Author Topic: Panic time........... Can you help my buudy Daz Cahill.......a.Bradford ticket?  (Read 1510 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
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Due to a balls up at SEETICKETS my Smoggy London matey Daz Cahaill has been left with a REFUND but no ticket for Bradford. Which has now sold out..........
There was a few folks with spares so is there one still amngst our happy band to bail him out?
My spare now belongs to Nacho, so I'm kinda stuck and can't help out...........
Anyone able to assist our long time cohort please?????????? :'(
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  • Totally Obsessed
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No sorry ...
Good luck Daz, hope you find one after all!!
-- all these things you fear so much, depend on angles of vision --


  • Totally Obsessed
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Shameless bump............... Anyone??????????
Lawernce had a couple but off loaded at Strummercamp.........
I can't believe See-tix are such a bunch of twats frankly...... Some card issue or other, no message til Friday after being booked for weeks............ :-X
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  • Totally Obsessed
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See tickets can be inconsistent sometimes, huh?

A friend of mine ordered 2 tickets last Thursday the 7th and were delivered on Saturday, royal mail.

Stoney, if I hear of any spares I will message you buddy.

To accomplish anything worthwhile in life, it's going to take risk.


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Cheers mate....... He ordered the ticket a couple of weeks ago or summat, then after they'd sold out got an email about "a problem with the card number" or sumat......... If they'd processed the sale at the time it'd have been no problem.........  >:(
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  • Totally Obsessed
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Good evening Stoney,
if you like and wants you can get my own NMA Bradford tix for your friend.
Let me know please via pm
I wish you a nice evening cheers witch
When someone comes to eat me alive, I like to see their teeths.


  • Totally Obsessed
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PM sent, I have Daz' email if you want it? Or I can paypal you the money direct? Either or.......... Let me know please, I'll pass on the message to Daz. I know he'll be thrilled, sorry to hear your're having problems tho? Same here on a number of levels, but hometown is a must for me.............
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  • Totally Obsessed
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PM sent, I have Daz' email if you want it? Or I can paypal you the money direct? Either or.......... Let me know please, I'll pass on the message to Daz. I know he'll be thrilled, sorry to hear your're having problems tho? Same here on a number of levels, but hometown is a must for me.............
The tix is for free
email sent to you
Good Bye
When someone comes to eat me alive, I like to see their teeths.


  • Totally Obsessed
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Ok thank you, I'll get Daz to send the money tho' of course.  8) You're very kind as ever!
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  • Totally Obsessed
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Bet Daz is a lot happier now. Sorry to hear you can't make it Witch!