The official NMA board
General Category => Trades & Swaps => Topic started by: Dawnrazer on December 07, 2014, 03:27:29 PM
Hello folks, new to the forum, but do know a few of you on here. I've been slowly uploading my NMA vinyl collection on Facebook. I still have loads of stuff needed, so if anyone has anything they'd like to sell or advice to give or even stuff I'm missing that I don't know about, please feel free to comment or email :) I'm not done uploading yet so keep watching for more if you're interested, and if you like what you see, give me a 'like' on the page. Hopefully it might prove to be a half decent point of reference to any prospective collectors out there. I know there are bigger collections than mine out there, but to my knowledge there's no way of seeing the records you might be looking for, until now ;) Besides, Stuart Morrow 'likes' it, so go check it out! (
.....that'll keep the little buggers going for a while....... ;D
Wowzer :D
Very impressive. Yes, it did take a while to scroll down to the bottom !!
Well done, clearly a labour of love ;)
Ha! yeah sorry, Facebook is a little limited in how it displays stuff. If you click photos, and then albums it's a bit easier ;) Glad you like it. Labour of love, of course, but I'm also one of those sad gits that can't rest till I find it all. In this case I suspect it will take a lifetime, but at least it keeps me off the streets. :)
There's a couple of chaps on here who have done this and more including the CD's. There are so many of those it's nigh on impossible to get them all. Luckily, I'm a vinyl only freak and that's where it ends. I don't own a single CD! I even have trouble buying those pesky 10"s. Nowhere to store them you see!! haha
Ill post my collection later :)
Do it man! ;D
Looking forward to this. :)
Wow, it's always nice to see how dedicated some are with this.
Any of you great collectors know the Live at the Ritz single of All of This? Is it a rare release or does it have a big press?
Found it by coincidence and bought it with a ridiculous cheap price.
I would put my list on here but can't copy it and paste as it's in Excel :(
Can I have a copy? PM ya email buddy? Would love to see it!
Course ya can
Just send your email
Sent you a message. I think! ::)
Hello Dawnrazer I'm a little late in welcoming you here so WELCOME! Good to see you here -
And what an incredible collection and massive piece of work so far in uploading - good stuff man! Isn't it fun !
Thanks Knievel :)
Must admit it's a little tedious to get it out there, but with a decent phone and something like dropbox it all moves over pretty efficiently I find. Getting all the vinyl out is also very theraputic. Many a memory from gigs and hazy vinyl deals of years gone by. The sad thing is, this is my second go at doing this. Before this collection I had another large collection and sold a lot of it in 1994 for some dumb assed reason or other. Don't even remember it now. Upshot was all I kept was the acetates and 7"s. Idiot! I think bar the bloody Finnish Vengeance LP, I have replaced it all now, but for sure at twice the price of what I got for selling the others. Live and learn and all that... :-[
As for the fun bit....absafuckinlutley! I love this stuff. Made even better having been to the Forum gig last night. 31 songs.... Worth every penny!
So, is the Finnish Vengeance LP the same that has first the album and then Price, 1984, No Man's Land and then 2 tracks from John Peel Sessions? 18 songs.
I've seen people are talking about the Finnish version on here (f.e Stoney in some older thread about rarities).
Hey Dawnrazer I'm very envious but seriously happy for those of you who made it - just saw the setlist - oh boy! Great setlist. My only consolation is the family thing I had to deal with this weekend went really well - my brother and my father made some way to making peace with each other - I have to say it was worth missing the gig for.
And regarding the collection and photies etc - yes there's something about doing this that keeps the collection alive and not stagnating on the shelf. Handling the stuff keeps it breathing. I've been dealing for years and I have to part with things I'd like to keep but the dealing keeps that stuff alive. Don't know if you know of Discogs but its a place where dealers and collectors work together to compile a comprehensive database of all released material. Your passion would be very much appreciated there - just a subtle hint ;) I know its heaps of work and you're already on a roll with the facebook page - but if the fancy of re living this collection again ever rears I'd just like to say Discogs is a worthy site to contribute to.
