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Everything Else / Re: Happy Christmas 2024
« Last post by Anna Woman von NRW on December 27, 2024, 10:39:09 AM »
Frohe Weihnachten  everybody 8)
Sorry I'm a bit late.

Yeah, me too  :)
Everything Else / Re: Happy Christmas 2024
« Last post by lupus225 on December 27, 2024, 04:53:10 AM »
Frohe Weihnachten  everybody 8)
Sorry I'm a bit late.
Everything Else / Re: Happy Christmas 2024
« Last post by Winterwulf on December 26, 2024, 08:33:35 PM »
Merry Christmas all!
Everything Else / Re: Happy Christmas 2024
« Last post by Ghosttrain on December 26, 2024, 10:14:09 AM »
Seasons greetings to one and all...........
Everything Else / Re: Happy Christmas 2024
« Last post by jc on December 26, 2024, 07:25:41 AM »
Happy Christmas MR and all on the forum, your efforts to keep this place alive are appreciated and may they continue forever.


Everything Else / Happy Christmas 2024
« Last post by Master Ray on December 25, 2024, 10:00:38 PM »

Just sending out my best Christmas Day wishes to anyone still reading this Forum in 2024.  I know it's become an internet equivalent of a pub that used to be busy but people rarely go into anymore (and it's possibly surprising that it's still there  ;D ) but many fine conversations / debates / everything else were shared here, friends were made (and possible a couple of enemies) and it's a shame that it's not the way it used to be a few years ago.  But so many things aren't

Still hoping things are good with you, wherever you are, and hey, big comebacks DO happen sometimes!   :)

Again, Happy Christmas to you all.
Everything Else / Re: Gavle Goat 2024...
« Last post by Master Ray on December 21, 2024, 08:19:28 PM »

The Youtube link to the 24 hour 'goatcam' was down for a bit the other night and I automatically assumed I'd have to post 'EMERGENCY CODE RED! THE GOAT IS DOWN!  REPEAT, THE GOAT IS DOWN!'... but no, the handsome straw chappie is still standing...  ;D

Good to hear from you, Anna, best Christmas wishes to you and yours.   ;)
Everything Else / Re: Gavle Goat 2024...
« Last post by Anna Woman von NRW on December 21, 2024, 01:19:37 PM »
Ha! This damn goat just wont die ;)

Never been right but its gonna go in a blaze of glory on new years eve i tell ya
New Model Army / Re: BETWEEN DOG AND WOLF, 2 years on... how do you feel about it?
« Last post by Guillaume on December 18, 2024, 11:16:18 PM »
BETWEEN DOG AND WOLF, 11 years do you feel about it?

One of NMA's best albums?
One of NMA's weakest albums?
Mixed artistic results?

I find it interesting that most people who don't like the album, like my least favourite songs the most (i.e. Storm Clouds, Tomorrow Came etc). I guess it is because these are the songs that most resemble the typical NMA sound. I like them too but to me they are the least interesting ones on BDAW.  I'm glad the band took the risk and released tracks such as Did You Make It Safe?, Ghosts, Pull The Sun or Qasr Al Nil Bridge. Some of my favourite NMA songs.

I am very curious to see which way they will go from here.

I'm bringing this topic back up because I've been surprised this year, these last months, listening to songs from BETWEEN DOG AND WOLF, it's an album that's perfect when you're in meditative and melancholic moments, and then the production/sound is superb. I remember that the album had a bit of a divide in the NMA "family" in 2013, probably because it wasn't a classic and energetic Rock album, but something more atmospheric and hypnotic, almost like a movie soundtrack at times. Now, more than 10 years later, I still think it's one of NMA's most "mature" albums and one of the best...alongside of course the timeless THUNDER AND CONSOLATION. "I need more time", "Pull the sun", "March in September", "Seven times", "Knievel", "Between dog and wolf", "Qasr El Nil Bridge", "Summer moors" and "Ghosts" are beautiful songs for me.

Everything Else / Re: what songs are you listening to RIGHT NOW
« Last post by Guillaume on December 18, 2024, 10:32:33 AM »
"Stranger things" by Molly Tuttle...gorgeous song, music, voice..:

"Very little glory"...great underrated, moody early 80's song by The Opposition...stunning music and voice, but very different style from Molly Tuttle!:
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