Author Topic: I believe in vengeance, or do I?  (Read 3216 times)


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Re: I believe in vengeance, or do I?
« Reply #45 on: October 19, 2013, 04:19:09 PM »
 I remember that gunman. It was reported daily here to on the News. I agree, that kind of situation, sometimes is good to hear they were not taken alive. Just like our very own Michael Ryan. Just wish when they woke up that day, they turned the gun on themselves at the beginning of the day rather than at the end

I visited ground zero in 2003, have to say, I don't think I been to a more haunting place. Even though it was a massive wide open space in the middle of one the worlds most busy cities, it was dead silent and very sombre.

I do remember the news showing crowds in the States cheering away when the finally found him. Personally, I would not have wanted to take that satisfaction from those crowds, they deserved it 

Toronto Popular Front

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Re: I believe in vengeance, or do I?
« Reply #46 on: October 19, 2013, 07:54:01 PM »
been thinking more about this alot, and i think those who believe in vengeance should have a longer think as vengeance works both ways which means that those who believe will be ok with people exacting vengeance upon them.

Ironontour, you stated you sacked the lad for good reasons, he obviously did not see it that way and exacted his vengeance (rightly or wrongly) on your scooter - you see vengeance is also available to idiots - i learned recently that the part of the brain that makes people incompetent also makes the same people not realise they are incompetent so this lad obviously felt wronged by you and took revenge (again rightly or wrongly), then you feel like getting vengeance back on them and then them back on you - and it then seems we are back in the times of Huckleberry Finn where fueds & back & forth vengeance lasted for generations

i hope that makes sense


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Re: I believe in vengeance, or do I?
« Reply #47 on: October 25, 2013, 09:10:18 PM »
got some troubles with the so called justice these days. it seems that someone believed in vengeance..............