Author Topic: Manchester 03/12/2022  (Read 664 times)


  • Obsessed
  • ****
  • Posts: 351
Manchester 03/12/2022
« on: December 03, 2022, 10:22:18 PM »
Absolutely excellent gig, thanks to all...

Set list:

Lust for power
Never Arriving
Here Comes the war
Believe it
The charge
Devil's bargain
Where I am
Angry Planet
Born Feral
Before I get old
The hunt
Ballad Of Bodmin Pill

No rest
Stupid questions
I love the world
« Last Edit: December 03, 2022, 11:36:44 PM by fiddlesticks »


  • Totally Obsessed
  • *****
  • Posts: 1312
  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Manchester setlist 03/12/2022
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2022, 03:30:44 PM »
Absolutely excellent gig, thanks to all...

Set list:

Lust for Power
Never Arriving
Here Comes the War
Believe It
The Charge
Devil's Bargain
Where I am
Angry Planet
Born Feral
Before I Get Old
The Hunt
Ballad Of Bodmin Pill

No Rest
Stupid Questions
I love the World

Really great to see you back, fiddlesticks! :)
Cheers for posting the setlist!! :D

NMA/JS youtube clips, photos and setlists are all many of us have had to live off of, for more than a decade.  It's coming up on 13 years now (come 2023), that I haven't been to an NMA gig live, in person) And yet, even those smallest of details --- the many audio/visual snippets of NMA/JS shows, photos taken and shared online, interviews, new album news, music updates, and fan reviews --- have significantly brightened up my world.  Those seemingly little things still interest, thrill, ignite, shift, move and excite me to no end!  NMA/JS and all of those NMA/JS-related bits have kept me afloat, lifted me up, carried me through, time and time again.  I love this band.  How I love them... and love them like no other band that I ever, ever have, and most likely, probably never will.  It's been an absolute joy, watching NMA/JS evolve, grow... even from an incredible distance.  There isn't much in this world that has brought as much warmth into my life.  It's been utterly beautiful, and for me personally --- enchanting, soulful, incredible, meaningful, sacred, and completely, mind-blowingly surreal, flabbergastingly unexpected, extraordinary!  'What a ride... what a ride.' 8)

'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