valley
Death Valley - Las Vegas
Vegas - Hoover Dam - Grand Canyon Skywalk - Kingman AZ
Kingman - Grand Canyon South Rim - Williams AZ
Williams - Monument Valley - Chinle AZ (for Canyon de Chelley)
Chinle - Moab Utah (for Arches & Canyonlands National Parks)
Moab - Capitol Reef National Park - Torrey Utah - Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon - Mt Carmel Junction Utah - Zion National Park
Zion - Hurricane Utah - Grand Canyon North Rim
North Rim - Page - Flagstaff AZ
Flagstaff - Meteor Crater - Petrified Forest National Park - Flagstaff
Flagstaff - Sedona AZ - Prescott AZ - Phoenix

I have thousands of photos still to work my way through, I'll put some more on when I've got more done.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: NickyG on September 25, 2011, 06:10:41 PM
One of the favourite places to visit in the world - a few years ago we did a short version when I was between jobs starting from LA that took in the Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon and Las Vegas, but we weren't there a long time and wanted to spend some chillout time doing very little in the Coachella Valley.... 

Nothing really prepares you for  when you look out from the south rim of the Grand Canyon - it's a cliche but it really is awe-inspiring.....  and you do look at it and think this has been here millions of years longer than we have and so on. Did you have to pay more to fly in and out of different airports and pick up and drop the car separately?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Jibberish on September 25, 2011, 07:34:50 PM
Nothing really prepares you for  when you look out from the south rim of the Grand Canyon - it's a cliche but it really is awe-inspiring.....  and you do look at it and think this has been here millions of years longer than we have and so on. Did you have to pay more to fly in and out of different airports and pick up and drop the car separately?

I had the very good fortune of sitting on the south rim, off the beaten track and away from the massed tourists, with my legs dangling over the edge in the searing sunshine whilst just 10 miles away on the north rim a lightning storm raged. It was mesmerising. Sadly, the photos I took of that were crap!

It's the scale that continually got to me. I did a parachute jump at the northern end of Canyonlands National Park and to look down on this vast wilderness that seemed to go on forever was one of those moments that reminds you of just how small and insignificant you really are.

Cost me much the same for return flights from different cities as it would have cost from the same. As for the car, there was a $100 charge for drop off in a different location.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on September 25, 2011, 08:20:22 PM
Jibberish, I've done quite a lot of your route in 2007.
Wonderful memories to an amazing area!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on September 25, 2011, 10:12:01 PM
Great images! I particularly like the lizard and the one underneath. Is the sky really that blue in the mid west?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Jibberish on September 25, 2011, 10:26:12 PM
Great images! I particularly like the lizard and the one underneath. Is the sky really that blue in the mid west?

It often looks even bluer!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on September 25, 2011, 10:32:28 PM
Thanks, Nicky - I was all over the place! Flew into Los Angeles and flew home from Phoenix. My route between the two was something like this:

LA - Primm
Primm - Death Valley
Death Valley - Las Vegas
Vegas - Hoover Dam - Grand Canyon Skywalk - Kingman AZ
Kingman - Grand Canyon South Rim - Williams AZ
Williams - Monument Valley - Chinle AZ (for Canyon de Chelley)
Chinle - Moab Utah (for Arches & Canyonlands National Parks)
Moab - Capitol Reef National Park - Torrey Utah - Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon - Mt Carmel Junction Utah - Zion National Park
Zion - Hurricane Utah - Grand Canyon North Rim
North Rim - Page - Flagstaff AZ
Flagstaff - Meteor Crater - Petrified Forest National Park - Flagstaff
Flagstaff - Sedona AZ - Prescott AZ - Phoenix

I have thousands of photos still to work my way through, I'll put some more on when I've got more done.

