I got mine copy today.
I saw a screening at the cologne sound track festival and i enjoyed it very much. but after thinking about it for a while, i had some criticism which i wanted to share here, but as lazy as i am and as chaotic the last several weeks to me were, i didn't.
today i started with the extras of the dvd and almost all my points of critic were gone or to say were in the extras.
i tthought and still think the regular cut just misses a whole lot about the music of nma. about how the music is done, written, about sessions in the studio, about the workin process.
i wanted to write, that i miss footage of recording sessions, information about how much nma is playing live, doing music. about that, what i feel about the band is most important, is the music. no tv, no ads, no promotion, you know what i mean.
i think this should be a bigger part of a nma documentary.
but the extras deliver an intense part of that. you have justin visting the place where he wrote high and you get that impression combined with the lyrics. this is a wonderful part of the docu and i think this is sad that it's cut out. there are more very interesting parts in the extras.
i know you have to decide what to use when you make a docu. you will have ten more times footage of what you can use, to make it a film about 90 min. so you have to cut.
to me this extra parts are very important and round up the documentary, so i have to recommend the dvd edition of this film.
without them i would say there's something missing.
two other points of critic to the dvd:
since the extras are so important in my view i think it's sad, that they are badly encoded. i think this is due to limited space of a single dvd. a second dvd would have been better to achieve better quality and i would have paid the extra cost.
in cologne i asked if a blu ray edition can be expected and the answer was yes maybe, if i remember right. so that could be a solution to that.
i put on the german subtitles and they seem to have been done by google translator. these are really bad. they help you trough the movie but sometimes you just have to shake your head. i know this is an expensive process to do subtitles, but if you do them do them correctly. i feel comfortable to watch the film in english but out of curiousity i put them on. i don't know how the other languages are handled but to me this point makes the whole production a bit cheap looking.
just some thoughts about the dvd edition of a documentary of my favourite band.
i totally recommend any interested in watching it.