Author Topic: Let's Admit It, "Dog And Wolf" Will Be Seen As The High Point Of NMA's Career  (Read 1348 times)


  • Obsessed
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you always seemed to come across that your opinion is correct and ours didn't matter
Your opinions do matter to me. They make my opinions more correct.

Example: You stated this m6 pathway is a thing of wonder. I stated that Broadway and Times Square is a thing of wonder. Don't you see how your opinion makes mine look more correct?


When I criticize certain albums by NMA or any band, isn't it helpfull if I tell why I dislike those albums? You blast me for using words like "lazy" or "insignificant." Isn't that better than simply saying the albums stink? I am giving a why. I feel the band set limited goals with their 2000s albums. They strived for very littl, much of the work was self-produced....that adds up to lazy and insignificant works.

I am not here to hurt people's feeling. Simply stating my views on NMA and their music. When I call certain albums lazy...well, don't take it personally. Am I supposed to like the exact same things as you? Say the exact same things you say about NMA? Come on, now.


  • Obsessed
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  • Just fourscore years and ten old friend...
How does self-producing make one lazy?

You're a musician, and if you've ever done any recording, which you have, you'll know that being responsible for the sounds on an album and the sound of an album, not to mention the pressures of engineering and musician-management, is a very hard job.  Add to this the pressures of playing the music that is being recorded and I fail to see how this can make you lazy.

Most bands who can afford to hire a producer do so to remove some of that pressure and to place responsibility for the sounds and sound (not to mention feel) of an album onto a third party.  How many times have we heard a band moaning on about how the album was great but the producer ruined it?  Loads, that's how many.

Oh, and in parting, saying that different opinions to yours make your own more valid is just facile.


  • Totally Obsessed
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you always seemed to come across that your opinion is correct and ours didn't matter
Your opinions do matter to me. They make my opinions more correct.

Example: You stated this m6 pathway is a thing of wonder. I stated that Broadway and Times Square is a thing of wonder. Don't you see how your opinion makes mine look more correct?


When I criticize certain albums by NMA or any band, isn't it helpfull if I tell why I dislike those albums? You blast me for using words like "lazy" or "insignificant." Isn't that better than simply saying the albums stink? I am giving a why. I feel the band set limited goals with their 2000s albums. They strived for very littl, much of the work was self-produced....that adds up to lazy and insignificant works.

I am not here to hurt people's feeling. Simply stating my views on NMA and their music. When I call certain albums lazy...well, don't take it personally. Am I supposed to like the exact same things as you? Say the exact same things you say about NMA? Come on, now.

There you go again

Saying that doesn't really matter what we say but your opinions are correct and dependant on what we say makes them more correct!!!!

As I said if you've never been on the M6 or the Yorkshire Moors how can you give an opinion?

'when you've stood on Broadway and Times Square, the m6 is going to look like a dirt pathway.'

If ya say so

Going back to the 4 albums of the 2000's

High, Carnival, Eight and TIAGD

Limited goals and self produced means they are lazy and insignificant WTF!!!

Does this apply to any artist who produces their own material?

At the end of the day we ALL have our OWN opinion and are willing to listen to other views but I for one and I expect many more on here don't like it when you keep saying that it doesn't really matter what we think at the end of the day you're right and the more we say just reinforces your views.

I still think you need to see the band live and not just listen to an album or watch a DVD, get out there and experience it as we do.

The raw energy, passion, excitement and pure enjoyment of it all.

It cannot be bettered (Just my opinion for what it's worth)

At least I can have an opinion on that as I unlike you have seen them live a few times:) :)


Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it


  • Obsessed
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Re: How does self-producing make one lazy?

No, no, no. My criticism of those 2000 albums was both lazy and insignificant. The lazy applies to the songs (mostly just by the numbers rockers or acoustic tunes, retreads of songs from previous albums) while the insignificant applies to the self-production. You are correct, self-producing ones record does not mean lazy, but it does deserve the criticism of making the work insignificant. Let me explain. In the early years, NMA were reaching for something special, something significant with their albums by linking up with some legendary producers - Glyn Johns, Tom Dowd, for instance. Music fans back then looked to see which producer their favorite band was working with next. Whether you like the band or not, the best way to illustrate that is with U2. When they announced they were going to have Brian Eno produce their next record, it was a hint that the band was looking to make something more significant than their earlier work. In fact, it did do that. A band linking up with Martin Hannet was always a good sign the band was looking for a more significant release. See that? Well, NMA self-producing much of the 2000 material indicates they were aiming low. No longer were they seeking out a famed producer like Glyn Johns or Tom Dowd who could add noted significance to the work.


  • Obsessed
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  • Just fourscore years and ten old friend...
See that? Well, NMA self-producing much of the 2000 material indicates they were aiming low.



