Author Topic: The Sunny Uplands of 2013  (Read 879 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Posts: 805
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The Sunny Uplands of 2013
« on: December 31, 2012, 10:23:19 PM »
If I could be at all @rsed with Facebook (good to have got that the right way round, I think ; ~ D ) then I would be liking the Sunny Uplands of 2013. it has the ring of a tour title about it - the Sunny Uplands tour (tho does Northampton count - only joking, I was actually born near there, lovely town).

It strikes a good note to the new year.

Apologies if someone's already done NMA new year wishes but mine is definitely a new album in 2013 and no slippage to 2014 (or even 2015 given the elasticity of NMA time), at least three tour dates on the south coast, and Great Expectations and Arms Yourselves on any gigs I go to, or being generous on all gigs anyone goes to.

Actually that's three wishes, but who cares?  Given only one of them looks at all definite, there's always more than I can want.

All good wishes for an amazing 2013 to the band and all the amazing NMA folk I have met on the road this year at the five gigs I made it to.  Especially Amsterdam, which was just a top top night.
Clever monkeys with technology, barely outta the caves and trees, it's all vanity - and ch@os rules it all!