Author Topic: Christmas shows : a movie ?  (Read 583 times)


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Christmas shows : a movie ?
« on: April 26, 2017, 06:34:15 PM »
When NMA did their Between Wine and Blood tour with all the chords back in 2014, shows were absolutely amazing. When I bought the CD-DVD about this tour, I was a bit disappointed by the video quality : ok, it was fun to sendfans videos, but I thought NMA deserved a proper film.
When I read about the future shows with 2 sets, I was wondering why there isn't a kind of crowdfunding campaign, where fans can buy before the show the CD-DVD and which allow the band to get a real team to record one or several concerts ?
I'm almost sure a lot of fans can have an interest to do it, but I have no idea about the band :-) 

Master Ray

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Re: Christmas shows : a movie ?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2017, 07:06:38 PM »
Not quite sure what you mean by a 'proper film' or a 'real team'... most people, myself included, are pretty happy with the results so far.   ???

A slightly more elaborate explanation here?  I suspect others are as puzzled as I am by your question...


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Re: Christmas shows : a movie ?
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2017, 08:57:34 AM »
Sorry, my english is not very good  ;)

When I saw the DVD about the Christmas shows in 2014, I thought that the movie could have been a little better than it was, and maybe longer.

I hope it's clear now !  :)