Author Topic: Any news about the new, 15th album?  (Read 2453 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
  • *****
  • Posts: 1312
  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
lol, we had it wrong all along... "Unbroken" = NMA's 16th studio recording.
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2023, 07:56:17 PM »
Excerpt below,
pulled from a piece at

*  *  *  *

"Described as
'Dark Motown'
by Justin himself,

Unbroken features a diverse collection of tracks
that touch on topics ranging from social and political commentary
to deeply personal reflections.

The album is a powerful and emotionally intense body of work
ranging from rebellious tracks as “I Did Nothing Wrong”,
to contemplative songs like “First Summer After”.

the band continues to push the boundaries
of their signature sound while staying true
to the themes that have made them
a force to be reckoned with in the music world."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Unbroken" is giving me gooseflesh + terrific vibes, already! :D
Sounds like it's going to be even more substantial, potent, MASSIVE, intriguing,
than I had originally hoped, gathered, previously thought!
~ 8) ~
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