Author Topic: Did the Levellers ever support NMA?  (Read 1759 times)


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Re: Did the Levellers ever support NMA?
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2017, 08:43:13 AM »
sure even in Koln a few years ago. great gig.


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Re: Did the Levellers ever support NMA?
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2017, 10:03:20 AM »
The thing I found with the Levs is that they ceased producing good albums but still wrote a blinding track or two on each one. Oh, and the live show would benefit greatly from someone losing the didgeridoo.
Do we all forget the things that we once knew?

Mark Aulton

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Re: Did the Levellers ever support NMA?
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2017, 11:10:46 AM »
Saw them on the 25th anniversary and thought they were great, the light show was a bit OTT, more like a 90s rave, been a levs fan from the first time i saw them supporting the army in Leicester on the impurity tour. But i have to say after seeing the army a few days ago it made me realise who is really still kicking ass after all the years. (No disrespect at all ment to the levellers, still my second favourite band of all time)  but the levellers crowd was so, well... normal. You may as well have been at a blur gig. Not 100% but a lot of it was. I don't think you'll ever say that about a NMA show.

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Re: Did the Levellers ever support NMA?
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2017, 07:01:42 PM »
Agree, Mark, I also love the Levs and my introduction to them was the Impurity tour as well... but much as I like much of it, nobody could say The Levs are doing some of the best material of their career, like NMA are with 'Winter'.  Put it like this, if I don't make it to a Levellers tour, I'm not too bothered, I'll catch them whenever... but missing an NMA tour is just unthinkable...  ;)


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Re: Did the Levellers ever support NMA?
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2017, 04:49:58 PM »
I used to go and watch the Levellers a lot in the early 90s and drifted off around 93 (as the gigs lost their appeal. I still think some of their 91 gigs are amongst the best i've been to by any band) . I saw them once or twice in the intervening 20 years and then have seen them a few time in last few years  - and they still seem to be playing pretty much what they were in 92/93. Fair enough - they're still a good night out - but very much a nostalgia act now. As has been said - it makes you appreciate that NMA are still making and playing good new material.