The official NMA board

General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Master Ray on August 28, 2013, 10:53:57 PM

Title: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Master Ray on August 28, 2013, 10:53:57 PM
For me, sadly, and especially after reading the Operation Vendetta thread, it has to be 'Modern Times'...  :'(

What's on your mind right now and which tune sums it up?

Hope this thread finds you in a better mood than I am...
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: sozbot on August 29, 2013, 01:25:01 PM
No Greater Love - because really, my fella saved me from a very different life. Just reflecting upon that, today.  :)
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: comber on August 29, 2013, 05:11:14 PM
Eleven years...because that's how long i will get after i kill my noisy bloody neighbour!!
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on August 29, 2013, 06:54:41 PM
Big Blue - cos I thought of it out walking the dog staring at the sky and then had a flashback to singing it to my son while changing him at 3 months or so (and thats 15 years ago!) Beautiful.
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Master Ray on August 29, 2013, 07:05:01 PM
Nice posts!  Well, maybe not the one about killing your neighbour (although I sympathise, Comber, was in a similiar situation a few years back... call me if you need an alibi!)...

Please, keep 'em coming!
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Shush on August 30, 2013, 12:07:25 AM
Try and make it look like n accident  :o
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Dac X Lee on August 30, 2013, 01:50:26 PM
Maybe Aimless Desire...

That song just kinda describes the lives of all of us small individuals chained to this patterned world... Or at least that's how it can be understood.
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: lotus on August 30, 2013, 05:17:51 PM
A mixture of
R&R and You Weren`t  There and Family and Masters of War  >:(
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Dac X Lee on August 31, 2013, 03:50:04 AM
Kind of "Get me Out" today. For the beginning that says "get up early every morning just to put your make-up on".
Yeah, not every day, but sometimes I do that.  :-*
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Barty on August 31, 2013, 04:46:18 PM
Slight cheat as it's obsa JS solo but today, it has to be Sun on Water. What a beautiful song.
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Master Ray on August 31, 2013, 07:08:04 PM
If Cameron hadn't been defeated in his bid to get us into another war and subsequently having Barack throw down a dismissive message about how France is 'America's oldest alley' (yeah, that's ten years after America was basically trying to destroy Frances reputation because they didn't automatically follow the US into the current Gulf War), I'd be saying '51st State'...

But in view of that, I suppose it has to be 'Today Is A Good Day'...

Note to any US readers... I'm talking about the government, not the people.  Been to the US several times and loved the folks I met there.
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Fatalist on September 01, 2013, 11:41:41 AM
It's September 1 so I guess it has to be Autumn, the leaves are turning...
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: purplehaze on September 02, 2013, 04:27:03 PM
wipeout mainly because i have an urge to be by the sea,a bit of salt purification,but also cause i feel wiped out after a five mile walk to the seven sisters,which is a waterfall near where i live in cumbria. :D
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: mudgeek on September 02, 2013, 06:44:31 PM
"Today Is a Good Day"!  :D
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: purplehaze on September 06, 2013, 10:24:42 AM
today,and right now masters of war seems to be appropriate,with all the sierria stuff  thats going down at the minute
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Guillaume on September 06, 2013, 10:52:58 AM
"Waiting", always waiting...
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: purplehaze on September 06, 2013, 12:36:35 PM
just wondered what your waiting for,hope its something nice :D :D
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: NickyG on September 08, 2013, 01:44:08 PM
"White Light" because of my mum, whose birthday would have been today.

Great idea for a thread - I wonder why no-one did it before.
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Strangler on September 08, 2013, 03:29:26 PM
WIRED seems to sum up things at the moment!
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Guy on September 08, 2013, 03:37:39 PM

Not sure where I'll land...
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: sozbot on September 09, 2013, 12:28:12 PM
Green and Grey. Quite often feel like the subject of that song. Left home for greener pastures, etc. Don't look down on anyone who chose to stay - still really close to family and friends back there - but bloody homesick today, and it resonates even more than usual.
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: paule on September 11, 2013, 08:38:39 PM
Turn Away

Would have been my Father's 77th birthday today.
He was an was an alcoholic and drank himself to death in March 2011.
I didn't/ couldn't? save him.

Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: sozbot on September 12, 2013, 07:04:54 AM
Turn Away

Would have been my Father's 77th birthday today.
He was an was an alcoholic and drank himself to death in March 2011.
I didn't/ couldn't? save him.


Sorry to hear that, Paul. Can't even imagine how hard that must have been.

