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General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: peternotbaldyet on September 05, 2014, 10:49:01 PM

Title: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: peternotbaldyet on September 05, 2014, 10:49:01 PM
I just read on Facebook that the band are not releasing the Angry Planet video for ethical reasons. Can anyone enlighten us please? The song itself is another 5 minute masterpiece. What is so contentious about the video please?
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Shush on September 07, 2014, 12:23:19 AM
I heard on Wednesday, talking briefly to one of our German NMA friends, the video is quite extreme and graphic, maybe a bit gory.

That to me is fine. There are a lot of people in this world who believe, war is the only answer to the situation  and problem in  hand.

I remember reading the personal account of a U.S. marine who served in the Island conflicts of the Pacific in 44 - 45. He was involved with clearing the battlefield after the conflict of bodies, body parts, war detritus, etc.

He noted in his diary, if the  politicians did his job for a day, there would never be any war again, after what they had seen.

Some times it is useful to see the consequences of our actions, as individuals, or as a collective, or as  a nation, or political thought  have decided what is right.

The visual result can be bloody and regretful.

I hope the band have pulled their video because its content is reactive to current events, rather than being un-commercial.

Personally, I have seen all manor of human suffering on screen,  and the more you witness, the more you want it to stop.

I really  hope someone from the band choses to explain why the video has been pulled. ?????????????
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: szmurf on September 08, 2014, 12:42:56 AM
Personally, If they did pull it due to graphic content, then I'm glad.  I've not seen any of the extreme video from the conflicts in the Ukraine and Iraq, but I've read enough and don't need to see them.  And I sure don't need to see violence in a video.

Just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Amandistan on September 08, 2014, 04:50:25 AM
They said for ethical reasons so they are not pulling it because it's not commercial. I am guessing with the current conflicts and deaths in  the middle-east and other parts of the world, it would seem disrespectful to release a violent or topical video.

Personally, i think if that's the case, then it's the right decision. With all that is going on, an angry and graphic video is not needed. We could just turn on the news for that. 

I agree with szmurf about the film violence thing. It does no good for anyone personally to see filmed violence.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: cthulhu on September 09, 2014, 01:12:09 PM
Well, to me this doesn't sound like NMA, to pull something because of the fear it might not be understood by the viewer. It's difficult to write about this, because i have no further information about this topic and therefore only some questions.

It could be, that the video was done by somebody and then the band didn't like the endresult. But if you produce something and then later think it's too un-ethical or whatever and not release it, i don't understand.

I wouldn't also understand that the video was considered too graphic, when i think about the title: angry planet. if this is about what you can show or not, i'm clearly on the side that there shouldn't be any censorship anytime.

there's this discussion in germany about the beheading of two journalist by terrorists and that the images should not be shown. this is a wide topic to discuss, but in the matter of war, i think that the only way to portrait this evil is to show its grizzly, ugly face. some people can't stand it and if they prefer, they should not watch it. but it's important to understand whats going on and therefore you should see it.
the vietnam war was a war when at that time there was a functioning journalism. and the horrible pictures and films at that time shown by stations and reporters changed the view of the public and thoughts about that war.

the reason to go to war is often accompanied by cruel images the enemy has done. so its a fact that images can shape opinions. why not the other way around?

i did a video about the iraq war to a song and tried to make it as graphic as it could be. i wanted the viewer to see what it means when you hear: "the were some bombs dropped" i wanted the viewer to have no escape and having to face what was true to me. during the production i watched a lot of horrible videos which i used in my video and i have to say at one point i had a nervous breakdown. i couldn't stop crying, the images were too much. but i see it as a healthy reaction to those images and i don't want it to be otherwise, looking away so that i'm not bothered.

still this is all about art. and art is allowed to do anything. if they made a video which is heavy to watch and leaves you shocked, it's a good thing in my opinion.

wake up!
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Amandistan on September 09, 2014, 09:16:47 PM
The video was done by Dean White so it came from within the band.

I have no seen it but i think if one of the people who pull it is the original artist, pulling it is fine.
I doubt they did it it because it's not understood by the viewer.

Sometimes it's not about ethics but respect. When you have bombs going off on the Gaza strip everyday, then maybe it's seen as respectful to pull the video.

