Author Topic: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)  (Read 1736 times)

Master Ray

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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2014, 07:31:06 PM »
at a NMA gif I get half naked and dance like crazy and sweat etc. So for sure I do not stand people like this in general. Last year in Kolln I was with my wogfe who was at the beginning of her pregnnancy and we decided to stay close to a column left side from the stage. I was super quiet compared to the usual and I just couldn help it at least to raise my arms and sing on HIGH. This asshole big huge guy behind me very aggressively pushes my shoulder asking me to stop moving because "he was recording". What????????? I should not even move an arm to a gig or sing because u are ******* recording? The guy was a stubborn piece of shit and I did not want to spoil the whole concert or to fight so I moved somewhere else with my wife where I could dance when I wanted to and where we could enjooy songs together.
To me NMA s music is so "emotional" as Justin puts it, that it is impossble not to sing or move or live teh gig somehow.
Other people can feel free to do the opposite but at least it is good if they do not piss the militia off.

If the 'asshole big huge guy' was part of some official filming, he should have asked politely and I'm sure you would have responded in kind.

If he wasn't, you should have quite rightly have told him to FOAD... but I guess the words 'big' and 'huge' might have resulted in some unpleasantness... you're right to give it a miss.

'The Militia'... I remember tht expression, is that still a problem?  Never seen it myself in recent years... hmm, might be worth a thread...


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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2014, 08:07:00 PM »
My big mate Sean (R.I.P.) took a heavy kicking from militia back in day probably about 86/87 at the QM in Glasgow. I always remember the noise of a couple of hundred cloggies walking down the street. Glad that the "Family" has now taking over.
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2014, 08:50:39 PM »
sorry actually I always use Family that is what I like. No idea why I used militia may be I was under the influence of a song............and yes the guy was pretty big and I was with my pregnant wife and all. and no he was not part of any official crew this pissed me off even more. sure I told him to **** off and of he had any problems I would have called family members for help.........if needed. not only because he was bigger than I am but also for the idea that this asshole records stuff for his own purposes. and sure he was not at all polite.+
fortunately he was the only and only human case i met at a gig.
plus one year later another one who got really pissed stating that I had to stop pushing him when dancing or something like that......but ok we were all kinda of dancing so............whatever.
but this happens in bigger venues where to me atmnosphere is more aggressive and proportional to the number of the people present.......that is why I prefer smaller venues.

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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2014, 05:44:46 PM »
stop moving because "he was recording". What????????? I should not even move an arm to a gig or sing because u are ******* recording? To me NMA s music is so "emotional" as Justin puts it, that it is impossble not to sing or move or live teh gig somehow.

How ridiculous, why did the bloke even bother going? He'd have been better off staying at home and watching a bloody video. Dickhead.

With you on the fact that it's impossible not to move - I promise myself every gig "Not this time, I won't get carried away, I will behave like a normal person ", I've yet to fulfil that particular promise  ::)
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2014, 12:47:24 AM »
Two-faced I know as I love to watch footage of gigs but FFS put them away. Can't someone designate a you tube up-loader?
And while I'm at it for those that want to chat, move to the back. For those who want to sing a long...I'm with you. For the loud bits then belt it out, but for the quiet bits, pretend you are in church and 'mouth it' ;D
It's a mean old scene.


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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2014, 10:07:16 AM »
I've just been hit with the news that the Nottingham gig coincides with some family event that I need to host.  >:(  I seriously hope someone films the whole gig for me to watch at home with wine and ciggies.  I'm not happy at all to miss the gig - get your phones out please and upload!
And while we're on first world problems here let me use this space to plug this.
Have fun at the gigs boys and girls - play nicely now.  :)


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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2014, 08:18:08 AM »
Two-faced I know as I love to watch footage of gigs but FFS put them away. Can't someone designate a you tube up-loader?
And while I'm at it for those that want to chat, move to the back. For those who want to sing a long...I'm with you. For the loud bits then belt it out, but for the quiet bits, pretend you are in church and 'mouth it' ;D

What... he said
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2014, 08:47:22 PM »
Was so tempted to an act of phone stomping at a Levellers gig a couple of weeks ago, the guy in front of me spent most of the set just filming. My wife is 5' 1 and we have to pick our spots so she can see! I love live music and hate the sea of phones, it is enough to drive a non violent person into machine breaking! ENJOY THE MOMENT!


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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2014, 02:01:05 PM »
Oh, the hubris!

People aren't paying proper attention to the bands anymore. Can't possibly be the band's fault. Bloody paying customers, enjoying their night off the way they want to. The mobile phone people on their hard-earned nights off from some shitty job or other might start telling the performers how to behave when they aren't at work, as well?

We could always just keep the old-skool 80s/90s fanbase as the sole attendees, and that way we'd get to see all our favourite bands in intimate little pubs (and dole queues) across our blessed nation.

I don't like the mobile phone thing at all, but I'm 37 and perfectly entitled to **** off.
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2014, 03:31:21 PM »
To quote Ian Brown

If you put your cameras down you might be able to live in the moment. You have a memory there of something you've never lived. 


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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2014, 12:26:17 PM »
Phones I find a mild annoyance - it was all the asshats talking last night that pissed me off.

Seriously, nothing happened in your life that was interesting enough for you to tell people about in the gig - **** off to a pub and do it next time. Grr.
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2014, 10:41:58 PM »
Why do people pay to see a very powerful gig if all they want to do is get drunk and talk?

I was not at Nottingham sadly. I have been before the venue and will never go again. Too many people in one space. It triggers panic attacks for me and fight or flight mode kicks in. As much as i would love to have seen it, not being able to breath followed by anger at myself (for having this issue) is miserable.

However people that panic in crowds at least don't talk through the whole gig. People that do are ruining it for everyone else who pay for tickets with the money that they work for. People did this at the acoustic Kidderminster gig and pissed everyone off. They can not possible enjoy the music and are very inconsiderate.  >:(

Cameras can be okay if not at the gig for mostly selfish reasons.  :)
However if you use me as a tripod or push me , we have a problem. Confrontation will happen.
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