As i posted on another thread Levellers acoustic have just played there (clip/s on Youtube)..and Seth Lakeman has played there (more than once if i am correct) looks a fantastic venue, more suited to Justin and Dean (imho).... imagine playing 'Navigating By The Stars' there.....Magical.... 
Ohhh... totally am, Ghosttrain!

Did Mr. Sullivan ever even tour that masterpiece, solo album, properly?

As in, played it live in it's entirety with someone actually on double bass, etc.? Anyone here know?

Care to post? I wouldn't know the answer, because I came to this place in late 2005, and the solo album had already been long since released, by that time. The man is overdue for another one, though. However, I think it's going to be at least another 3 more years before he probably can sit down and properly consider and plan out stuff. What with the new NMA album coming out this year and the 40h anniversary of NMA next year, 2020... it's just far too busy a time, I imagine. Still, I can wait.

lol, I just don't want to die before then, lol... that's all.
'Navigating By The Stars', as an album, revolved around themes pertaining / relating to water. Mr. Sullivan's gone on record, somewhere on the internet, in an interview saying something to the effect that, the next one (whenever that'll be) will revolve around the desert, have a / recall a more desert-like landscape, themes. I'm sure he's already saving up stuff for the next solo album. When he's good and ready, he'll deliver...

and completely stun us
all, with its mesmeric jaw-dropping exquisite aural beauty, once more.