There's a bunch of places on that list that bring back tons of happy memories for me!!!! Hope you enjoyed Williams and Prescott? Flagstaff is another place I'd been to but completely forgot the name of!!!!  ::)
Jealous to death you went to the Crater tho, and Monument Valley too! we didn't have time.....  :-[
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Jibberish on September 26, 2011, 07:59:01 PM
A few more to bore you with, I promise these are the last  ;)  (big versions and more at (









Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on September 26, 2011, 08:09:00 PM
WOW! that UTAH pic is every bit as any postcard ever sold! AWESOME JOB SIR!!!!!!!!!  :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Jibberish on September 26, 2011, 08:11:52 PM
Many thanks, I was particularly chuffed with the crows on that pic - they're what really make it.  ;D
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Sequoia225 on September 28, 2011, 02:52:22 AM
Jibberish, you and I both have a long photo of a road heading into Death Valley. Not sure its the same road though - which way did you go in? Mine is taken from Panamint Valley. Gorgeous pictures. I recognize many of the places - and your photos really do them justice - which is hard to do.


you know who  I will be looking up when I make my trip to Iceland. But why arent Sigur Ros pictured in every shot doing a concert. I thought thats what always happens in Iceland??  ;)    you know me enough to know how jealous I am at those shots.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Jibberish on September 28, 2011, 05:31:37 AM
Jibberish, you and I both have a long photo of a road heading into Death Valley. Not sure its the same road though - which way did you go in? Mine is taken from Panamint Valley. Gorgeous pictures. I recognize many of the places - and your photos really do them justice - which is hard to do.

Thanks, Sequoia.

I think that photo was taken somewhere along the road in from Death Valley Junction, the site of the Amargosa Hotel and (somewhat implausible but very real) Opera House.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: jimmie 8 on September 28, 2011, 05:35:18 PM
Fantastic photos
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on September 28, 2011, 10:52:42 PM
So I'm exhibiting some of my photos next week in conjuction with Peace News and the Amnesty Human Rights Action Centre. Its part of Photomonth which happens every year around Oct, Nov & Dec in various venues around East London. Drop by if you are in town!


Then in January it will be going to Northern Ireland, with some more locations before and after to be confirmed. If anyone knows a venue in their part of the world that might be interested drop me PM.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on October 01, 2011, 08:25:01 PM
beautiful photos Jibberish but my favorite is that one :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Jibberish on October 01, 2011, 09:17:18 PM
Thanks Stephanie, they were the least shy and most cheeky squirrels I ever met - made it easy to get good shots when thay sat on the rocks next to me  :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on October 02, 2011, 10:51:52 AM
Those little scamps don't give a monkeys who's about. More cheek than Carry On Nudist film....... ;D
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: originalgoth on October 02, 2011, 11:59:53 PM
I bet the sqirrels think to themselves "Oh, more humans, we don't see many of them here".


Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Danny on October 06, 2011, 08:02:13 AM
So I'm exhibiting some of my photos next week in conjuction with Peace News and the Amnesty Human Rights Action Centre. Its part of Photomonth which happens every year around Oct, Nov & Dec in various venues around East London. Drop by if you are in town!


Then in January it will be going to Northern Ireland, with some more locations before and after to be confirmed. If anyone knows a venue in their part of the world that might be interested drop me PM.

And what a fantastic exhibition it was - great photos, very poignant and powerful. Anyone who's in London over the next 10 days (are you listening NMA's mega-bus tour participants?) really needs to do themselves a favour and go see this exhibition, you'll miss out on an excellent thing if you don't!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: witch on October 08, 2011, 07:20:23 PM





Good evening @ all,
Some photos from our holiday at the German North Sea,
The photo with Mill is for our nice Netherlands forum family  ;) Hope you will like it ?
I was very happy to saw the very big ship at the habour of Emden this ship took 2500 cars in it on the way to Italy and it was great to saw that the little ships helped out the very big one ship  to got the right directions ...
The last one photo was the sunset at Neßmersiel ...
@ all I wish a nice evening  :)
cheers witch

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on October 08, 2011, 07:30:55 PM
That beach looked FREEZING!!!!!!!!!  :o glad you had a good holiday tho! The tugs pushing bigger ships is always cool to watch....
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on October 08, 2011, 08:01:03 PM
Thanks Witch for the "Mill" picture, wonderful - hahahaha!!!

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Suspect Device on October 13, 2011, 07:54:31 PM
not really an original pic by me but i did think it was a cool perspective on just on big the protests are. we seem to be getting little by way of press coverage of this which is wrong (
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on October 17, 2011, 10:25:57 AM


So far on facebook we have:

"Police cuts begin to become apparent"
"The Krankies join the MET"
"So what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Toronto Popular Front on October 17, 2011, 11:47:29 AM
how about - say hello to my little friend
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: originalgoth on October 17, 2011, 05:15:43 PM
"Her trousers were made from one of the legs of my old trousers"
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: tist sadist on November 04, 2011, 09:42:10 AM


So far on facebook we have:

"Police cuts begin to become apparent"
"The Krankies join the MET"
"So what do you want to be when you grow up?"

