but I seem to be extremely partial to all the newer material. They just seem to get better and better with each passing record.
Quite right too 
I think I've mentioned this before (apologies if I'm repeating myself) but an interesting thing for me is that I'm very active on another bands forum and I've got quite a few people into NMA thanks to my recommendations, a few of them are now hardcore fans who are buying up (or at least listening to) anything they can get hold of.
Now, bear in mind that these are people who are newbies, they have no history like we do, they didn't go to a bunch of gigs when they were young'uns (like we did) and thus have no nostalgic imprints as to their favourite tunes that might relate to happier or more carefree times. They're just listening to the music with no preconceived notions. And, without any doubt, they are preferring the stuff over the last ten or so years. Winter appears to be the clear favourite, High a close second.
I'll say again that I think NMA are producing the best music of their career, even decades later... you can't say that of many bands of a similar vintage.