Author Topic: Family support  (Read 742 times)


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Family support
« on: April 27, 2014, 07:24:11 PM »
I remember reading a history article about the originating of Family thing and how fans did stand on behalf of the NMA then and making a support to them - against bad articles, lies or what-soever. Thinking it was written maybe by Joolz back in the days. There was a mention about how did it belong to times of start of 80's Thatcher era and the politics there then and to the support NMA showed to miners.
I hope I remember it right this time...  ::)

Well there has been also couple of other situations actually before I went to any of NMA gigs or even saw the band in 90's like when some English born person told to me at a sailing ship about how was it back there then. First one telling about "how it was a bit strange when you have all these common and well-known traditional subcultures of teddys, punks, skins whatever and then there was a group not belonging to any of them, but to one band. And when ever there was some bad treatment considered racist or evil drug dealers, the Army went right up there".

Another one saying "they wore those; how'd you say - cloggies, had a long mohawk combed in the back and all those jackets. If you went to the gigs gigs you could be sure you have no chance to go to the center of the pit..."  :) Well these kind of views maybe reminds us about the issues here few months back which
(I think) were quite well discussed here then in December.

But as it was, it would be curious to hear what do you think about standing on behalf of New Model Army today or tomorrow - what it would be and what kind of issues it would be that make us stand on behalf of the band (some might say ideals too if there are them) once again? If it was really urgent and needed to?
I'd like to think it's not just a curiosity and a marking point in a history but possible still.

Ok, like to hear what do you think? Again, sorry if my English doesn't make sense...

« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 07:54:46 PM by Rusco »
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Re: Family support
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2014, 11:53:21 PM »
I don't see it as a case for standing up for the band. Its much more a case of the band and other bands have helped shaped the person i have grown into over the past 30years.For example i still wear my anti nazi league band and my Dead Kennedys nazi punks Fck off T shirt with pride. I still hate intolerance and injustice and will always speak out against it. Politically things seem to have come full circle with the torys back in power the nf have been replaced with ukip The poll tax now the bedroom tax etc etc

On your point about the old school cloggies am glad that they have been replaced for many years now by the family. I personally have never had any problems at a nma gig but i remember back in the day in Glasgow my big mate Sean (rip) took quite a heavy kicking at a nma gig for no good reason. The band were totally right to make the stand they did a few months back.Nma gigs are for everyone to enjoy be it your first gig or your thousand and first gig.
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Re: Family support
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2014, 05:30:24 PM »
Its much more a case of the band and other bands have helped shaped the person i have grown into over the past 30years.

That's about right I reckon and because it is quite intense and emotive music it's very much a case of "marmite" band so if someone else feels the same there is a good chance they are a kindred spirit. So I guess it follows that many of us would stand up for similar issues?

As for the aggro thing it sometimes seems that things teeter on the edge a bit but that's just down to passion. Back in the day it was a fair bit more lairy and an NMA gig is the only one where I ever saw someone get their head stamped on deliberately. Thankfully that seems to be a thing of the past now.

However to a newcomer the pit probably looks quite a vicious place - which it's not - but it can come across a bit elitist and I reckon if you're not  "one of us" there's a little bit of a "fair game" attitude which sometimes might need a bit of tempering. I'm 43 (well 44 on Thursday or 2 depending on which way ya' look at it  ;D) and have been riding the pit since I was 18 so it doesn't really bother me but from things I've overheard/seen I'd say there's probably folk who get put off by it just as much as there are folk who get into it. Ain't judging - just commenting.

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Re: Family support
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2014, 08:34:13 PM »
I don't see it as a case for standing up for the band. Its much more a case of the band and other bands have helped shaped the person i have grown into over the past 30years.

Well I think you're right. Nowadays there are millions of bands everywhere and the business has changed a lot from the old days. It's turned somewhat confused and it's not easy at all to an artist to achieve a position like it was 30+ years ago. I thought this as just some kind of play with imagination.

Well, there was the stolen van and equipment case with NMA and there the fans tried to give their help... There are also some horrid, other examples with other bands that happened in last twenty years: Blaggers ITA being harassed by nazi groups, Dimebag Darrel's (from Pantera) case etc... What would you choose to do if some unwanted group swarmed inside the house during a gig? Just asking...

Cheers  :)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 08:37:08 PM by Rusco »
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