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General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Guillaume on April 20, 2014, 06:38:54 PM

Title: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2024
Post by: Guillaume on April 20, 2014, 06:38:54 PM
It's been now 30 years that "Vengeance", NMA's first album, has been released in the world of music...remember...April 1984!

Where were you when the album was released in 1984?
Did you listen to this album in 1984 or years later?
And what do you think of the LP now?
Is it still relevant and awesome, or do you think NMA has done better albums since?
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Pol on April 20, 2014, 07:22:05 PM
Its was a few months later that i first heard the Vengeance lp
Was unemployed at the time and 17 years old and always loved punk but i didn't have a clue about the alternative music scene and had never heard of nma or the various other bands on scene ie the meteors cramps all the Goth and Psychobilly stuff.
  I totally loved the raw passion of the record with lyrics that still mean as much today and totally unique bass lines.
NMA may not matched the raw passion of whole record but have certainly done so in individual song.
The band have certainly moved on along and have improved and evolved with every record and song and as Justin said they have never made the same song twice
Yes i totally love the Vengeance lp, in some ways its has helped define the person i am today.That said all the records from Vengeance to Between Dog and Wolf have been excellent.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Frank on April 21, 2014, 08:35:54 PM
I heard it aged 16/17 when released via my slightly older sister who had a great taste in music. Clicked with me after a couple of listens. Saw them in the summer that year at Stockwell park at a GLC benefit and then later in the year at Stevenage, near where I live. What else can I say, a great record which i may not play that often these days but when i do I still get the hairs stand up on the back of my neck......
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Amandistan on May 21, 2014, 11:46:10 AM
I was not yet born when the album was released.
I first heard it in 2008 or 9. I had only discovered the band in 2007 and did not like it too much but eventually grew to like it after a few listens. It was the raw emotion I guess.

Personally i do think that NMA have had better albums since. The last three have really done it for me.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Guillaume on September 10, 2019, 08:08:01 AM
"Vengeance"/"Notice me" reaction!:
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Whirlwind on September 10, 2019, 01:36:36 PM
Wasn't released here in the US of Trump until after the band's second album.

I heard about the album before I heard the album. Our underground press talked about the songs "Spirit Of The Falklands" and "Vengeance." There was a strong dichotomy there: one song could be labeled left wing and the other far right wing....from the same band on the same album! I remember reading that "Spirit Of The Falklands" was banned on UK radio (don't even know if that was true). Point is that album was talked about over here more than heard.

When I finally did get it, I liked it a lot. I was comparing it to the "No Rest" album so I viewed the production on the "Vengeance" album as weak and thin, but I liked it nonetheless.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Guillaume on September 10, 2019, 04:30:29 PM
I was comparing it to the "No Rest" album so I viewed the production on the "Vengeance" album as weak and thin

I remember Justin saying in an interview (for the Big Takeover) that the production from "No rest for the wicked" was awful and that he had no excuse for these results...unlike "Vengeance" which had a terrible production too but was recorded in  a few days, for a low budget.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Whirlwind on September 10, 2019, 05:59:49 PM

I remember Justin saying in an interview (for the Big Takeover) that the production from "No rest for the wicked" was awful ....

I also read (maybe same interview?) that Justin did not like the production for the "No Rest" album. I thought that was nuts. Just listen to the very first thirty seconds of that album - the beginning of "Frightened." DAMN! The bass booms like nothing I have ever heard and then the drums roll in with a sonic force I have never heard. Man, the first time I played that album I knew I was into some new territory. It was monstrous.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: fiddlesticks on September 11, 2019, 12:22:19 AM
Funnily enough I was listening to Vengeance earlier today. There is a raw feeling to it (which fits) - the vocals are hidden a bit low in the mix behind a lot of delay.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: fairloveorwar on October 23, 2019, 09:11:19 AM
left work today, turned on BBC Radio 6 Music, was about to plug in my flash drive and A Liberal Educaton came on, unexpected and outstanding..:)
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Ron B on October 23, 2019, 02:47:13 PM
 I had never heard of  Vengeance until I went to Denmark in 1995 and I saw the CD there and brought it. In 1984 I knew of the band NMA thru MTV which played the White Coats video but that was a few years before 1984. as for what I Think of it for there 1st album it sounded rough which is what I expected from them. As for is it still relevent now in certain aspects Yes . 8)
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Tony S on October 24, 2019, 01:29:42 PM
In 1984 I knew of the band NMA thru MTV which played the White Coats video but that was a few years before 1984.

