you always seemed to come across that your opinion is correct and ours didn't matter
Your opinions do matter to me. They make my opinions more correct.
Example: You stated this m6 pathway is a thing of wonder. I stated that Broadway and Times Square is a thing of wonder. Don't you see how your opinion makes mine look more correct?
When I criticize certain albums by NMA or any band, isn't it helpfull if I tell why I dislike those albums? You blast me for using words like "lazy" or "insignificant." Isn't that better than simply saying the albums stink? I am giving a why. I feel the band set limited goals with their 2000s albums. They strived for very littl, much of the work was self-produced....that adds up to lazy and insignificant works.
I am not here to hurt people's feeling. Simply stating my views on NMA and their music. When I call certain albums lazy...well, don't take it personally. Am I supposed to like the exact same things as you? Say the exact same things you say about NMA? Come on, now.
There you go again
Saying that doesn't really matter what we say but your opinions are correct and dependant on what we say makes them more correct!!!!
As I said if you've never been on the M6 or the Yorkshire Moors how can you give an opinion?
'when you've stood on Broadway and Times Square, the m6 is going to look like a dirt pathway.'
If ya say so
Going back to the 4 albums of the 2000's
High, Carnival, Eight and TIAGD
Limited goals and self produced means they are lazy and insignificant WTF!!!
Does this apply to any artist who produces their own material?
At the end of the day we ALL have our OWN opinion and are willing to listen to other views but I for one and I expect many more on here don't like it when you keep saying that it doesn't really matter what we think at the end of the day you're right and the more we say just reinforces your views.
I still think you need to see the band live and not just listen to an album or watch a DVD, get out there and experience it as we do.
The raw energy, passion, excitement and pure enjoyment of it all.
It cannot be bettered (Just my opinion for what it's worth)
At least I can have an opinion on that as I unlike you have seen them live a few times:)