The official NMA board
General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: Si_H on July 20, 2012, 11:55:11 AM
Does anyone else here do the Barclays Fantasy Football ??
If so, fancy starting an NMA Forum members league??
We had a FF league running for a few years but nothing last year...
I'm up for it
Smashing - thats at least two of us then :)
I've created a classic league, the code to join is 53020-43815
Got a link to that???
Assuming you've already got a login to the site. Then select "Join Private League", click "Next", and then enter the code in the box.
I can't find a way of linking to it directly :(
I named the league "Forum Family Footie". (Can change it easily enough if someone comes up with a better name!)
I'm in!!!
Excellent - job done!
Anyone else?
Go on... ;)