I have not seen it so can only guess.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: declan cowdrey on September 11, 2014, 10:43:45 PM
Well I have to say I love the song and would love to see the accompanying video to it.
Surely it can't be any more horrifying than the beheadings or the constant stream of 9/11
Footage that is being shown on every channel tonight ?
Maybe put it up with a viewers warning ,but please put it up.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: declan cowdrey on September 12, 2014, 10:30:50 PM
Gis a look👀
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: jackroadkill on September 13, 2014, 04:45:52 PM
Whatever the reason they have for pulling the video, I think that it will have only been done after discussion and debate as to whether or not releasing it was the right thing to do.  It's their work, ultimately, so I suppose they can do with it as they wish.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Amandistan on September 13, 2014, 06:31:39 PM
I agree and don't think an explanation is needed. I don't think of it as censorship and even if it is, it is sometimes needed.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Bever on September 30, 2014, 03:50:53 PM
It's here:
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: MARKXE on September 30, 2014, 04:30:10 PM

Roll on Friday.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Shush on September 30, 2014, 04:57:47 PM
I thought that was very well done

Angry nature + angry people = Angry Planet.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Pol on September 30, 2014, 05:01:20 PM
Totally Awesome, truly loved it.
Best Nma video ever!
Best music video ever (pound for pound) !
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on September 30, 2014, 07:10:25 PM
Excellent stuff - can't take your eyes off for a second there is so much going on. Among the film clips there's loads of those visual images flashing up for a nano-second. Clever cultural references in there.

My favourite song on the album (suspect it will be in my top 5 NMA tracks before it gets to it's 1st birthday), now accompanied by the best video the chaps have ever done. I do wish they'd stop being so good - it's a bit embarrassing keep being this gushing about a band at 44 years old.  ;D

p.s. did crack a wry grin after the video had finished - seems Youtube thinks that if you liked that you'd like Angry Birds vids  :D

Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Johnz on September 30, 2014, 08:54:23 PM
For those that haven't read this interview, here is the reasoning behind the original decision not to release the original video.

John Sevigny: "I just did a quick perusal of the conversation board on your Web site to see what people were talking about. One thing was what happened with the Angry Planet video? There was all kinds of speculation about it being too violent or that you scrapped it for ethical reasons or something".

Justin Sullivan: "Funny you should say that. I'm just sitting here talking about it with Dean White who did most of the video editing. It was done really plundering Youtube and we set out to make something which was sort of a video with the band and footage from Youtube. Basically it got very difficult to avoid the charge of "well this is just sort of a rock video." It's a rock song. You're putting band footage in it, and yet you want to put all these really horrific images off Youtube in it. Some people saw it and said, a) it's a bit obvious, but b) it's impossible to avoid ... I remember going to see Crass when I was a kid and they would play their Crass music on stage and on the side of the stage they'd have screens showing Belsen. And I remember thinking that's really unnecessary. You know what I mean?"

Sounds like there may have been some band footage in the original video. I kinda agree with JS.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: szmurf on September 30, 2014, 10:12:39 PM
Quote from: JS
And I remember thinking that's really unnecessary. You know what I mean?

I was thinking the same thing when I watched the video.  It is quite obvious, basically every hardcore band out there does this sort of thing.

But - On the flip side, I don't know how you'd do a video for the song without going that route. 
Maybe go the opposite and show 5.5 minutes of balloons floating in the sky.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Guillaume on October 01, 2014, 08:36:23 AM
It's a well edited effective video, though to be honest i'm not the greatest fan of the song, the one i like the least on the new album.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Rusco on October 04, 2014, 04:02:31 PM
I checked the video today and stopped it while in the middle. Couldn't watch it `till the end.
Now I understand well why they refused to release it earlier.

However I like the song very much on the other hand.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: cthulhu on October 05, 2014, 10:59:04 AM
I'm really thankful that the descision was made to share the work and show that powerful video to that strong song. to me personally it meant a lot when i saw the vid and i was thrilled, because i saw so much similarities to the vid i made and so much differences at once. there are even some of the same images i used, too.

i know that some people find the video offensive and that seemed to be the point for the decision not to release it at first. but to me, i just saw the same approach i would have handled the video to the song with that lyrics. it's a rollercoaster ride through the images of our planet and societys transforming and i can reflect myself when i see that video, because these images are anyway in my mind and i'm aware of them and i find them in good company, when illustrating a powerful song with that subject of an transforming and angry planet.

