Aw, Leonard Nimoy died... :'(
How do you bury a Vulcan ?
Sad :(
How do you bury a Vulcan ?
Sad :(
You don't bury a Vulcan... you shoot his coffin into the orbit of an evolving planet that's growing thanks to The Genesis Device, so it lands safe and sound in some garden or other (after implanting Dr McCoy with Spocks soul or essence or something...) so that he can grow again and be re-implanted with that same stuff when he returns in the next sequel and a great many others afterwards...
I thought everyone knew that?
Of course every one knows that.
This board
This board
All the people who lost their lives 30 years ago today at valley parade Bradford
All the people who lost their lives 30 years ago today at valley parade Bradford
Agreed, sir. Such a horrific thing, I remember watching it on TV... :'(
All the people who lost their lives 30 years ago today at valley parade Bradford
Agreed, sir. Such a horrific thing, I remember watching it on TV... :'(
To his memorial: I Need You Baby (
Rest in peace, old legend
Blues Legend BB King ( R.I.P.) :( 8)
Blues legend B.B. King dies at age 89 in Las Vegas...
May 14, 2015 · The legendary guitarist known as B.B. King, whose velvety voice and staccato picking style brought blues from the margins to the mainstream, has died.
Does it have to be just famous people?
People you know are more significant.
My uncle on my dad's side passed two days ago.
Almost 17
My smashing SMASH mentee.
The victims of 7/7 10 years on RIPYes.
Les Munro - The last of the dambusters
the best two Nightmare On Elm Street flicks (the first and the third)
I'm sad about Wes Craven's death...i still remember the shock i had when i watched in the late 80's "A nightmare on Elm Street"...powerful, creepy stuff...this film is still one of my favourite horror movies ever.
I watched on dvd last month "The Serpent and the rainbow", one of Craven's very best movies, ambitious eerie and creepy..."Scream" was also great on the big screen (saw it in theaters, back in summer 1997)..."Last house on the left", powerful nasty stuff...even Craven's most minor works like "Red eye", the "Scream" sequels, "Shocker", 'Deadly Friend", "My soul to take", "Cursed"","People under the stairs" were enjoyable...and the man, according to all the people he met, was a true gentleman.
RIP Wes and thanks for all your thrilling works :'(the best two Nightmare On Elm Street flicks (the first and the third)
He directed the first and the last (7th part called "New Nightmare")...the 3rd was written by Craven but directed by Chuck Russell (who later directed "the blob" and "the mask") ;)
Aylan Kurdi
Enough is enough !!
Helmut Schmidt died some hours agoProbably the last decent politician here in Germany - if there even IS such a thing.
German chancellor 1974 - 1982
96 years (he loved his ciggies `til summer, the only one allowed on tv `til now)
He preferred direct speach, not this one hour talks without saying anything real most of the ones beeing in a top position later
R.I.P Schmidt Schnautze
It's a classic. And Filthy Animal playing a shaker. 8)
I have a funny memory about listening to the song and watching a small dog outside that was playing with its owner. The dog whipped its tail vigorously in the same tempo than it's in the song.
I hope it is not something you picked up in England -- if so, we are all very sorry !!
There are all sorts of virus going round, not just flu. Sure you system will find a way to fight it ;)
I was trying to upload a photo of a certain playing card.... it wouldn't allow me,
It's so easy :)
Natalie Cole passed away earlier today
Yes, there were mis-steps (late 80's in particular and a few not-very-good movies) but what important, diversive artist didn't do that?
Yes, there were mis-steps (late 80's in particular and a few not-very-good movies) but what important, diversive artist didn't do that?
I like THE HUNGER and FURYO, well even LABYRINTH because of the cool creatures sets and cute Jennifer of course!! ;)
damn, did you forget MERRY CHRISTMAS MR LAWRENCE?