White Coats wasn't released until 1987 though ?
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Ron B on October 24, 2019, 03:43:20 PM
In 1984 I knew of the band NMA thru MTV which played the White Coats video but that was a few years before 1984.

White Coats wasn't released until 1987 though ?

My Bad I thought it was earlier but your right I did see the White Coats video on MTV.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Whirlwind on October 25, 2019, 01:10:08 AM
I did see the White Coats video on MTV.

Yeah, MTV only played two New Model Army videos - "51st State" and "White Coats."

But there was a small station in New Jersey - some public access station - that played music videos for an hour at six o'clock at night. I had to tune it in on a small black and white TV and the picture was always full of static....but it was the first time I ever saw the band New Model Army. It was incredible. The video I saw was the live version of "No Rest" from the 1985 live show at The Marquee. Seeing it in black and white with the picture creeping in and out the band came across extremely menacing. That live video was my first look at the band. It really did make me a fan forever. I'll never forget that moment.

Picture that video down below in black and white and full of static. Then add the killer live version of "No Rest" on top of it and you can see why my eyes opened a mile wide. Man, what the hell is this? They really should be banned from entering America! I knew then I would love this band.

Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Rusco on October 25, 2019, 09:21:02 PM
Well, I was 11 years then. But I'd already got hooked with music a lot in general. My parents stuffed me with all kinds of music and especially everything considered as "rock" so I got into music like a maniac. I blame them  ;). Also, I was too young to be fully aware about all the numerous bands and styles. Then, in -84 in Finland there had been plenty of HC punk bands taking over as it was the mood in most of other European countries as well. But it was also metal coming then so it took me first then too.

Vengeance is so powerful album to me to listen that I don't listen to it so often. Great, awesome album. There's really some kind of an authentic feeling with it that It's impossible to mention any other band that'd really sound the same. My faves are Great Expectations, Waiting, Christian Militia, Smalltown England and Lib. Ed.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Johnz on October 26, 2019, 08:38:55 AM
My faves are Great Expectations, Waiting, Christian Militia, Smalltown England and Lib. Ed.

I never think of Great Expectation and Waiting as Vengeance tracks. I know that they're on the CD but to me they were never part of that album. Just like White Coats and T&C. Great tracks, though.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Rusco on October 26, 2019, 07:02:01 PM
My faves are Great Expectations, Waiting, Christian Militia, Smalltown England and Lib. Ed.

I never think of Great Expectation and Waiting as Vengeance tracks. I know that they're on the CD but to me they were never part of that album. Just like White Coats and T&C. Great tracks, though.

My bad, yea you correct. I've only the CD reprint.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: lotus on October 26, 2019, 07:49:26 PM
Hello Rusco,
good to see you are alive and able/interested posting here  ;

And yes, sometimes the fingers on the keyboard are faster than the memory in this "1984-2014" postings ...
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Rusco on November 03, 2019, 06:44:35 PM
Cheers, Lotus.  :)

I forgot to mention Spirit of the Falklands. 🖤
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Guillaume on June 11, 2020, 07:55:52 PM
What an unusual live version of NOTICE ME!:
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Johnz on June 20, 2020, 09:29:07 AM
What an unusual live version of NOTICE ME!:

That was the standard version on the Eight tour, IIRC. It's different but I prefer the original.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Tarsier on July 30, 2020, 07:02:45 PM
What an unusual live version of NOTICE ME!:

Wow! :o Really enjoyed this :)
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Tarsier on July 30, 2020, 08:17:19 PM
1984... That was a year before I was born :)
I heard Vengeance first time when I was about fifteen/sixteen, my then boyfriend and his brother were really into NMA. I didn't speak that good English at the time but for sure fell in love with the album! The sound, energy... Long story short, I never stopped listening to this :) Definitely one of my favourite, if not THE favourite album! Christian Militia, Smalltown England, Running In The Rain, hooooly crap... My neighbours are getting their ear-full of this album on regular basis.
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2014
Post by: Guillaume on April 29, 2024, 08:36:43 PM
Happy 40 years to VENGEANCE!
Title: Re: Vengeance: From 1984 to 2024
Post by: Shush on May 02, 2024, 09:53:44 PM
An album I like to revisit every so often. Still sounds raw and strong. Brilliant album.