All the best man, and HUUUUGE well done on geting this collection listed. Good stuff.
Hey Dawn again - just looked for something in my Discogs inbox and found a months ago message from you hehhehe - seriously, what a sweet coincidence.
LOL....was I trying to get you to flog me something?! haha Could be embarassing. Applologies in advance!
I like discogs, and indeed did try to upload a few bits, but soon got shot down for not doing it in the correct style and such like. Gave up with the total anal-ness of it all. I still buy there and occasionally sell, but as for contributions, I refuse to these days. I put an LP on that has been released for over 20 years that nobody else even bothered to, only to be told after AN HOUR that I hadn't put the capital letters in the right place or added the correct matrix numbers. Hell if it's that's important, why didn't they add it themselves? Never again :( I'm now wondering if it was you Knievel who was telling me what to do?! Man, this really could be an embarrassing thread
Glad your family stuff worked out. Must have been awful to have been worth missing the band for. :(
I have sent my collection to Dawnrazer to have a look at
I only have it as an Excel document, anyone know how I could put it on here for you to look at
Thanks in advance
hey Red, I may be mistaken, and in fact usually am, but if you had Dropbox or similar, you can host and direct link files and images etc to anyone using the public folder. You'd just need to hyperlink the excel file on here.
I think :o
You enjoy Notts then? I heard it was a bit packed?! Used to live up there and was a regular in there for years.
Ok I'll see what i can do
Rock City was okay, not as good as the Forum I reckon.
packed, it was absolutely heaving!!!
I'm seriously considering going back as if there was an incident where you had to leave I think it could end tragically due to the amount of punters inside
Hey DR I just wanted to write that there isn't a chance that I would have been bitching about getting it right at Discogs - nah....I know what you mean, there are some unfriendly tones there - I won't go into the details of Discogs but I can well understand you giving it a wide berth....
No worries mate. Rackin' my brains what I asked you now still! haha
Back from Paris now. Great gig. Loved the harp. Never thought I'd see that on stage! Now, sleep.... :D
I'm also going to have a go at putting my NMA on a Facebook page but will list everything Ive got including CD's and cassettes.
If you don't mind I'm going to possibly do it in the same format as you have done
I'm also going to list any unofficial releases I have
It may take a while so bear with me
Why would I mind!? Go for it.
Still trying to finish mine, but running out of time each night. Can't even think of the bootlegs yet :-X ;D
Going to start later today or tomorrow hopefully :) :)
Just replying to a question on your Facebook site with regards a question you asked about the yellow labelled Vengeance with Record One on the label.
The blue vinyl copy is part of this set 'Six disques bleu'
Wonder if the black vinyl is a test press or more limited edition
Thanks Red. Reckon the black one was just a way of using up the surplus labels?!
Possibly as I can't find a black vinyl version of the 6 disc boxset
Latest update just done. Dunno if any of you guys follow it, but am still adding stuff if you're at all bothered :) (
As you know i follow it especially to see what stuff I havent got :) :)
I'm still looking for a red vinyl version of Radio Sessions for you
Latest update just done. Dunno if any of you guys follow it, but am still adding stuff if you're at all bothered :) (
really great collection.
is it possible to get your want list?.
maybe i will see if i can do something for you from time to time.
PM'd you Thomas ;D
PM'd you Thomas ;D
your surprise is on the way. :) 8)
:D :D :D
What is it what is it what is it what is it????????
it´s something from your want list ;)
Good evening Thomas,
Thread hijack here :) :)
Can I send you my list of what I've got to see if you have anything that I haven't :) :)
Please :)
Good evening Thomas,
Thread hijack here :) :)
Can I send you my list of what I've got to see if you have anything that I haven't :) :)
Please :)
pm :)