Dale Griffin, drummer from Mott The Hoople has also died
He produced some March Violets track at Maida Vale
Dale Griffin, drummer from Mott The Hoople has also died
He produced some March Violets track at Maida Vale
Various sites seem to indicate that Mr Griffin produced NMA at some point but I can't find any details... do I have a great big brain hole here? I could research it, but if anyone has a quick answer for me it'll save me a bit of time... :-\
Gotta add don't forget all the work Terry done for children in need, seemed like a decent bloke so rip
Vi Subversa of The Poison Girls just died this weekend.She was 80.
A very well known philosophist, semiotican, novelist and literary critic Umberto Eco ( has died.
Father Jack.weirdly 18 years to the day that the guy who played father ted died. :(
George Kennedy, Ed Hocken from the Naked Gun films... love this clip...
Very "Sorry" to hear Ronny Corbett has died today.
The Two Ronnies were absolutely brilliant. I hope Mr Barker is now asking for "fork 'andles"
Loved that show.
I was in love with Avon.
Yet another cancer victim.:( Luckily, more and more people win this battle, too. *hugs*
I'm finding this getting harder and harder for me.
Yet another cancer victim.:( Luckily, more and more people win this battle, too. *hugs*
I'm finding this getting harder and harder for me.
Read about Prince and Chyna...and also just read that Percy Sledge died on April 14.
Percy Sledge died last year:o Indeed - and there I was already astonished I hadn't read anything about that last week - but didn't pay attention to the year. ::)
Murder is murder, end of. And if you murder someone, you belong in Hell.
Truly sad. And the alleged 'fact' that the killer shouted 'Britain First'..?
I'm dreading the newspapers tomorrow when this awful event might get twisted into something that can be used in this already shameful EU debate... >:(
.....And a knife...
A murder by shooting is one thing.... A murder by stabbing is one thing... both?
Shall we discuss this in the morning?
Shall we discuss this in the morning?
Nope. Tired and bored.
Shall we discuss this in the morning?
Nope. Tired and bored.
As you wish.
According to the news he gave his name as "Death to traitors, freedom for Britain" before the magistrates.While i get your sentiments, I struggle from my experience of mental health, that it is ever 100% fixed. I dont wish to diminish anyone who is unwell, but the care they receive is shocking. Treatment can be refused which leaves sectioning, which beleive it or not, is so far down the line its untrue, and tablets are unused because people feel better and so slide back into illness. Obviously I dont know everything about this case, but Ill put money it will have some bearing. Not an excuse but a cause and a sad indictment that happens too often.
While it sounds like he may have had some psychological isues in the past, doctors have concluded that he is fit to stand trial.
So, sadly this was a premeditated hate crime by a far right supporter. It will be hard not to politisize the politically motivated murder of a politician. At the very least, this is a very sad reminder of the radicalized society that we live in these days. What can we do to fix this?
According to the news he gave his name as "Death to traitors, freedom for Britain" before the magistrates.
While it sounds like he may have had some psychological isues in the past, doctors have concluded that he is fit to stand trial.
So, sadly this was a premeditated hate crime by a far right supporter. It will be hard not to politisize the politically motivated murder of a politician. At the very least, this is a very sad reminder of the radicalized society that we live in these days. What can we do to fix this?
For my money, it seems to be proof that if the media drum up immense hysteria and potential hatred for their own various ends, some weak minded and potentially violent fuckwit with soak it up and do something terrible.
I probably shouldn't knock back a sleeping pill after a few beers... it does lead to brain confusion-stuff... ???
For my money, it seems to be proof that if the media drum up immense hysteria and potential hatred for their own various ends, some weak minded and potentially violent fuckwit with soak it up and do something terrible.
I agree to an extent. It's not just the media though. You are probably familiar with this quote from Britain First leader Jayda Fransen:
“They think they can get away with ruining our country, turning us into a Third World country, giving away our homes, jobs and heritage, but they will face the wrath of the Britain First movement, make no mistake about it!
We will not rest until every traitor is punished for their crimes against our country. And by punished, I mean good old fashioned British justice at the end of a rope!”
I'm sure you can see how this might inspire some people to take matters into their own hands. It looks like this guy may have toyed with far-right ideas for a long time. The hysteria of the last few weeks probably made him snap.
