The official NMA board
General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Gaijin on May 21, 2014, 05:21:27 PM
I came across this album a few days ago, and am quite enjoying it. I was initially very excited to get it, as it was shared as 'Justin Sullivan - Acoustic Demo Sessions', and I'm up for that.
It is nothing like that though - and considering the lack of info available I'd be grateful for some details. For example - none of the 13 tracks are titled, there are no production dates or credits, nor is there any artwork.
Someone obviously took time making this album and I'm finding it very interesting to listen to, but frustrating due to the lack of context.
the lack of info of the producer -and your lack of info ;)
none of the tracks are titled - and you know none of 13?
13 unknown tracks with unknown length and only JS and his guitar and his voice and no lyric snips?
It wasn`t me producing it ;D
@ lotus: It is NOT 'JS and his guitar', but I already said that. It is comprised of soundscapes/effects with interviews/soundbytes over them.
There used to be a thread about it on here.
It was a soundtrack to an exhibition IIRC. Quite different from the usual stuff. It like the way it draws you in.
Cheers for that Johnz.
Perhaps it relates to Joolz's 'Bradford - True North' Exhibition from '06?
Sadly I cannot locate any examples of the photo's that are part of the exhibition yet. Have used her 'Zombie' as cover art.
I don`t know, what IIRC means - my simple english knowledge :(
I remember a project of the City of Bradford in 2007 or 2008 (?) - called My Bradford ? And Justin was working for this, collecting interviews, sounds of the town, mixed with music ... Joolz mentioned his work in one of her postings on her own board in the past
Perhaps that cd is the result?
And yes - I`m interested to listen to it ;)
Think Lotus is right. I can remember Justin doing background music soundscapes for a local film production around that time
Thanks for the additional info.