The first thing that crosses my mind with this pic is 'tuuttuut boingboing peppie en kokkie'.
Don't ask why.  Some will understand what I'm hallucinating about.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on November 06, 2011, 10:46:23 AM
Celebrating one of history's great missed opportunities in South London last night.

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: originalgoth on November 06, 2011, 03:11:03 PM
Great pic Guy

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Pim on November 06, 2011, 04:28:47 PM

The first thing that crosses my mind with this pic is 'tuuttuut boingboing peppie en kokkie'.
Don't ask why.  Some will understand what I'm hallucinating about.

MWHUAHAUAHA absolutely right about that! :o ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on December 02, 2011, 07:00:33 AM
i've noticed when i'm at gig and take photos, it's right, I don't really pay attention to the
music but the images I try to have...

I agree; that's why I never take my camera with me! If I see great NMA pictures I wish they were
mine but I know I would be too busy with the camera during the show and I want to enjoy the
moment & the music instead of looking thru a lens.
Guess we all enjoy a gig in our own way and I really appreciate people who make (brilliant) pictures
during the concert.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on December 02, 2011, 01:33:59 PM
I don't take photos during all the gigs. I want to enjoy myself as well. So , I take photos in the beginning of the gig (3 first songs) after I sing, dance etc. I can take pictures again when there's slow titles for example or when i see something interesting on stage. When I see some (professionnal) photographers who take photos during all the gig I found it a bit annoying for the band and especially for the audience because some (professionnal) photographers are not very discret and sometimes they don't really pay attention to the audience and stand just in front of some people who can't see because of them or disturb the audience. When I'm at gigs the behaviour of some (professionnal) photographers make me angry because of all that and after I don't want to take photos at all !

more and more photographers (professionnal or not) are inconsiderate (don't know if it's the right word, I mean they want to take a photo and they do anything for that, annoying everybody) and it gets on my nerves more and more!

at gigs some professionnal photographers come just in front of me, they see I take photos but they really don't care!
they make me laugh coz they think because they got THE camera (a big one with big lens) they will do the best photo. But they 're wrong. Their photos are very clear , lights are good etc but the photo has  no feeling, no atmosphère, no emotion.

it's not the camera who make the photo, it's the eye.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Marloes on December 02, 2011, 09:49:52 PM
it's not the camera who make the photo, it's the eye.

Right again! I agree! Thanks!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: originalgoth on December 04, 2011, 08:44:39 PM
Yep, your pics are always great Stephanie :)

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Ragamuffin on December 18, 2011, 07:44:42 PM
woohoo! cracking photo. mrs rags now says we are going to the next Koln xmas gig!  :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on December 19, 2011, 06:13:30 PM
Great photo........ GREAT GIG TOO!!!!!!!!! I will hopefully be making the pilgrimage again on the showing this weekend! Loved it!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: fairloveorwar on December 26, 2011, 07:07:56 PM
looks like a TITANIC gig...sorry...<.<
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on January 23, 2012, 12:03:40 PM
Mastodon, Le Bataclan, Paris 2012. Awesome gig !!

more photos of this gig soon on my website.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on January 31, 2012, 09:20:39 PM
A shot from the stunningly beautiful Panjshir Valley in Northern Afghanistan.


Afghan Northerners are similar to English ones in many ways. Dead friendly as a rule. But you probably don't want to **** with them...
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on February 01, 2012, 01:59:50 PM
Great shot Guy! I love the warm light in the foreground and the hazy blue in the background. What a contrast!
From the meteorological standpoint you can see a low inversion layer.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on February 28, 2012, 05:47:10 PM
The winter was incredible. A last look back -
now I'm looking forward to the spring  :)




Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on February 28, 2012, 10:32:03 PM
These are amazing...!!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: fairloveorwar on February 29, 2012, 07:13:51 PM when the sunlight hits the rime and the hoar frost on the trees like that...beautiful planet,catch it in a net, take it home, put it in a jar and hide it where no ******* human will ever find it..:)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: isa on February 29, 2012, 07:53:14 PM
ein träumchen... ;)

very very nice pics, solly. unfortunately we had no snow this winter in duesseldorf (exept one morning) and so this is a great compensation  :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Barty on March 01, 2012, 05:32:35 AM
Beautiful pics Solly - thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on March 05, 2012, 05:37:18 PM
Hi everybody,
first for solly, your pictures are beautiful ;)

i'd like to know something. a few days ago i wanted to upload a photo BUT when i saw it on the noticeboard it was fuzzy..(?!) i don't understand. I try in 72dpi and 300 dpi with the same size, not big, and each time on the noticeboard my image  was bigger  than when I saw in 100% it via Photoshop or photobucket ... it's strange :/

i already upload photos before and i had no problem like that one..
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Pim on April 14, 2012, 11:17:53 AM
A new build, well the lower part.


Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Barty on April 14, 2012, 11:29:18 AM
Nice bit of work ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on July 19, 2012, 07:59:09 PM
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on August 18, 2012, 10:11:06 AM
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 20, 2012, 10:14:26 AM
Wow !
You must have a hell of a zoom on your camara to take a picture like that !!

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stoney on August 20, 2012, 10:18:05 AM
A new build, well the lower part.



Nice work that! Very tidy!  ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Wessexy Witch on August 20, 2012, 10:25:30 AM

Will show that to my older son Bob. His bedroom floor is a mass of cables and pedals.
It's like summut off Takeshi's Castle getting in the without  tripping over !
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on August 20, 2012, 07:59:17 PM
@wessexy :  ;D ;D I'd loooove to take such a photo ! ;)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Pim on August 21, 2012, 07:21:13 PM
A new build, well the lower part.


Nice work that! Very tidy!  ;)

The only thing missing is an old style vertical vox logo, like the ones on the old speakercabinet, but I refuse to pay $50 including postage for it and I only can seem to find them in the states or Australia. So if anybody has one or knows where to find it within europe let me know
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Pim on August 21, 2012, 07:37:16 PM
A pic from a warehouse we worked a few years ago

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Sequoia225 on August 22, 2012, 12:52:27 AM
The winter was incredible. A last look back -
now I'm looking forward to the spring  :)

Those photos are amazing!! But this one is AMAZING AMAZING

Love love love love winter - hate hate hate hate hate summer.
Its been so hot here - this made it a little better.

Wow I want a copy of this to frame for my walls.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Solly K. on October 01, 2012, 06:59:06 PM

Those photos are amazing!! But this one is AMAZING AMAZING

Love love love love winter - hate hate hate hate hate summer.
Its been so hot here - this made it a little better.

Wow I want a copy of this to frame for my walls.


Winter is coming  ;)
You can get a copy (full size) here: (
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Toronto Popular Front on June 15, 2013, 11:59:40 AM
how do you actually put / upload a photo onto here?

Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on June 16, 2013, 01:21:55 PM
When you hit the reply option you will see a tool bar above the text box.

In the bottom left corner is a button with a tiny pic of the mona lisa in it (above the smiley face). Hit it.

A pair of brackets will appear. Paste the embed code from where you are taking the photo from (I use my flickr account) into those brackets and hey presto the picture should appear in your post in the place where the brackets are.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Toronto Popular Front on June 16, 2013, 01:58:10 PM
so it has to be a photo you have uploaded to another site?

can i upload from my hard drive as i don't 'share' my photies, they are all on my harddrive
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on June 17, 2013, 01:45:17 PM
so it has to be a photo you have uploaded to another site?

I reckon so yes.

can i upload from my hard drive as i don't 'share' my photies, they are all on my harddrive

I can't see how without an embed code. This geek stuff isn't really my subject. Can anyone else help with this?
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Toronto Popular Front on June 17, 2013, 03:03:53 PM
please refer to my comments on the facebook v forum thread - partial Luddites unite!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on July 05, 2013, 11:26:23 AM
Hi, don't know if some of you listen, like or know Hellyeah. But here's a photo I took during their gig nr where I live


more photos on my FB page if some of you are interested ;) (

thx to those who will visit my page.
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Guy on July 07, 2013, 05:10:12 PM
Great pics!
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Stephanie D. on July 07, 2013, 06:58:52 PM
Thank you ! :)
Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Heno on February 11, 2014, 08:48:31 PM
its a bump but its worth it

a couple of the crew




Title: Re: Photo thread anyone?
Post by: Heno on February 11, 2014, 08:52:26 PM
and a few more



