when i saw my photo on ebay, i immediately contact the person who sold my image. I received an answer. The person wrote me that the photo (my photo!) have been bought in a kind of collection market (

!!!!) and they have the copyright (!! can't believe it ! it's crazy !) and they don't have the intention of stealing photos from others.... that's what they did ! they told me they didn't find or steal the photo on Internet (??!!)
to contact Ebay it's another story. it's a circle. I mean you think you've found the solution or the 'contact' button to complain but i turn round and round. the only thing i've found is a kind of form that i have to fill in and send it by fax (i don't have one) i'm afraid there are no solutions to stop that thief...
I just answered his/her message to tell them i 'm the owner of the photo and i can give them a proof . i have to wait her/his answer.
there's a strange thing, it's an English person who sell stuff via Ebay.fr ....