But that doesn't make it an unfortunate accident. We do have this level of extremism in our society now and to me, those who incite others to become violent are as guilty as the perpetrators themselves.
All those killed in Istanbul RIPThis morning I went there to my standby duty as Im a cabin crew and the things I have seen left a huge darkness in me.Roofs got dark by blast everywhere smell of burn and bullet holes on windows and all smashed into pieces..peoples burned words can tell :'(
Damn, thats a blow. Love Gene Wilder films. Personal favourite, Stir Crazy. Followed by The Silver Streak. Anything where he is paired with Mr Pryor takes me back to fond film memories. R.I.P funny man :'(
R.I.P. Possibly my favourite NMA track..
RIP Prince Buster
Truly saddening Red. What a pointless loss. Condolences to you and all the others effected. That's no age to go.
:'(Agree :'(
Peter Vaughan
Star of the TV show Porridge
Kinda sickening to see various factions in the media using it to emphasise their own personal viewpoints.Couldn't agree more! That makes me so mad - and it scares me more than any terrorist threat ever could, I think - reading all the comments... >:( :-\
Older is a great album,fantastic production,play it often.Sad news and he was my age!
Sir John Hurt - surely one of the best actors ever . RIP.
Sir John Hurt - surely one of the best actors ever . RIP.
Ditto all of that.
Aw, Bill Paxton? :'(
A superb 'everyman' actor, not a household name but always great. He was in too many excellent films to mention, but 'Near Dark', 'A Simple Plan' and 'Frailty' (which he directed) are worth a couple of hours of anyone's time.
Only 61. Damn.
Chuck Berry - godfather of rock n roll
R.I.P Chuck Berry. :( 8)
often you can see the pain behind the smile and how someone like Robin williams is dying inside but...
" Pugh , Pugh , Barney , McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble , Grub ";D
Adam West
Turning into a bad couple of weeks for our childhood heros.
Hang on in there Brian Cant !
Bloody hell, WW... :o;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Any chance you can say 'hang on in there, Donald Trump'? Worth a try...
Bloody hell, WW... :o;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Any chance you can say 'hang on in there, Donald Trump'? Worth a try...
But please Wessexy don't mention Derek Griffiths or Tony Hart :-X
Yep - what a shame :(
Liked quite a bit of their stuff but always thought this was a fantastic cover:
Blimey, this is one totally out of the blue, just like Chris Cornell... Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington has killed himself. I liked some of their earlier stuff, drifted in and out after that, but he had a damn good voice. Only 41 years old. :-\
Very sorry to read this, Red, my condolences to family and friends :(
Nothing much to say but F**K YOU CANCER
Really - No comments on Glen Campbell?
I only own Zen Arcade by Husker Du, which I really like, but never got around to anything else. Direct me to another classic HD album, someone!Flip Your Wig, Candy Apple Grey, Warehouse Songs and Stories are 3 of my faves.
Nowadays, I much prefer to investigate classic acts that I've overlooked than try and find new acts that tickle my fancy... classic 'old fart' sentiment, I suppose. ;)
RIP Tom Petty...
Funny on telly/stage...nasty piece in real life though.
( day of Grant's death I traveled home from work listening to his Good News For Modern Man CD singing along to it as I drove. I then found out that he'd died which brought tears to my eyes which is something that has never happened to me before after the death of a "pop star". At least I saw him live so felt a bit closer to him through that.
The guy in the centre.
Just a day before yesterday listened to Bob Mould's (singer, the guy in right) new album.
Malcom Young - 64.Completely agree. Loved ACDC, still love ACDC. Fantastic music career.
Farewell Cheggerz
Blimey... Cranberries singer Delores O'Riordan, aged just 46. I'm not going to claim to be the biggest fan of this band but they were prevalent during my beloved 90's and hearing a tune of theirs does give me a nostalgia flash...Loved her voice :'(
RIP darts legend Eric Bristow...
He used to own a pub somewhere in the Stoke area that I got utterly hammered in once in the late 80's or early 90's... fairly sure I chatted with him at one point! Although those memories are blurry... ;)
R Lee Ermey...stole Full Metal Jacket, probably his best known role.
