A particularly moving selection of songs made the
setlist played by Mr.
Justin Sullivan & Mr.
Dean White this past Saturday at Northern Kin.
For a festival slot / gig, the two gentlemen were allotted enough time to fit 16 beautiful, emotive, heavy, melancholy songs in their set.
I pray Mr.
Dean is on the mend, he's the driving force + heartbeat of NMA. Hope to see you behind a drum kit when you're well again.
Sending lots of love, warm hugs, positive vibes, and countless wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery your way, Mr.
Michael Dean.
Take care... everyone, everywhere.
Before I Get Old 2.
Stranger 3.
LS43 4.
Where I Am 5.
La Push 6.
Turn Away 7.
Dawn 8.
No Pain 9.
Drummy B11.
Wipe Out13.
Bad Old World14.
You Weren'
t There15.
Snelsmore Wood16.
Ballad of Bodmin PillThank you for not cancelling the Northern Kin Festival date altogether. Two fifths of NMA

is better than none at all.
Found a very beautiful, partial clip uploaded to YouTube by lee7168. Just popping in to insert it. .oOo.