And I know that very well. I have no desire to take a job there. Plus room and board is paid for. I want to start there simply because my grandfather talked about Ireland and Scotland a lot when i was a kid. Like many Americans,I have some Irish ancestry. I just want to see it. I plan on going to France for this same reason. But only France, I know a name and exact region to start. I have emailed and used Skype to talk to the family who's farm i will be assisting. They were so nice. They told me about all the food they wanted to prepare for me. And I told them what i can cook and we bonded. I have a place to stay for three months for only about 5- 8 ours of work for 5 days. As opposed to here with no labor laws. I get five to six 12 hour days and it's not even by choice. I hardly ever get food breaks. Here, i get fresh air, working with animals, and spending time with nice people.
That's worth more than money.
I really only need 25 hours a week to survive (at home) and getting 60 or 70 has made it so i can probably drag this out for 5 or 6 years. Plus i hope to eventually get to hard-core volunteering where i am actually making a difference.
I plan to eventually expand to Asia and then Africa. My goal is to learn French so i can get by in countries such as Morocco
Just knowing that I have no home, no rent, no bills, no inhumane working conditions makes me want to cry from happiness. I have given away some of my belongings. I found an old couple who had a horrible bed and mattress. It hurt them but they can hardly afford a home much less a bed. I gave mine to them. We are delivering it to them next week.
This is weird but losing my belongings makes me feel very rich inside. I gave a kid a really good pair of headphones, My mother is getting her first ever P.C..
So i get what you are saying. It's really just a starting point. I don't want to settle anywhere. More or less be a modern nomad.