R Lee Ermey...stole Full Metal Jacket, probably his best known role..
Dale Winton
Were they battles against cancer? If so, here's a thread concerning eating of seaweed and its anti-cancer characters:
Vinnie Paul....I'll never forget him skimming a cymbal in the crowd at Wolves Civic at the end of a Pantera show. Nutter!
Surprised no one had posted this
Barry Chuckle of the Chuckle brothers aged 73
Little known fact that he once won a biggest sheep contest with his 2 metre ewe :) :)
Good call on Sharky's Machine, Guillaume, a somewhat forgotten but really excellent film that I haven't seen in many years (never shows up on TV and you can only get it for stupid prices on import in the UK so I, er, 'obtained via alternative sources' last night...) looking forward to a rewatch.
Good call on Sharky's Machine, Guillaume, a somewhat forgotten but really excellent film that I haven't seen in many years (never shows up on TV and you can only get it for stupid prices on import in the UK so I, er, 'obtained via alternative sources' last night...) looking forward to a rewatch.
It's available on blu ray ;)
Now if I can find a region free version of Savage Nights / Les Nuits Fauves anywhere, I'll be very happy...
Now if I can find a region free version of Savage Nights / Les Nuits Fauves anywhere, I'll be very happy...
I don't know...there's a french dvd i think, but dvds from others countries or blu ray?...i haven"t seen this film in years but i remember that's one of these very few movies where we can listen to a NMA song in the soundtrack. 8)
Chas Hodges,never a fan of Chas and Dave....liked his work with Heads Hands And Feet.........
William Dunlop
Genuine gutted to hear about the death of William. Death has certainly haunted this family with the death of his father Robert and his uncle Joey . God knows how his brother Michael feels . Tragic how 1 family have paid the ultimate price for sport. RIP .
Sad to hear that Geoffrey Haynes has died.
Rainbow forever !!!!!
Sad to hear that Geoffrey Haynes has died.
Rainbow forever !!!!!
Brought so much happiness to kids like me... ended up broke and stacking shelves at a supermarket. Sad.
Let's all watch this clip again, rumoured to have been actually broadcast at the time but since confirmed to be something they did for a laugh to play at the Christmas party... let's get our instruments out and play with our twangers whilst we're watching it! :D
RIP Stan Lee... 95 years old, so that ain't a bad run.
Must have made him so proud to see his creations from decades ago become so popular with new generations...
H.M.V - again.
What the chuff is FOPP???
Walk Off the Earth Keyboardist Mike ‘Beard Guy’ Taylor Dies
I don't know much about this band, but their cover of
Somebody I Used to Know (5 people playing one guitar) ( was inspired.
Ray Sawyer,Dr.Hook And The Medicine Show........their early stuff is really good,some very funny who does'nt love Sylvias Mother ? R.I.P.Ray :'(Totally agree Ghosttrain.Old Grey Whistle Test video of "everybody's making it big"is pure fun.Millionaire is excellent too.R..I.P. Ray
Pegi Young former wife of Neil (they were married for 36 years) Co Founder of The Bridge School with amazing charity...R.I.P. Pegi
"Unknown Legend" ( written by Neil for Pegi......what a beautiful song...but a very hard listen at this time :'(
Windsor Davies. I thought he'd passed years ago tbh. Quite an interesting life story.
Peter Tork ex Monkees,great shame.......Sad day :'(That band (whether they played the songs or not) was pretty darn excellent. Weird that a fake band for a TV show was actually as good, or even better, than many of their contemporaries. "Pleasant Valley Sunday" happens to be one of the greatest songs ever in pop music. Says something lyrically (maybe only Americans can truly get it) and musically it is phenomenal.
What a beautiful song,it's a band i never got into,my son was a huge fan of the band.........
Keith FlintJust read that. By all accounts a really decent bloke in real life. And only 49 :'(
Blimey, that ones a shock. 49 is no age to go. My eldest son will be quite upset, he is a big fan of the prodigy.
