The official NMA board
General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: fgodoy_brazil on May 10, 2012, 03:20:11 PM
What do you think about the new site?
Just trying to get used to it!!
so far, way too screamy
In my opinion: The design is too busy.
It's not my style of webdesign.
Not sure the homepage is finished yet as the photo-strip seems to overlap the tour dates section a bit (unless it's my settings playing up). And I'm not sure why there are two "New Model Army" headings, with the new one overlapping the old one. Hopefully it will be tidied up soon...regarding the forum, black/red lettering on dark grey is a bit hard to read. I do like the wood effects though.
Don't mean to be critical by the way - a change is good every now and again. :)
What a surprise! Quite like it I think...
Not sure the homepage is finished yet as the photo-strip seems to overlap the tour dates section a bit (unless it's my settings playing up). And I'm not sure why there are two "New Model Army" headings, with the new one overlapping the old one. Hopefully it will be tidied up soon...regarding the forum, black/red lettering on dark grey is a bit hard to read. I do like the wood effects though.
Don't mean to be critical by the way - a change is good every now and again. :)
You have some issues due to cached style sheets, probably. Do a CTRL+F5 if on pc, Apple-R if on Mac to force your web browser to update its cache. That ought to resolve the weirdness.
I like change, change is good. The band has a new face so why not the website? in a few days everyone will have forgotten how it was before anyway :)
I like it. A lot.
Bloody nora it's neigh on knocked me off me chair........... Where's me Fster Grants?
I like it - you've a few minor issues, such as black on grey (see this thread for an example) and other colours that don't work too well together, but aside from these it's a job well done! :)
Not sure the homepage is finished yet as the photo-strip seems to overlap the tour dates section a bit (unless it's my settings playing up). And I'm not sure why there are two "New Model Army" headings, with the new one overlapping the old one. Hopefully it will be tidied up soon...regarding the forum, black/red lettering on dark grey is a bit hard to read. I do like the wood effects though.
Don't mean to be critical by the way - a change is good every now and again. :)
You have some issues due to cached style sheets, probably. Do a CTRL+F5 if on pc, Apple-R if on Mac to force your web browser to update its cache. That ought to resolve the weirdness.
Cheers for the tip Jibberish - it's worked a treat and looks ace now mate. Liking it!
A change is always good (as Justin says, if you're not changing you're already dead), and like the background wood effect.
As has been mentioned, there is the issue with some of the contrast (red text on black, black text on grey, etc.), that should probably be reviewed.
I guess it's a matter of getting used to it but I will, it looks good!
The former design was a bit too "30st anniversary" related, maybe ... and it's already 31 years!
I really like the red & blue/petrol colours and it's amazing how they have managed to put Ceri in the picture where Nelson used to be. At the same time this new picture gives me a sad feeling cause Nelson is gone. But yes I know, the band has to move on cause we all want them to release a new album and even more, play live.
Its not workin gon my laptop yet. Bits of it are overlapping, some of it is the old site, some of it new and the photos are different sizes. Teething problems I guess.
Also I shall probably be avoiding the forum when hungover in future......
I may be being a bit thick but what are 'Family Pages'? ???
What do you think about the new site?
Well... It's less dark... I like it. :)
I may be being a bit thick but what are 'Family Pages'? ???
Sadly, I shall be joining you on the stupid step. :-\
I may be being a bit thick but what are 'Family Pages'? ???
Sadly, I shall be joining you on the stupid step. :-\
Tried clicking on it but nothing there. Great idea, though.....
If you do not evolve you're dead :)
I'm using Mozilla Firefox browser and it looks great. Just tried it with Google Chrome and it looks unfinished and confused. Anyway, well pleased with the revamp.
Like what you did with the place. Makes the room look bigger ;)
i like it
I thought a new album was forth coming when I first saw the change. When straight to the home page to see if there was any news of it, and nothing. Generally, bands seem to change their sites around new albums, but I guess a new member might be a good enough reason too.
I'm fine with it, btw.
Same thing, different colour! ;)
I like it :)
A fresh start and change are good things when done for the better and the right reasons.
Personally I'm very much of the 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' school and as such I don't see why bands (and most other organisations/entities/groups/whatever) feel the need to revamp websites on a (semi)regular basis, basically creating major confusion in their users for a number of days (if things go well) or weeks (if things go wrong)... what exactly was wrong with the old one?
But then again, I pretty much only care about the practical aspect on websites - I don't give a damn how it looks as long as what I wanna read is easily accessible ;)
That said, there are obviously MUCH more important things in this world, so I'm certainly not gonna get upset by this, I'm sure I'll get used to it in no time and then privately whinge when they change it again next year ;D
Bloody hell, I've just come back to the site/forum after a big break and was loving the way it was set up and it changes the week after!
I was going to look at the formatting to see how you had done it to pinch a few ideas for my site but it looks like that idea has gone for a burton!
I preferred the old so far, but what the hell do I know?
I like it, not sure the ancient browser version we are on at work does though. Some text isn't visible unless I scroll or highlight it - sometimes can see the smileys but not the actual text. I will have to have a proper look at home.
Still looking for the "I LIKE" thumbs up button ... ;)
Give me a bit more time to get used to it and I'll tell you later.
Looks ace, much better, i cant tell you how sick of that dreary brown i was getting, i feel newly invigorated! x
Gotta say I am loving the new look site! Well done to all concerned!
For me personally I really need some more time to get into the new side...I really like to old style and it was very easy to handle with it to be honest
I find the new design is not so clearly and very busy for my eyes aswell for the colours vesterday I didnt found the logout button but maybe its my own thing coz Im very oldschool.....