the video is kind of an assault to the viewer, so the video itself is a bit angry when unleashing the horrible images to the recipient. and i like that kind of art, which demands something of you and evokes an emotional reaction you have to work with.

i have to say, that i still cannot understand (well, i can understand but i feel different about it) why they had the first feeling, that the video should not be shared, but i can respect that first descision and so i'm more glad they thought about it again.

i have some thoughts which could be seen as a critic, but these are all about rhythm and stucture and pace of the video which would only come to different styles and opinions and do not refer to the video itself.

only one thing i want to mention as a thought. to me one of the strongest and best lyric lines is "As the monkey tribes advance across the bleak terrain
All sown with seed of mono-culture...." and i was waiting while watching to see how this was integrated.
i like the lyrics so much, because i feel that "mono-culture" is one of the most important aspects when thinking about problems of the humans, and there's so much indications in it, a powerful metaphor, angry and aggressive in itself and therefore so brilliantly observed and put into context of the lyrics. so i would have tried to find more images about that. but tha'ts just my 2cents.

this was a lot, a lot of work and i really dig and like the editing and approaches of dean white. keep on the good and independant work!
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Johnz on October 05, 2014, 11:29:22 AM
I think the reason for not releasing it wasn't so much that it would be seen as offensive but rather that it's a bit of a cliché to have these sort of images with that kind of music. At least that's how understand it from JS's response.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: New Model Army on October 05, 2014, 11:40:47 AM
To clarify, please understand that this is not the original video that was withdrawn by the band, but a serious re-edit.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Johnz on October 05, 2014, 12:12:55 PM
Thanks for clarifying that! I did wonder.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: cthulhu on October 05, 2014, 12:17:05 PM
Oh, c'mon! What does that mean? We now have a video that is pretty drastic but the original version ist still not being released for ethical reasons? So this is just a censored version?

This story now is really making me curios about how all fits together.
When justin said in the interview: "dean does most of the editing" does it mean, that he does not all of it?
is he doing a rough cut and then somebody is doing the final edit? this wouldn't be unusual.
what could be so unethical in the first version that you go through time-costly re-editing and the come up with this version, which is pretty graphic anyway?
how much of the new management is part of these decisions?

well, this new information puts a very different light on for me on this subject. it could also explain some of my rhythm and structural thoughts i had when watching it.
i just hope that the original version and vision of the video is not compromised to much with these new edits and that everybody is satisfied with the result and that it is not just because there was so much work behind it, that you just cannot not show it but have to get a version which is just for the sake of having a video.

somehow this feels not so good to me as just have to accept, that they would not like to release the original. now we have this version and know that its not the original, which just leaves you thinking, but i'm just curios, thinking out loud here and don't mean to be argueing.

it's still a powerful video to a great song. and the rest maybe will just go to the universe of unanswered popcultural stupid questions, right next to the parallel universe of lost old left socks.

Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Pol on October 05, 2014, 01:40:03 PM
I've already stated that i totally love this video.
What ever reasons the guys took to re-edit that video is totally up to them. I'm always happy to support any decision that they choose to make. Its their band and their dvd to do as they like.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: Rusco on October 05, 2014, 06:32:03 PM
Cthulhu, I know personally some artists that do contemporary videos and installations and I'm a fine artist & print maker too. I agree with you on that a depiction of such issues has many ways and other "layers" too than just underlining the first immediate thing that we see "there" happening. F.e. at first hand there is the "shock", then you may keep thinking about the issues further combined with the lyrics, then "heal", find yourself living as a part of some society, possibly able to make some stations about something...

I understand if someone likes the video. Indeed it is a very effective and powerful "slideshow" about all the pure craziness of the human kind and power. But I've become quite softie later on. Although used to watch all those great Romero classics and horror films since a kid, but these days I just can't or don't want to. People change by the time.
Title: Re: Angry Planet video pulled by band
Post by: szmurf on October 06, 2014, 02:11:30 AM
Didn't the quote from Justin above state that the original video had images from YouTube woven in with video of the band?  Any who - one trip through the video was enough for me, and I found myself not really watching it towards the end.  I just don't like images like that.  They don't challenge me or make me think, they just make me a bit queasy.  And the speed at which the images were changed made me a bit dizzy.

Artistically, I still think it's right up there with 90% of hardcore videos made today.