I guess I've never really settled down. Other than the first 21 years I lived in my parents' house, the three years I've spent in the place my husband and I bought is the longest I've stayed anywhere.
I like my house (although I'll be happier when we've finished the ongoing refurb, it's taken longer than either of us expected). I like my neighbourhood. We have decent boozers and restaurants, it's fairly working class and laid-back, as well as safe enough for me to walk home alone at night if I have to.
That said, the proximity to London is draining me. I wish I didn't live in Greater London. I wish I could be well shot of the place. I'd like to move somewhere like Brighton, which is within easy/cheap enough reach of London by train so that I could still pick up work there, but I just have the feeling that being somewhere else would be infinitely nicer, and Brighton seems to tick a lot of boxes.
I've lived in various parts of London for the last 6 years, and while I found it really exciting at first, I've had enough now. In my thirties and feeling "too old for this rubbish" but still too young to hide away in a village somewhere. Husband and I aren't planning on kids, so that's out of the equation. We lead a fairly busy lifestyle, go out a reasonable amount.
I would like to settle down. I would like to find the place that I'm not itching to get out of. I don't think it's wanderlust, I genuinely believe that London (and big city life in general, I felt the same about Sydney and to a lesser extent, Perth) is just not for me.
With all this in mind, though, I'm curious to hear how the rest of you feel about where you live. Your house, yes, but more a general sense of the place. Do you love it? Hate it? Indifferent? Do you feel like it's where you'd like to be forever, can't wait to get out, or are fine with being there for the time being but would eventually like to live elsewhere?
For me, it's a combination of "can't wait to get out" and a more measured, rational "this will do for now but I need a get out plan".
Over to you, folks!