Thank You New Model Army!!
i wanted to say thank you!
to the band, the crew, the people who made this event come to life.
from the first idea to arranging and managing the venue and the concept.
the songbook, the toilets outside the church (in my young angry times, i was once proud to have pissed at the cologne dome. but these times have changed. still angry about most of the priests though...)
it's like the most democratic thing in these totally undemocratic times we live in, i have witnessed.
the band gave the audience a voice and made something truly just for the fans. or better said something to do together with the fans.
this special feeling, to sing loud and be a real part of it instead of just singing loud in the audience.
and it was this cool thing to suddenly think: "****, i screwed that sound up. and now the recording of my own concert is ruined"
we were participating and celebrating and i cannot say enough how much i enjoyed that.
and i want to say thank you, to all the nice people i've met and talked and drank and sung together.
i thank jeff for being such a nice asshole (well, he said that, i think and know that he is a nice guy;-)
i thank steve for the beers and the uber, which drove us after the fine meal at the turkish restaurant.
we landed in soho in a metal bar, listened to some metal songs, drank some shots, banged our heads, steve throwt some cans while jeff and me banged our cans at the table...and then i was somewhere in the nowhere, trying to get home and didn't have a fuckin' clue how to. but i love these moments, totally satisfied with everything, travelling to the unknown...and i did get back to my hotel at 6.30, checked out at 10 and found a way home to germany.
i thank jc for his nice presence and taking care of the payment at the turkish. we just left you there with our money. i hope everything was allright.
i thank nick for the beer at the round chapel and his statement, that he liked my high pitched screams at the show.
it was nice to meet anna, fabio (he should win the trophy for longest journey: from brazil!), semmelknödel (blame canada! i wish you the best)
i did record some stuff, but when i listened to it got ashamed of my voice. so embarassing, but with full force. so i hope i manage to edit some thing together and post it on youtube.
please produce the dvd (blu ray?) very fast, i'm so looking forward to hear the sound from a good recording instead of the shitty smartphone ones (which i love to watch and listen to anyway;-)
this could be also a very good thing to include some of the videos made by the fans.