Author Topic: Ignite Books - a thank you.  (Read 908 times)


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Ignite Books - a thank you.
« on: February 14, 2012, 04:49:32 PM »
A huge Thank You! from all of us at Ignite Books to everyone who came along to our Gala Nights over the past week or two. We really enjoyed getting out and about round the country, meeting new people and putting faces to names. It's been a blast!

All those dates were arranged to promote Joolz' novel 'Wild Thing'. It's officially published today, but thanks to you, your support and enthusiasm, we're already well on the way to recovering the costs of printing it - which makes it all worthwhile. We may not have the advertising budget of a major publisher - in fact, we've no advertising budget at all - but we're quietly determined to keep producing work, like 'Wild Thing', which deserves to be read, and which we know there's an audience for.

Too many publishing houses are run by money men and marketing analysts, for whom literature has been reduced to 'shifting units' and nothing more. Ignite Books started out as a stroppy refusal to accept the status quo, and has grown into a conscious act of defiance which we're really quite enjoying!

And the truth is, we really couldn't do it without you.

So, from us to all of you, on Valentines Day, our very heartfelt thanks.  :)


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Re: Ignite Books - a thank you.
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2012, 06:46:02 PM »
It's a pleasure, and a great night out! Loved every IGNITE do I've been to, and I'm really looking forward to the next one!!!!!!! 8) I know I'm not on my own in that aswell!
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