So I will take my time and I will see...
Good night @ all
cheers witch
I like it, not sure the ancient browser version we are on at work does though. Some text isn't visible unless I scroll or highlight it - sometimes can see the smileys but not the actual text. I will have to have a proper look at home.
Yes - my problem exactly - did you find a way to make it work with the old browser?
the new NMA website design is really awesome ! it's clear, with new colors, new images, we see all the info immediately. very good ! congrats to the person who did it ;)
NMA has a new bass player so a new website design is very welcome. Change is always good !
Struggling to see every second post on the forum. Anybody got any idea how to solve this?
It is only right that the band have a red, white and blue colour scheme which demonstrates their clear support for Her Majesty's continued reign in this Diamond Jubilee year.
It's looking better now it's settled dowqn a bit......... Tho' it still reminds me of the Re-done History packaging for some reason........ ???
Really, a change is as good as a rest. You won't please all of the folks with a new web redesign. It was time for a change, what with it being the 31st year and Ceri arriving. So vive la change is what I say, or something like that anyway
I think the website itself looks great.
I'm not sure about the noticeboard though.
I don't like the alternating colors on every other post. It's too distracting. I think having the background either all white or all black makes the flow of things MUCH easier on the eyes. Also, there are just too many colors happening all over the place. The text is in two shades of blue, orange, yellow and then either white or black text in the body of the message. Add to that the photos on either side of the page and it's just too much IMO. I think that if the main area was a solid black or white, none of the other things would matter nearly as much and it would all be much cleaner and coherent.
But as it is, it's just too hard to focus on what you're reading.
Struggling to see every second post on the forum. Anybody got any idea how to solve this?
Same for me - Anyone know how to resolve this ??
What machine are you using? What OS is on it? What browser have you got and what version of the browser is it you are using? Is your browser up to date? Are you running any plugins? Are they up to date?
It's pretty clear the new layout hasn't been tested across a reasonable range of systems yet. I'd be patient and wait for them to finish it off before mucking about too much with your own stuff first, though. If everything else is working for you, it's the forum's problem, not yours.
But no-one can do anything about it if you aren't sharing basic details of the problem you are having. You're effectively phoning the AA and saying "My car has broken down on a road in England. It's got trees along the side of it."
It is only right that the band have a red, white and blue colour scheme which demonstrates their clear support for Her Majesty's continued reign in this Diamond Jubilee year.
What machine are you using? What OS is on it? What browser have you got and what version of the browser is it you are using? Is your browser up to date? Are you running any plugins? Are they up to date?
I am running Windows XP Pro Service Pack 3 with Internet Explorer 7 as far as I am aware they are up to date and also as far as I can see everything else correctly, the only problem is that the Forum messages are not visible when on the black background (grey is Ok ) unless I mouse over them. Hope that helps
I am very Impressed with this New Look. ;D ;D 8)
What machine are you using? What OS is on it? What browser have you got and what version of the browser is it you are using? Is your browser up to date? Are you running any plugins? Are they up to date?
It's pretty clear the new layout hasn't been tested across a reasonable range of systems yet. I'd be patient and wait for them to finish it off before mucking about too much with your own stuff first, though. If everything else is working for you, it's the forum's problem, not yours.
But no-one can do anything about it if you aren't sharing basic details of the problem you are having. You're effectively phoning the AA and saying "My car has broken down on a road in England. It's got trees along the side of it."
I am operating a Windows 7 PC only about a month old with IE 9 on it. All updates are up to date for both. I have recently emptied the cache and I have no problems with any other pages apart from this forum where like someone else mentioned the black background messages are not visible unless I highlight them by running the mouse over them.
In that case it's 50/50 because while I can't speak for v.9 Internet explorer tends not to stick to established web standards. The forum works a treat for me on win7 using Chrome, so give that a go. It could be they've not optimised the forum for what is a relatively new and unused browser like I.E. 9
For the webmaster it might be helpful if everyone struggling to read it can say what browser they are using, if indeed its an optimisation issue. In the meantime Chrome on win 7 is a goer. It imports I.E. settings and runs each window as a separate process and uses the website rendering engine, so it's an easy and stable alternative to migrate to.
Firefox 3.6.13 - works fine
Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.13. Can't see the text on the black background posts unless I scroll over it - can see smileys and quoted text from earlier posts though. The grey background posts are readable. I know I shouldn't be surprised about things not working in this version but I'm using it somewhere where the upgrading isn't in my control.
Firefox and AOl definitely work for me! :P
Firefox 12 and win vista/7 -> no problems reading text on a black background,
don`t like the new board, it comes with white stripes on both sides (starting org-page stripes are black, looks better
and: what is an avatar? can`t see someone has one ;)
aol is not an operating system, it`s (was) a provider (I thought the company has changed so many times aol no longer exists - only the name) ???
Good evening Lotus ,
an avatar is a picture that you can choose .
I had a great avatar with a raven on a gravestone for years now but when the forum got the new design my avatar got lost :'(
And lots of members had a avatar and yes you are right at the moment nobody has an avatar so you cant see them....I really love to have my raven back ..... :'( :'( :'( :'(
cheers witch
Hello Witch,
that was a kind of a hoax (my way to say I can`t see the avantars I know most people have (I have none to control this))
and I hope this problem will be solved asap :)
cheers Lotus
I'm using Mac OS X and Safari 4.1.3. and the new site looks a tad messy for me (i.e. alternating post colors). But if a change is gonna come so be it!
I quite like it now.... thought it was a bit 'busy' when I first saw it, but it's grown on me.
(Shame we've lost our avatars, though).