Not going to be of much interest to most, maybe only DannySan, but,
Channel Four Wednesday 12th of Feb, 8pm., The Restoration Man.
A below ground level ex - RAF Filter bunker being converted by a local into his house. Very close to where I live, it is a place I used to go and play about in since the late 1970s. Barty has been there a couple of times also, and no doubt, Texaspete in his youth.
Watnall, a large village to the West of Notts. A little know fact, even to the people who live there, Watnall from the 1930s onwards was a large RAF control centre, and was even the command centre for the entire Northern area of England during the Battle of Britain. All of it swept away on ground level in the 1960s, and now looks like a normal small town. I remember in the 80s, there were still chimneys and foundations to be found in nearby woods, and one or two of the larger buildings still around, all of which has since been pulled down.
The filter station, or bunker that will be featured in the programme was cut into the earth in 1942. Not visible till you go down the sunken road that leads to it, which has till now saved it from any serious attention. Still has machine gun blocks in front, and one at ground level. Having seen what it looks like inside, I will be amazed to see how it was possible to turn it into any form of dwelling, as the damp must be as bad as possible, and the surrounding land often flooded. While it saddens me that I will no longer be able to visit the area at will as I have done for around 35 years, I am glad the building is going to be saved, as there was was talk of using the area as land fill, making it disappear for ever along with the rest of RAF Watnall.
During the making off the programme, I supplied the Channel 4 researcher with information about RAF Watnall during the War, and photographs and maps, and details of a 1940 bombing raid on the area, -- but I am not holding my breath to see if I am mentioned in the credits.
Anyhow, if you like a bit of local history or programmes about house restoration, I think this episode will be a good un.