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General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Belza on September 17, 2013, 02:43:44 PM
Having recently acquired a few of Justin and Dean's recent shows on bootlegs I am becoming more and more obsessed with Turn Away. What a strong, emotional song it is. I can't believe it has never seen an official release apart from the Justin and Friends live version. Does anyone know if this was ever studio recorded and of a demo version is available anywhere?
It is on the 30th Anniversary Live Album and DVD too ;)
JS said in an interview that no studio version could ever do the live version justice.....or words to that effect. Hence there's no studio version. I agree with you - it's a classic, emotive tune.
It's very much in the same boat as Changing Of The Light for almost identical reasons....... Both classic and very emotive songs........
I second what Barty said. But I'm pretty sure I also heard Justin say that they had tried to record it for a couple of albums starting around the time of T&C but never succeeded to capture the live feel so I guess there might be some recordings out there somewhere, but not ones the band were ever happy with. I like the BGILE version best myself...