Never a fan of that Beverley show, but he was great in Oz, a show well worth checking out..
And, damn, 52 is no age. :-[
Much as it pains me to agree with Space, I'll lay down my arms and say I ....
Much as it pains me to agree with Space, I'll lay down my arms and say I ....
Are you serious? So if I post 2+2=4, it would pain you to agree with that? You think I am going to rail against you if you express sadness for a man who died? "Oh, Whirlwind might post back something nasty about me if I acknowledge his post about a death." Dude, man up and let go of your childish grudges. Go watch FROZEN and "let it go." You really don't realize how silly you look, do you?
Shame, I thought a little common ground had been reached... with the potential to put bad stuff behind us.
. RIP Jan-Michael Vincent,.
Bernie Torme......... :( what a s**t day........
What a beautiful song,it's a band i never got into,my son was a huge fan of the band.........
If you feel like investigating Talk Talk then they're well worth it, yes some poppy stuff that might not appeal to you but tons of lovely tunes. Recommendations available! You know how I like to drone on about the bands I love, endlessly... ;)
Oh America..........
Gary Rhodes.
Well, I know that Rush might not be a band who many here are fond of, but it's just been announced that drummer Neil Peart died. I was quite the fan back in the day but haven't listened to them in many years... I must rectify that. Another fine musician gone. :'(
Well, I know that Rush might not be a band who many here are fond of, but it's just been announced that drummer Neil Peart died. I was quite the fan back in the day but haven't listened to them in many years... I must rectify that. Another fine musician gone. :'(
I enjoyed all of their music. See my forum name for my love of them
I can only echo what others have said about Neil Peart. Very sad, and a great loss to music :(dito
2h documentary, Neil Peart explains his drumming:
Neil Peart - A Work In Progress Part 1 ([/url)
funny clip
Jason Segel & Paul Rudd Meet Rush ([/url)
Country Legend Kenny Rogers,i always liked Ruby,Don't take Your Love To Town,The Gambler and Islands In The Stream....RIP.
Dave Greenfield keyboard player with Stranglers, Coronavirus...great player with a brilliant band i have been lucky enough to see live many times....RIP Mr.Greenfield...a sad day indeed.. :'(..
Ah, this saddened me, film director Alan Parker died today. Not as big or respected a name as, say, Scorsese or Spielberg, but here are some of his films... Midnight Express, Angel Heart, The Commitments, Pink Floyd The Wall, Angela's Ashes, Bugsy Malone, Fame, Birdy, Mississippi Burning... c'mon, some fine films there that I'll bet many of you film-loving folks here have seen and adored. ;)
RIP, sir.
The first Van Halen album is fantastic, so much energy, great sound, great tracks, kind of timeless album...yeah, was one of those lp's that never left my car for years, Little Dreamer remains one of my most loved tracks..
RIP Eddie. :'(
Sean ConnerySuperb film with two superb actors. Shame he retired from acting several years ago. Strip away the personal life controversies and that was a man that made you beleive his character. Loved his films.
The man who would be king.
Sean ConnerySuperb film with two superb actors. Shame he retired from acting several years ago. Strip away the personal life controversies and that was a man that made you beleive his character. Loved his films.
The man who would be king.
Fletch from Depeche Mode. A sad and untimely loss.
Although these young children were not famous my condolences to the 19 young children and 2 teachers who were massacred in Evolde Tx. We here across the pond have a serious cancer rotting away in the fabric of American culture and no one seems to either have an answer or just don't care as it seems it is happening almost weekly now :'(
Geordie Walker Killing Joke .....stroke aged 64...too young RIP. :'(...
Wayne Kramer co founder MC5......... great band and a big influence on a lot of later bands..RIP..''Kick Out The Jams''...
That's put a real downer on my day - rest in peace, Brother Wayne!
David Lynch......a genius (imho)made some of my favourite TV/Films ''Twin Peaks'' ''Wild At Heart'' ''Mulholland Drive'' and the best of all ''Eraserhead''...RIP.