it's about time you did us all a favour and left.
Hmmm, interesting, Red. I just read your signature, something you believe in so strongly that you make it your signature at this site:
"Is it a crime to believe in something different."
And then because I offer ideas that are different, you suggest I leave.
Can you spell HYPOCRITE?
Yes I can, but no doubt you'll say I'm wrong, also my shift button isn't stuck so I don't need to shout

Yes you offer ideas,but then belittle anyone who dares to disagree.
The problem being, as it been mentioned before is that you have this crazy notion that you're right whatever anyone else says.
I don't know why you won't see both sides to an opinion, the comment the other day when you said that our views just strengthen yours just show how narrow minded you really are.
You are really like a spoilt brat, just like the kid who decides not to play football and says' it's my ball and I'm taking it home' and goes crying to his mummy about the big bad boys who won't do what he wants.
You need to take a good long look at yourself and what you're doing and ask yourself 'why?'
I for one cannot understand your reasoning for all the threads you start, sorry there's nothing wrong with the threads, but your righteous comments and opinions within these threads are the real issue.
It's as though you're trying our patience to see when we'll crack.
We won't, we'll keep taking the piss and having a laugh at your expense, you're brightening up many a dull day

At least you've done something worthwhile
Don't worry about that, we've been here a long time and won't be going anywhere soon
I await your next installment