Author Topic: "Pull the sun" and Ceri's work on the album  (Read 1259 times)


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"Pull the sun" and Ceri's work on the album
« on: October 15, 2013, 07:47:52 PM »
"Impossible desire, impossible the dream..."

Don't you think that "Pull the sun" is a wonderful song and one of the highlights of the album?
The lyrics, the melody, the melancholy mood of this song...
What do you think the lyrics of "Pull the sun" are about?
For me, it's about the death of a relationship...the girl still trying to look for a future, an hope for the relationship (" you tried and tried to pull the sun from out the sky...") when the boy is trapped in his own angst and "demons" from within ( "And me, i've got a black place in my heart..."), so they are looking in very different ways from each other, the results of their relationship ending in a breakdown.   
I think it's one of most haunting and touching song on the album, with striking lyrics.

I must add that Ceri's work on this song and on the whole album is very effective.
The three previous NMA bass players were all great and Ceri here has done an accomplished work i think, his bass playing is quite subtle and he hits the rights notes, it enhances the beauty and impact of songs like "Pull the sun", "I need more time", "Seven times", "March in September", etc. 
« Last Edit: October 15, 2013, 07:53:30 PM by Guillaume »


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Re: "Pull the sun" and Ceri's work on the album
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2013, 07:54:35 PM »
Ceri's playing is pretty damned good. No question about it. Mighty big shoes to fill after Nelson, who's playing on the last few albums has been very free flowing and improvised. Lots n lots of extended runs and solo parts. So hats off to Ceri for doing the sterling work he has so far. I made a point of buying him a pint in Bilston after the gig, promised I would and I'm a man of my word. He earned it that night. Said it was a daunting prospect stepping out in front of so many people he knew, would have loved the job. He did a brilliant job and has done ever since while still being a total gentleman and cheerful at every turn aswell it seems.
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Re: "Pull the sun" and Ceri's work on the album
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2013, 01:20:23 PM »
I've only seen Ceri perform once, at Rebellion festival, and was blown away. He made it look (and sound) easy, and was in total command, as well as clearly having a brilliant time.

I mean, heck, he's only in his mid-twenties... I can't wait to see what he comes up with in the future. Especially given the quality of what he has already brought to the band.
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Re: "Pull the sun" and Ceri's work on the album
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2013, 10:39:49 PM »
Ceri's a top, top bassist, the riff break on Seven Times is stunning, wish I could've played bass like that back when I was in a band
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Re: "Pull the sun" and Ceri's work on the album
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2013, 12:54:32 AM »
"Impossible desire, impossible the dream..."

I think it's one of most haunting and touching song on the album, with striking lyrics.

I must add that Ceri's work on this song and on the whole album is very effective.

I couldn't agree more Guillaume, on both counts.
Although I wonder whether the lyrics might also allude to the boy letting the girl go, as she was reaching for something unattainable? "but that was never enough" You can feel the turmoil here.

Haunting none the less - one of the joys of Justin's writing; always something to ponder. My favourite track for the past week.
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Re: "Pull the sun" and Ceri's work on the album
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2013, 10:00:03 AM »
Ceri is really a great bass player. Man he is "just" 26 years old and got his own style. I think he main difference between Nelson an him is that he prefers downstrokes with his right hand. I think Nelson was more like going up and down the whole time. Nelson also prefers to go up the strings instad of crossing them. So Nelson`s style was more flow while Ceri`s is more the punsher. Fit`s great with NMA, I like it a lot! case of any misunderstandig: all NMA bassplayers are/were really brilliant!!!   

Tony S

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Re: "Pull the sun" and Ceri's work on the album
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2013, 01:59:36 PM »
I woke up the other morning with Pull The Sun going round in my head, and it wouldn't leave me alone till lunchtime ! One of the many, many highlights on the album.

Have to agree about Ceri. He's had some very hard acts to follow with Stuart, Moose and Nelson, but he's proved more than capable of stepping up to the plate. In many ways, I think BDAW really showcases his talents.


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Re: "Pull the sun" and Ceri's work on the album
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2013, 08:17:38 PM »
Bassist's have the most difficult place among NMA to fullfil. There are just a couple of guitar solo's there (discounting amazing virtuosity Marshall does all the time!) so the complex rhythms with bass get more noticeable. All in all, I like the way Ceri plays with the other guys. Joining into the groove and has guts to do that. Top guy indeed!
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