The official NMA board
General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Viv Savage on September 08, 2014, 12:59:07 PM
From the homepage:
In response to inquiries, we're pleased to say that we WILL be sending a free version (mp3) of "Between Wine And Blood" to anyone who ordered the vinyl version through our Shop. Standby to receive from Hightail in the next few days (check your spam-filter). This will of course include the three live tracks missing from the vinyl version (which could not be fitted onto the disc without seriously impairing the quality).
I hate to write this because - well because.
But I've just payed the record and maybe my revs are set high but it didn't sound like it - and I think side one is 12 minutes
I think side two is 15 minutes.
Side one can very comfortably take another 10 minutes without impairing quality. Side two (if two tacks were put where they belong - ie on side one) can fit three lost live tracks without impairing quality.
Its your record - if you want it that its set the way it is; fine - but don't say it's for our benefit please.
Its ok that you split the live stuff from the studio stuff if that is what you want to do - but it didn't HAVE to be done - there was room for three hitchikers on this LP
OK - If all of the studio songs fit easily on one side, I could see having a 3 sided live album. But they don't, so the band decided to cut the live tracks for sonic preservation.
I'd been willing to pay more for a 3 disc box set, but that wasn't an option, so I got a CD as well. Now, I have the LP, CD and a bonus download, so I'm happy.
I would so buy vinyl if i had anything to play it on. Does it really sound better than CD or MP3? I seriously have never actually listened to vinyl. :)
I ask because it's a bit before my time. :-[
Yep it's better, not so clean as a cd and warmer fuller. But hey that's just me. 8)
ahem...let me just acknowledge here that I did wake up embarressed about posting this one - so back to that resolution don't post when drunk don't post when drunk, don't post when drunk ???
has anyone actually got the download code via email yet?
ive not gotten one and my order (LP & CD) in the shop via "my account" still says "processing"
even tho i pre-ordered (16.7.14) on the day it went up on the site.
i know it takes a while for the goods to get to me over here....
but that download code would really be nice!
Don't have mine yet and it says on the main page that it will be another few days
Jeff -
I've actually thought about it myself, but haven't tried to find it. I'm guessing us in the states will get the download before we get the goods.
all good.... waiting bloody waiting!
Yeah - Just got the download. Thanks NMA shop folks.
BTW - Have the US orders shipped?
The US CDs have been shipped but not sure about the vinyl. I got mine three days before the release. I used the shop and not that other townsend site that took so long to ship BDAW. If you used that site, then likely it will be weeks
So will the nma shop send me a email with the link to download the extra songs I'm a uk (or soon to be independent Scotland) LP buyer
Just wondering exactly how it works
got my DL link! thanks!
Received mine today, many thanks NMA and the Shop
anyone else still awaiting download ? seems to be taking ages for me
Aye same here
I had no problems downloading. And I got my LP and CD in the mail on Wed this week.
I also so in a newsletter from my local record store that it was released in the US on Tues. Thinking about picking up another copy just because those guys were kind enough to stock it.
Last weekend we did a round email to inform everyone who bought their vinyl from us, that they should now have the digital version of the album waiting for them if they go here
and log into their account.
However it's possible that some of these emails may have gone astray or into spam-filters.
If this still isn't working for you, please writer to us at and we'll make sure you receive it.
No download yet and when I click the link it does not recognise my e mail address and/or password - when I hit forgotten password it does not recognise my e mail address - help?
Knievel, Is this for your NMA Shop account? Give me a PM and I'll have a look and see what I can sort out for you.
I've not got anything to say with regards to the vinyl or download, but I can verify excellent service from the shop to the USA for cd. I had gotten grumpy as the release day passed and I didn't have a copy. Getting ready to go for a download via iTunes or Amazon on USA release date, didn't want to pay twice, also didn't want to wait...
Then I realized I had to actually order the dang thing for someone to ship it to me! I did, the NMA shop shipped it the next day, and I had it within a week!
Thanks team!
At last I get to hear the extra songs thanks