The official NMA board

General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Guillaume on March 17, 2012, 01:35:57 AM

Title: Justin Sullivan NBC and Arte interviews (1998)
Post by: Guillaume on March 17, 2012, 01:35:57 AM
I don't remember if these 1998 interviews have been put on line here, but if it is not the case...:

NBC Interview:

Arte interview for "Tracks":

Title: Re: Justin Sullivan NBC and Arte interviews (1998)
Post by: Barty on March 17, 2012, 08:22:04 AM
Hi Guillaume.

Thanks very much for those. I've seen the NBC interview before but it's good to see it again....and I haven't seen the Arte interview so cheers!
Title: Re: Justin Sullivan NBC and Arte interviews (1998)
Post by: Pazza on March 17, 2012, 10:26:30 AM
Ditto, thought the NBC one was a bit spacey really as the interviewer seems a bit too prim and proper to be interviewing Justin about anything really. Enjoyed the French one, some good footage there
Title: Re: Justin Sullivan NBC and Arte interviews (1998)
Post by: BlackCountryMaggiD on March 23, 2012, 01:01:34 PM
Ditto, thought the NBC one was a bit spacey really as the interviewer seems a bit too prim and proper to be interviewing Justin about anything really. Enjoyed the French one, some good footage there
Define "Prim & Proper"!
I remember putting a link to the original Arte footage (uncompressed) in German & French on here years ago after it was 1st shown on TV.
Title: Re: Justin Sullivan NBC and Arte interviews (1998)
Post by: Himself on March 24, 2012, 03:04:11 PM
Hey nice one

Had not seen that NBC interview before so thanks for the heads up  :)
Have to say thought it was an excellent interview and as previously said I felt the interviewer was actually really interested , may not have been 100 percent clued up on the band but was asking sensible questions and in most actually giving JS the chance to answer them .

Regarding "prim and proper" .. well yeah a bit but that "uniform" it goes with the job doesn't it .She seems allright actually

I have a sneaky suspicion that she was having a great time re-living some memories of her undergraduate days in some way or another and I would further suggest she went off and bought the albums after the show and the back catalogue too .. just a feeling I have ..Who knows she may have been at one of the recent 30th London gigs for old time sake or may be a loyal fan since the interview and goes every year ..

ya kin never tell can ya !


Title: Justin Sullivan NBC and Arte interviews (1998)
Post by: 8 on April 01, 2022, 09:56:17 AM
I don't remember if these 1998 interviews have been put on line here, but if it is not the case...:

NBC Interview:

Arte interview for "Tracks":

Good Morning Guillaume, :)

Due to copyright issues, these 2 interviews aren't viewable in Canada. :'(
Anyone know how I can view them or if they're up on other sites?
Please, :-\ post alternate / new links to these interviews or any tips on how to view them. :-[
Title: Re: Justin Sullivan NBC and Arte interviews (1998)
Post by: Guillaume on April 01, 2022, 11:26:20 AM
Hello 8!  ;)

I don't remember if these 1998 interviews have been put on line here, but if it is not the case...:

NBC Interview:

Arte interview for "Tracks":

Good Morning Guillaume, :)

Due to copyright issues, these 2 interviews aren't viewable in Canada. :'(
Anyone know how I can view them or if they're up on other sites?
Please, :-\ post alternate / new links to these interviews or any tips on how to view them. :-[

Here"s the first interview:

I can't find anymore the NMA 1998 Arte tv interview but here's a NMA Justin interview for Arte tv in 2009:
Title: YEA-ahh!! Justin Sullivan NBC and Arte interviews (1998)
Post by: 8 on April 01, 2022, 11:40:35 AM
Hello 8!  ;)

Here are the two new interviews links if i am right:

OMG!!  Those actually work!  :D :D :D :D :D
Merci Guillaume!!  :D