Author Topic: What NMA T-shirt are you wearing now (or did recently)..?  (Read 2746 times)


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Re: What NMA T-shirt are you wearing now (or did recently)..?
« Reply #75 on: August 23, 2015, 07:54:01 PM »
I am currently wearing the black icon t-shirt. It as like a virgin Mary statue on the front and on the back is written " and the light of the evening star will be ours to follow" does anybody know where this quote comes from?
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Re: What NMA T-shirt are you wearing now (or did recently)..?
« Reply #76 on: August 23, 2015, 08:20:11 PM »
Nma work shirt, very smart n nma baseball cap
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Re: What NMA T-shirt are you wearing now (or did recently)..?
« Reply #77 on: August 27, 2015, 05:44:14 PM »
I have the Carnival t-shirt with the EYE on the front on today. Went to a four day music festival in the US this summer, wore a different NMA shirt each day, I had several people ask about the lyrics on the back and someone ask me, just how many NMA shirts do you have!  :P


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Re: What NMA T-shirt are you wearing now (or did recently)..?
« Reply #78 on: August 27, 2015, 06:36:42 PM »
between dog and wolf today for work. last weekend I was waiting for a mate at a station, so went to get a coffee. the guy behind the counter said is that a recent nma tshirt, he wore a spirngboks rugby shirt and had the accent to go with it! I said well sort of. he then said had I heard of rock city. his misuss had only booked 2 tickets for the gig!
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Re: What NMA T-shirt are you wearing now (or did recently)..?
« Reply #79 on: August 27, 2015, 07:59:44 PM »
between dog and wolf today for work. last weekend I was waiting for a mate at a station, so went to get a coffee. the guy behind the counter said is that a recent nma tshirt, he wore a spirngboks rugby shirt and had the accent to go with it! I said well sort of. he then said had I heard of rock city. his misuss had only booked 2 tickets for the gig!

On a similar note... I don't suppose anyone on this Forum was in ASDA in Crewe a couple of days ago?  Saw a long-haired fella in a BDAW t-shirt, don't see many of them around these parts... would have stopped to say hello, but was in a bit of a rush... I know there are a few Cheshire folks on this Forum living not too far from me!