All best.
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: ottodeth on September 12, 2013, 07:11:27 PM
Into the Wind, i hear "face into the boy face into the wind" pretty much everyday (its a good positive mantra under any and all circumstances no matter what they be, for me ive found that is)  ;D :P :-* ;)
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on September 12, 2013, 10:04:12 PM
Today? Dunno probably virtually all of 'em in one way or another. Just another non-notable day but NMA are there in the background ready to soothe/provoke whatever floats into the heart and maybe that's what makes this band special, it's kinda' hard to not find some song somewhere that reflects where you're at right now. Here's a question tho': Just Make It Stop - Low is a special song for me but can anyone come up with an NMA song that touches on the same feelings? Just curious cos it seems interesting to try and see what other people take from this 30+ year back catalogue of honesty.
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Fatalist on September 12, 2013, 10:51:21 PM
I have been deliberately having an NMA less few weeks so I appreciate the new album more than I was already bound to anyway - actually I did sneak a little listen to TLOHC in the car the other day, but it's a bit like giving up smoking, the odd crafty one doesn't count as long as you have your fingers crossed behind your back (mind you that did make driving the car difficult...) lol ; ~ D
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: lupus225 on September 21, 2013, 05:52:48 AM
7 Times

"We are what the gods have made us..."

That really got at first listen...I had tears in my eyes actually ;)
Title: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: 8 on May 28, 2019, 11:12:33 AM

Well, for me today, I'm feeling tugged somewhere between two NMA songs...
 1.  'Disappeared'... due to dearly missing the buzz this place once regularly had before facefook, fritter and the like(s) stole posting folk away from here.   :-[
 2.  'Happy To Be Here'... because even though this place is far too quiet these days, compared to 14 years ago, I'm so thankful that it still exists because I'm not (nor do I ever intend to be) on the afore mentioned social platforms.
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Pol on May 29, 2019, 05:05:55 PM
No pain as I've got a headache. Seriously thinking about getting a tattoo with no pain in script incoperated into a peony rose as a memorial to someone special who I'm been thinking a lot about recently even if it's been 18 years. 
Soz for the depression lol
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: 8 on June 03, 2019, 12:09:51 AM
No Pain  as I've got a headache.  Seriously thinking about getting a tattoo with no pain in script incorporated into a peony rose as a memorial to someone special who I'm been thinking a lot about recently even if it's been 18 years.  Soz for the depression lol

Hey Pol,  :)

From time to time, it really helps to let thoughts and feelings out / to talk about stuff, even if it's only for just a little while.  Hope today's been a little better, lighter, brighter, happier, easier for you.

Best Wishes.

As for me, I'm feeling a bit  '225'  right now.  Take care people, wherever you are in the world.  Have a great sleep.  :)
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Master Ray on June 03, 2019, 07:35:39 PM

With you on that one, 8... i can't deny that i'm on FB but it's only to keep in touch with a small number of old friends.  The NMA FB page was something I was logged onto for about a month and then deleted.  Too much BS and antagonism.  That almost never happens here.  Almost...

Thanks for bumping it.  It would be nice to get back to former glories, when you could be guaranteed a fine evenings chatter with like-minded folks, but sadly so many lovely folks have moved on.  And respect to them!  Sending them all the best if they happen to read this. I see some of those folks at gigs, looking forward to seeing you again!
Title: FB Q...
Post by: 8 on June 03, 2019, 08:37:51 PM
The NMA FB page was something I was logged onto for about a month and then deleted.  Too much BS and antagonism.  That almost never happens here.  Almost...

Hey Master Ray, :)

Would that be the official NMA FB page you're talking about, or the NMA fan FB page?   ???
Title: Re: FB Q...
Post by: Master Ray on June 03, 2019, 10:28:29 PM
The NMA FB page was something I was logged onto for about a month and then deleted.  Too much BS and antagonism.  That almost never happens here.  Almost...

Hey Master Ray, :)

Would that be the official NMA FB page you're talking about, or the NMA fan FB page?   ???

Hey, buddy.  I think it was the latter.  But I'm not sure.  I seem to remember such a lot of crap that I couldn't be bothered with.

Like I said, I keep FB for close personal friends and THIS place for my NMA friends.
Title: Re: FB Q...
Post by: 8 on June 03, 2019, 11:04:56 PM
The NMA FB page was something I was logged onto for about a month and then deleted.  Too much BS and antagonism.  That almost never happens here.  Almost...
Hey Master Ray, Would that be the official NMA FB page you're talking about, or the NMA fan FB page?   ???
Hey, buddy.  I think it was the latter.  But I'm not sure.  I seem to remember such a lot of crap that I couldn't be bothered with.
Like I said, I keep FB for close personal friends and THIS place for my NMA friends.
Thanks for the reply.  :)
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Simon73 on June 11, 2019, 02:09:43 PM
I do not know why but instinctively Vengeance. I dont know against who or what but I am just extremely frustrated and pissed off right now.
Since last Thursday I was in perfect shape train swim go out play with my daughter after school etc. since Thursday:
one guy at a concert enters in the muscle of mu right leg causing severe muscle contusion. I have not even seen who the asshole was;
I hurt muscles of my back doing a stupid movement at the gym the day after;
On sunday I feel pain at the small finger of my right feet no idea why it s red ans swallen and painful no bloody idea why (never realised someone stepped on my finger or that I kicked something so hard and I was never drunk idea); and it is the same now............
To end yesterday I had fever also no bloody idea why as I have never fever or am never really sick.
What the fck..................

