Round and round we go. I have to say, you are very good at this Space. Start a topic, sometimes sensible, let it run, then start insulting other peoples opinions till it starts to turn sour, then start up another. Presumably if people take the time to pick out five songs with their favourite guitar riffs, you will then tell how wrong they are for making such a choice, and your list is the best. Songs other people pick -- you could do better on your guitar. After all you are better at moderating this forum, can list people who should not be on it, can improve NMA songs with your guitar work, and now have the answers to NMA's management structure and if followed your guidance could become a "successful" band.
I would like to advise my fellow forum members not to bother with this topic. If you do, your choice of five, the songs in the eyes of Space will be "too long" or sound too "hippie", just wrong because Space is always right. Given time Space may get bored and find another forum to troll for his amusement.