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General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: Master Ray on September 10, 2018, 08:47:02 PM
I think this might be a funny one, someone posted it to me on The Dreaded Facebook and I thought some people might get a giggle out of it... the big WHAT IF thread...
What if the Stone Roses just wanted to be ignored?
What if U2 discovered that the streets actually had a name and a postcode ?
What if Rick Astley had decided he just couldn't be arsed?
What if Mike Scott had not just seen the crescent?
What if Catherine Earnshaw had done without Heathcliff, and where would that leave Kate Bush?
What if Mr Brightside was actually Mr Darkside. Would he be Darth Vader?
And, just to keep it relevant to NMA... what if the letters HAD been read and the person concerned said 'well, that was a bit emotional, I suppose I'll pop back for the occasional weekend... in fact, I'll send a text right now...'
Just a silly thread. Post something if might give you or someone else a chuckle, ignore if not. ;)
What if they believed in talking things over
What if the Christian mailtia had a gentle stroll instead
What if any of those sentences in the original post were actually funny?
Seriously, did someone actually laugh at this:
What if U2 discovered that the streets actually had a name and a postcode ?
Maybe it's a British thing. I shouldn't question Brits and their expertise in humor. After all, you did give the world two legendary comedians: Mr. Bean and Susan Boyle.
If you don't like it , ignore and move on it's the polite family thing to do. Imo biased opinion the Brits do it best when it comes to comedy .
What if Americans got the British sense of humour :D
FFS whirlwind give it a rest. Your ongoing pathetic antagonism is just tedious. Take Pol's advice.
If you don't like the thread Space, why post on it. Move on instead of trying to spoil it for others >:(
I'd just seen this thread on other Forums, seemed to get a good response so thought I'd try it out here. If it flops and nobody responds, no problem, just thought someone might get a laugh at it. Humour is subjective and, God knows, some silly dumb shit can make me laugh.
I think the key word here is 'ignore'... ::)
I guess Spacewind does't post on those other Forums......... ;D
I never understand why a poster on a thread must always be ass-kissing the topic. Whenever a topic is posted, every poster on that thread must agree with it 100% and no poster is allowed to voice any differing opinion? That I find offensive.
What if Americans got the British sense of humour :D
Now that's funny, and worth talking about.
Here in America, British comedy is an acquired taste. All British comedy legends (Monty Python, Mr. Bean, Spike Milligan...) have never been as big in the States as they are over there. (The one Brit to be an across the board success here is Sasha Baron Cohen.) I have no explanation why. It is not a language thing, you Brits speak American, so I do wonder what is lost in translation? You love our comedy...yet, we don't love yours. It is puzzling.
What if both Whitney Houston and Dolly Parton had a think, a couple of years after the relationship ended, and realised that the guy they were singing about was 'well, not all that special, actually...'
What if Radiohead's computer wasn't ok?
What if Morrissey found a clean (and, actually, quite nice) shirt at the back of his wardrobe?
What if Lemmy didn't get the dead mans hand again?
What if Freddie didn't confess everything to his Mum but covered the whole thing up?
What if slf had large flexible hands
What if Adam Sandler was funny
What if Elvis Costello DID want to go to Chelsea
What if the whirlwind didn't blow?
What if the whirlwind didn't blow?
Then space will give it all to you, just bow down and worship him.
What if Space wasn't an oddity
*What if Beethoven diddn't roll over
Confirmation methinks (if we did'nt already know ) Space and Whirlwind one and the same........ ;D
What if Whirlwind was'nt Space
Confirmation methinks, Space and Whirlwind one and the same........ ;D
Not true at all. Moose Harris played bass guitar on "Space," Nelson played the bass on "Whirlwind."
Hey, Viv, the cat is out of the bag. Can I have the name Space back?
What if the whirlwind didn't blow?
What if me missus......
Bedtime. Night all
Not true at all. Moose Harris played bass guitar on "Space," Nelson played the bass on "Whirlwind."
I definitely didn't. I played on the original demo of Whirlwind, recorded in Wales in 1988, but was long gone by the time Space was recorded.
Not true at all. Moose Harris played bass guitar on "Space," Nelson played the bass on "Whirlwind."
I definitely didn't. I played on the original demo of Whirlwind, recorded in Wales in 1988, but was long gone by the time Space was recorded.
Appreciate the clarity.
I only wish you were a member of The Beatles, too. There are about a thousand little things us Beatle fanatics fret over and debate. Example: who played the lead on "Hey Bulldog"? Can you give us any help on that?
What if the Bad Moon didn't rise?
What if Nick Heyward didn't have a favourite shirt?
What if Our Eyes Never Got Used To The Darkness?
What if Love was Plus Two?
What if Ned's never had a Dustbin?
What if Spoonman had a fork or knife?
More later :) :)
What if Purity wasn't a lie