I would imagine Ceri has had an influence the bands new work, certainly. Ceri was picked over other candidates for the job of bass player because he can play a multitude of instruments including drums. From a musical family playing music all his life and past band experience before NMA. If you hang around with people younger than yourself, they adapt to your ways, and you adapt to theirs. I am sure Ceri's fresh enthusiasm and younger perspective has done the band a power of good and it has shown in their new material and live performance.
Agree with your comment Pazza, the new album does have overtones of the classic NMA bass sound.
Live Ceri has great stage presence with the now familiar flights of red hair. If you have been lucky enough to have a chat with him before or after a gig, he is a thoroughly nice chap, I always get the impression from him he is glad of support given by fans of the band.