sorry too much bullshit to swallow in just a few days and before I was truly in great shape.
Sorry for that.
simon >:( >:(
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Mawsley on June 18, 2019, 02:03:12 AM
An hour early, but what the hey:

“Four o'clock in the morning and still we cannot sleep
Turning over turning round, twisting in our sweat
They say there is no rest for the wicked ones
Dear God what have we done?”
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: lupus225 on June 19, 2019, 09:01:16 PM
Angry Planet
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Master Ray on June 19, 2019, 10:04:29 PM

March In December.
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Mawsley on June 20, 2019, 07:27:03 AM

I’ve no idea if it will be but I’m in bed getting ready for the world, one of the dogs is snuggled up snoring and the sun is shining. There’s worse ways to kick off the waking hours.
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Mawsley on June 20, 2019, 09:19:43 AM
Trying to sit here and work - but these two are giving me No Rest  ::) ;D

Title: NMA song that sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: 8 on March 04, 2022, 08:00:12 AM
As if the pandemic wasn't hard and bad enough for all of us on and of this beautiful earth to go through, fcukin' HELL chose to break loose too!  I fear what's around the bend, for all of us (=mankind).  In time the planet will heal itself / overcome / survive, but we foolish 'monkeys' won't.  It's history repeating itself all over again, but on an even graver scale.  Ugh.  Ugh.  Ugh.  STOP!!  Make love, NOT war. :'(

"Spitting out in desperation,

Sailing on in desperation,

Screaming out in desperation,

Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Stephanie on March 04, 2022, 09:15:17 AM
Hugs...for whatever it is worth...

Many songs come to mind...but I'm opting for "Eyes get used to the darkness"

And when our eyes get used to the darkness, we can see the storm coming
And maybe out beyond the blackest storms, we’ll see the furthest stars

We need to believe this.
Title: NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: 8 on March 29, 2022, 01:02:51 PM
Hugs... for whatever it is worth...

You are a genuine, beautiful soul, Stephanie. :)  If you're ever feeling down, come back to this page, and re-read this very post, because no word of it has been a lie.  One doesn't need or have to see another's face or body or whatever, face-to-face, or in person, to recognise and call out true beauty when one hears it, feels it, sees it -- when it is quite plainly, naturally, effortlessly already present, radiating, right there (or in this case right here, on this page) -- for all to love, value, cherish and appreciate.

Many songs come to mind... but I'm opting for "Eyes get used to the darkness"
And when our eyes get used to the darkness, we can see the storm coming
And maybe out beyond the blackest storms, well see the furthest stars
We need to believe this.

So true, we really do.  Thank you for your lovely words, but especially for your kind and generous, virtual hug.  Even a simple little hug can work wonders, too.  Whether in person or in a more virtual manner, the same sentiment remains, is still felt.

For today, I'd like to leave you with an NMA song that I hope you treasure just as much as I do... Sunrise (  I hope the sun shines for you today and everyday you need it to.  Stay beautiful Steph, where and how it matters most.  'Cause that's the REAL stuff, not the rest of it.  That other stuff stretches, ages and fades, but what's inside ALWAYS shines through, remains, no matter how hard one tries to conceal it.  So with those positive thoughts / vibes still in mind, do something you really love today... something just for you.  You're a rare find.  A rare find indeed.  Thanks for making this noticeboard even more special.  Have a pleasant afternoon, however you do choose to spend it. :)
Title: Re: NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Stephanie on March 30, 2022, 12:13:26 PM

For today, I'd like to leave you with an NMA song that I hope you treasure just as much as I do... Sunrise (

THANK YOU!!!! Can you imagine I had almost forgotten about this song?!  :o It's beautiful, inspiring and with this clip it's just perfect.

And I really needed this today...this and your very sweet and kind words.  :)

It's been one of this...meh...kind of days where you feel awfully ungrateful because you know you actually got it so good and yet you still feel miserable and a bit whiney...and feeling so ungrateful doesn't help matters much.   :P

But your post and the song have brought a big smile to my face like you can't imagine. The day has suddenly become much brighter!  :)
Title: Re: Which NMA song sums up the way you feel RIGHT NOW?
Post by: Marcin D. on March 31, 2022, 05:52:25 PM
"End of Days" .....

The expression on your face says that you’ve been cheated
Well yes, you’ve been cheated but not in the way that you think
Title: 'I see her face, I see her smile. So little time, There's so little time...'
Post by: 8 on April 08, 2022, 04:56:02 AM

Oo-ooh! hmmm,
