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General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: Antwoord of the Peddler on March 30, 2012, 10:01:26 AM
He's a fool, but nice job stiffing a 'safe' Labour seat
Yep, he's a prize tool no doubt, but it's still hard not to laugh ;D
loved it - and who knows, maybe now the blairites at the top will finally realise that people want a REAL alternative to the con-dem inbred scum currently in power, not a party that's just a watered down version of them
I can't help thinking that George would be a great aid to Ed.
Can't see it somehow - however just remember the cat antics on Big Brother, what lovely outfit!
I can't help thinking that George would be a great aid to Ed.
All most people can do is laugh at Galloway. The guy craves any attention he can get, even if it means often lowering himself to ‘whims’ of the ‘masses’. The penny still hasn’t dropped with Labour, as illustrated by their virtual implosion in Scotland. The one thing they are certain about is that a return to the old ways isn’t on the cards. Political wilderness and all that…
Hasn’t Galloway been chased out of previous constituencies? The result’s a protest vote, so the point has been made and a good laugh has been had. With one of the poorest participation records in parliament, it shouldn’t be too long before another ‘home wanted’ sign gets posted…and another good laugh has been had.
The state of politics...give you the boak.
Like everyone else I'd written him off after Respect fragmented in 2006-7. Yet now everyone from Miliband to the reactionary morons of Daily Mail land are spitting feathers. That gets my vote...
Then I’m sure Imran Hussain could provide the Devil’s Buttermilk for the occasion.
Hmmm, did all make me smile ; ~ D
I can't help thinking that George would be a great aid to Ed.
The state of politics...give you the boak.
Hi the hell have you been? :-)
Yes I completely agree with that last line. Here we are again, hard working tax paying voters, watching people who hog the media and use politics and of course the media to forge a well paying career, when really politics should be a finite public duty.
I dont care what wing you are on; Benn, Galloway, Cash, Redwood, Opik and so on, and unfortunately on. Even when voted out these bastards doggy paddle on Big Brother or some one issue minority canoe until they get parachuted in to their next safe seat. And of course abominations like Prescott, class warrior, now seen wearing ermin in the House of Lords thank you very much and trebles on the taxpayer all around.
We need to flush 99% of these people down the cesspit, or even better make them work or run businesses so they have some clue what the hell its about. And bring in some fresh thinking. People who will concentrate on issues and not run after whatever the papers are interested in this week. They are people who will never answer questions when asked but answer in that trained and coached verbiage that is a mantra we are so bored of.
Yes Im pissed off with all of them. Tony Benn, left wing icon, 43234 years paid for in parliament by the taxpayer, got his son in as well, failed to get his daughter elected but was close to bringing it off and now she's a financier. The Hamiltons, right wing cheshire set stalwarts, brown paper envelope bungs - now to be seen on cycle of Celeb Cash in the Attic, Celeb Come dine with Me soon probably to be given some sort of cushy council job you mark my words.
Yes, ldopas is pissed off.
Galloway seen looking thoroughly traumatised by his critics in central London last night ;)
Anyone got the balls to try and explain how he managed to overturn a safe Labour majority by a landslide? Or is it just easier to throw shit scooped from the righteous arse of the establishment?
We need to flush 99% of these people down the cesspit, or even better make them work or run businesses so they have some clue what the hell its about. And bring in some fresh thinking.
Five years working in a poultry processing plant on minimum wage should be a prerequisite of standing for elected office :-)
Anyone got the balls to try and explain how he managed to overturn a safe Labour majority by a landslide? Or is it just easier to throw shit scooped from the righteous arse of the establishment?
" some of them just said: 'Well, which box number is it?' We'd tell them George was No 2 on the ballot and they would say: 'Oh, well, we'll vote George."
loved it - and who knows, maybe now the blairites at the top will finally realise that people want a REAL alternative to the con-dem inbred scum currently in power, not a party that's just a watered down version of them
What Blairites at the top? Balls and Miliband? Where have you been for the last half decade?
Galloway seen looking thoroughly traumatised by his critics in central London last night ;)
Anyone got the balls to try and explain how he managed to overturn a safe Labour majority by a landslide? Or is it just easier to throw shit scooped from the righteous arse of the establishment?
Yes Ive got the balls.
He used the same tactic perfected by the bloody BNP. He found a group who felt alienated and he used a couple of issues that dominate their thinking. Then he stood on those issues mostly alone, in flagrant dereliction of the wider issues and along with voter apathy....presto, you got a result.
Me...yepp I think Ill stand for a seat in Cornwall on the independence for Cornwall issue. That should garner a few votes, and bugger the NHS, economy and foreign policy issues...wont need em!