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It's been a while since I've posted, been pottering with life and stuff. But I can't for the life of me figure out why everyone taking Space at all seriously? Why are you commenting and being drawn into an argument - something he plainly wants. The guy is an utter prick - he's commenting on a band he's never seen! Why are you giving him the time of day?! Whatever he posts just ignore it.

If he's such a great musician how come I've never heard of the prick and yet I have all of those NMA albums he claims are shite?

"Balls" - yep, best comment on the board this week!


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Belly man

When I criticize certain albums by NMA or any band, isn't it helpfull if I tell why I dislike those albums? You blast me for using words like "lazy" or "insignificant." Isn't that better than simply saying the albums stink? I am giving a why. [...]

If you browse some of the ealier threads about recent releases you can see there are some others too who were not into the albums that much. Such is life. But you seem to make some huge effort in trying to prove your argument with ten different threads man.

You serious about having correct opinions?
A screaming comes across the sky


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Posts: 2508
  • Belly man
Good talk Eddyboy!

Well, we've had fun...
A screaming comes across the sky


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Posts: 1799
you always seemed to come across that your opinion is correct and ours didn't matter
Your opinions do matter to me. They make my opinions more correct.

Example: You stated this m6 pathway is a thing of wonder. I stated that Broadway and Times Square is a thing of wonder. Don't you see how your opinion makes mine look more correct?


When I criticize certain albums by NMA or any band, isn't it helpfull if I tell why I dislike those albums? You blast me for using words like "lazy" or "insignificant." Isn't that better than simply saying the albums stink? I am giving a why. I feel the band set limited goals with their 2000s albums. They strived for very littl, much of the work was self-produced....that adds up to lazy and insignificant works.

I am not here to hurt people's feeling. Simply stating my views on NMA and their music. When I call certain albums lazy...well, don't take it personally. Am I supposed to like the exact same things as you? Say the exact same things you say about NMA? Come on, now.

Considering the title of this thread please note the comment that I've highlighted from a previous reply shows how much you know as BDAW was produced by Justin, Michael and Dean and co produced by Joe Barresi so does that make this a partly lazy and insignificant album!!

I await your response and further comments :) :)
Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it


  • Obsessed
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Uhh, I know "Dog and Wolf" was self-produced.  And it's a fine job.  Justin has been self-producing a ton of his music for near thirty years. With all that time behind him, he'd better be capable of producing a top album.

Thing is we got his trial runs as released albums in the 2000s. Those albums were the guinea pigs, test subjects and unfortunately for us, that's what he was releasing."Dog and Wolf" is top notch production. All those attempts on earlier works definitely paid off. (And having Joe Barresi present didn't hurt at all.)

You guys really can't see that Justin was striving for something more with "Between Dog And Wolf"? That there was far more effort in this release than there has been in years and years?


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Taking the road less traveled since 1988
Please don't use schizophrenic (or any illness)  as an insult. It's an actual illness that people struggle with. Imagine hearing voices that don't exist, nobody can hear them but you. They exist in your mind. They tell you to do things and it's very frightening. It's not funny when about 15 percent of people with the illness commit suicide. Plus the context in which you used it make no sense at all.

Nobody cares if you like the old stuff more than the new but they do care that you are insulting to people and talk down to them. Somehow ,I doubt an artist would print and hang  post where you basically said that 13 years of his/her albums have no artistic value. They are just fillers.

Also I don't know why you use being from New York as a reason for not liking things are being insulting. There are many New Yorkers that appreciate other places in the world. I had never heard of any of the places mentioned before NMA but the songs inspired me to look them up and I have now seen some of them in my travels. It's perfect escapism if you struggle with life. There is a certain romance about it too.     :)

But every post seems to have something negative about the band's work. Then you always bring up Justin and say he would agree with you. After constantly criticizing half of the band's albums. As said musical opinions do not matter but have some understanding of why you get such a reaction.

Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.


  • Obsessed
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  • Posts: 304
Space, I'd say, if this is it, the high point of their career, then just run! Run! Don't stick around for more laziness and mediocreness! Off you go!


  • Totally Obsessed
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Uhh, I know "Dog and Wolf" was self-produced.  And it's a fine job.  Justin has been self-producing a ton of his music for near thirty years. With all that time behind him, he'd better be capable of producing a top album.

Thing is we got his trial runs as released albums in the 2000s. Those albums were the guinea pigs, test subjects and unfortunately for us, that's what he was releasing."Dog and Wolf" is top notch production. All those attempts on earlier works definitely paid off. (And having Joe Barresi present didn't hurt at all.)

You guys really can't see that Justin was striving for something more with "Between Dog And Wolf"? That there was far more effort in this release than there has been in years and years?

At the end of the day that is your opinion

I for one don't think that the 4 albums released in the 2000's were fillers, but then again my opinion only reinforces your opinion doesn't it.

Please tell me if once again I am wrong. ;D ;D

This thread is now run it's day.

No doubt you'll start another controversial one for our pleasure soon, or you could do us all a favour and do one :) :)

Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it