I'm not going to lock all the threads as they are perfectly valid threads. However, you might want to look at your responses and consider whether consistent hounding of a board member is really what you want to do. I accept the fact that there was always going to be a bit of come back after he insulted a lot of people and especially with his spikey and acerbic style of writing, however it's gone too far now. Space has an opinion, quite a controversial one on this board, but no less valid for being so. If you don't like what he's saying then feel free to disagree, but instantly getting into his face is only going to cause more problems. If you don't like his threads don't read them, don't respond to them. It actually is that simple.
By asking to lock his threads what you are really asking for is for me to ban him from the board, which locking the threads would effectively be doing. He insulted people and I gave him a bollocking for it. That is my job. He hasn't actually done so again so he did listen. I don't ban people from the noticeboard if at all possible as generally people find common ground after all other options have been exhausted. But if you constantly attack someone then you're really only going to get one result - and to be honest I think people have become rather hysterical over the threads. Asking for them to be locked is taking it a step too far. Enough!
To put the record straight in case anyone was wondering: Space's IP address is from America (wonderfully it's associated with Hicksville NY! You really can't make this stuff up!), so unless someone is astonishingly clever he is who he says he is and it's not a previously banned member coming back on by routing his computer through a different country. If I thought for one second that was what was happening he would be gone instantly.
Ladies and gentlemen it is time to move on.
Anyway. it's Saturday so here's some Confucius!
“It is not the failure of others to appreciate your abilities that should trouble you, but rather your failure to appreciate theirs.”
“When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points.”
“The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.”
Have a good weekend everyone.