PS Guy, if your sole modus operandii is to applaud Galloway because he pissed off the Mail and overturned the establishment, then presumably you thought the BNP did a good job as well in the past? Me, a pox on them all!
Amen to that I.
Nicely done.
Interesting analysis here by a local who should know:
Hilarious piece by Mark Steele:
Still loving the holier than thou indignation spewing from the mainstream and its sheep.... ;)
P.S. I saw his election literature for the first time last night. It seems that the main focus was the cuts.
Which means I have to disagree with the usually brilliant Patrick Cockburn in this article:
Yes Galloway has taken a principled stand against the the war in Iraq and other crap ideas. He has usually been far from popular at the time and then vindicated later on. But I think the two most recent wars we have been dragged into are a minor element of his victory. People want an alternative to Tory/LibDem/Labour cuts. That was central to his campaign. Its not that Ed is too red. For most people at the sharp end he is nowhere near red enough....
Hi the hell have you been? :-)
Great, thanks, and you? ;-) Not quite as busy at the moment, so it's nice to have a chance to relax and take it a bit easy.
Yes, UK politics...depressing for the most part these days.
In addition to what Mike and ldopas have posted, had Galloway taken his politics into another constituency, the results wouldn’t have been as favourable. A good number of previous election failures before this is a case in point. Yet another key factor is that Imran Hussain simply didn’t engage. That’s typical of Labour’s behaviour in so-called safe seats. Clueless.
Mid-term by-elections and general elections are two different matters. Voting strategies differ in the latter. Disgruntled Tories have long been making plans for Nigel with this tactic. Sure political disenfranchisement is high and has been for years, however, it manifests itself in mid-term by-elections and the European elections. Since when was a mid-term by-election victory a revolution in progress?
Let’s face it: Galloway didn’t take a long-time Tory constituency either. Bradford West also isn’t London or the surrounding satellite towns. In terms of political value it just isn’t there. On a national level people simply aren’t interested in Miliband or Balls. That’s Labour’s real problem - they couldn’t give a toss about Galloway. Besides, Galloway’s old political adversary in Scotland poses a far greater threat which they still haven’t digested. One of the biggest problems Labour has is its inability to capitalise on discontent with the current government. The Cameron/Clegg show is one of the biggest jokes of British political history, and yet the opposition leader can’t even capitalise on it.
Galloway’s election victory in a specific constituency is one thing. Whether or not his message takes on a broader appeal, i.e. on a national level, is another matter. It’s only a ‘political earthquake’ if the aftershocks are felt far and wide, and if it really causes a seismic shift in British politics. He doesn’t even have the ability to turn Respect into a major political voice though.
If we’re keeping track of Galloway’s election results with real objectivity, then we’re talking about Poplar & Limehouse, the London Assembly and the Scottish Parliament General Election. Or are we missing something here? Perhaps someone would like to explain why Galloway couldn’t win (no balls required at all here or elsewhere), especially in his old den which would’ve given him a taste of the sweet Holyrood sun. Don't you think he would've loved debates with Salmond? Scotland rejected him...and in favour of whom?
Wasn’t Galloway’s message pretty much the same then and earlier? Yep. Enter the many variables mentioned here and elsewhere. Galloway's appeal is narrow; he's no real alternative.
Spot on as usual Pumpkin!
In the end these people dont give a flying f**k about the people they represent, or indeed people generally. They are egotistical, perma tanned actors. Galloway is easily at home supporting whatever cause will get him elected as playing a bloody cat on Big Brother. There is something terribly sociopathic about him, and lets be fair, about 2/3 of all MPs.
In the end whether right or left wing, the people who really should be MPs are too busy doing other stuff...because they can! (That is us as well folks!) :-)
I wasnt trying to have a go at Guy, but I was surprised as he isnt a stupid chap, that he would rejoice that someone has "put one over" on "the man", by cynically targetting an issue and a body of voters. As the BNP and other odious groups can also be seen to have done that. That was all.
Personally I think we need to remove the politics from politics. This right wing/left wing, lets make everyone the same (or "Fairness" as Clegg bats on about....which means different things to different people) when everyone is an individual and has their own skills and life outlooks etc. Its dead and rotting.
We need a new, anti-dogma, anti-flag waving, anti-one issue campaigners look at it and to create a new paradigm that removes politicing and politics, but serves everyone; the poor, the aspirers, the geniuses, the feckless, the industrious, the intellectuals, the not too intellectual etc.
And Galloway, Benn, Redwood et all are NOT part of the solution, they are the large stools blocking the pipework!!!! :-)