Author Topic: NMA related merch YOU would BUY, that currently isn't being officially produced.  (Read 4074 times)


  • Obsessed
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New Model Army boxer shorts. I found a pair in my loft the other day.

Alternative Rock band underwear ! , it might be a success, but then again, I like the Skids  :D
« Last Edit: November 30, 2022, 11:38:02 PM by Shush »
The longer this century goes on, the more I feel I belong in the last one.


  • Totally Obsessed
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Three new music-related items for NMA to ponder, officially produce...
« Reply #46 on: July 16, 2023, 01:03:16 AM »
On behalf of all musically-inclined
and interested NMA aficionados everywhere
--- who own, play, dabble for fun ---
--- or simply enjoy messing around with basses / guitars ---
Please  consider  sourcing  or  producing  the  items  listed  below.

Thank you.

 1NMA  emblemized  bass / guitar  straps...

I'm in the market for four official NMA guitar straps.  One for a standard starter's electric (guitar), and the others for three acoustic (guitars).  The guitar straps don't have to necessarily be leather ones, per se, but of a suitable, less expensive variety / option --- made from material that won't cut into my shoulder / neck area.  Basically, looking for guitar straps that have been designed with ease, comfort and an affordable price-point in mind.

I'm in no way, a guitar player nor a musician, of any kind.  I just really enjoy working out melody lines by ear, love messing around with all sorts of musical instruments, including guitar(s).  Figuring out actual guitar chords by ear, well, for me... that's a whole other story!

I'm able to read sheet music, albeit, terribly slowly, but have no clue how to work out, read, or play any guitar chords.  My hands and fingers, I should say, weren't really made for playing guitar.  Though that be the truth, I still, don't let it stop me from having fun with the instrument.

Took up drums (a proper, complete kit), in secondary school, but coming from a flute and piccolo background, you can obviously imagine what an embarrassing, colossal, catastrophic, total mind-fcuk of a disaster that that was! :P  lmao!!  It didn't help the situation any, that I was the only person behind a kit, not to mention, left to teach and work out how to play drums, on my own.  The entire class (we were about 25 to 30, 15-16 year old kids, in all) would grind to a halt every single time I'd begin to play.  OMG, you had to be there.  It was absolutely fcukin' brutal, lol.  But, at the same time,  such invigorating  fun! :D

My teacher at the time, was in fact a proper, professional drummer.  He was in a band that actually made records, recorded in a real recording studio.  Okay, so they were Christmas / holiday albums, but what does that matter, he still, was indeed part of a proper musical group during his off-time from teaching.  I wouldn't doubt that he might've also been a session-type musician, somewhere along the way.  Never did think to ask.  Often wonder what happened to him, the band he was in, if he's still teaching music somewhere, etc.

Anyway, all of this boggled my mind even further!  I was only later, told by another professional drummer, something that made complete and utter sense to me... (paraphrasing) this other drum instructor said to me, just because someone can play well, doesn't mean that they'll make a good teacher of the instrument... in my case, a drumming instructor.  ahh, hahaha, hmmm... all of that said and done, I am relieved to report, that my high school music teacher, along with the learning situation, didn't manage to kill it for me.  Many years later, I ended up buying myself a cheap beginners kit at walmart, of all places!  lmao!!  And, I still can't play! Or keep time, carry a repetitious, simple, steady beat.  Ah, who the fcuk cares!  It's a good time, genuine, clean fun!

He was a really nice guy, a good guy, kind, approachable, decent player, let me into class early and come in on my lunch breaks and spares (=time-block periods, lasting roughly an hour or so between classes), so I could practice.  I didn't own a drum kit at the time, and I fcukin' couldn't get anywhere with the the cheapo wood-based and leather-faced drum pad.  My only beef, was that he was a crappy instructor, when it came to drums.  I don't know, :-\ maybe I was just too shy, scared to keep asking for one-on-one guidance (=help), to go through the music pieces I was expected to play along with the rest of the class --- who made up the woodwind and brass sections.

Needless to say, I grew to have an immense, immeasurable, great love, unwaveringly-mad respect for ALL proper drummers --- regardless of whether they were in a professional capacity, or not.  That kind of thing never mattered to me.  If you can play, then you can play.  That's fundamentally all there is to it (=drums / music).  Drumming was something that I never could do, never mind, do well.

I have absolutely no fcukin' idea how Mr. Michael Dean (as just one example) does it!  It is crucial, one's got to have incredible stamina, endurance, precision, impeccable skill, discipline, timing, and even speed, etc. to pull it off, make drumming look and sound flawless, seamless, fluid, simple, smooth, easy.  I think there are a lot of hidden truth(s) in the old adage that 'a band is only as good as its rhythm section'.  Same with pretty much everything else in life.   If the foundation lacks, then everything collapses, follows suit.  Lots of lessons to be found and had, in that, in playing in a band, music.

Drummers (predominantly) are the driving force within the band, and yet, they're still taken for granted, often overlooked, continually under-appreciated, unsung heroes.  What I think most folk don't realise is that if there ain't no drummer, there ain't no band.  Case in point, bands such as Death From Above 1979, The White Stripes, Royal Blood, and The Black Keys --- just to name a few --- definitely wouldn't have a single leg to stand on, without drums somewhere in the picture, too... so-to-speak.

I completely understand, fully grasp, now, why NMA writes the musical bits of their songs, from the bottom-end (=rhythm section / bass and drums) up(ward).  A lot of young bands ought to take note of NMA's approach to song-construction --- particularly, if the individual band members themselves have ever been captivated, taken-in by NMA's overall sound, style, song structures --- the musical-end of the songs that make up the NMA catalogue.

Ok, it's pretty clear that I can't articulate or write for shit!  I'm sorry.  But hopefully what I've been trying to express, say, relate, has been somehow understood --- makes some sort of sense to you (=person presently reading this post) in some way.

lol, yep!  You're absolutely right... too much time on my hands, today.  It's nice, for a change, but at the same time, sad... pathetic, and sad.  I'm in the wrong place.  I wish I had gone some trades school, graduated from some post-secondary college or university, found a decent job in my chosen field of study, was able to pay my bills, put a roof over my head, clear water in my glass, slice of bread on my plate, support my self and the ones I love most.  But I'm getting up there in age, and of the bloody wrong sex to make a good decent go of anything.  I had my turn, I had my chance, but failed, and failed, and failed, then failed, and failed again, then even some more, again.  I'm not lost, just slowly dying.  It's too late for me.  Too late, now.  I'm just waiting, these days.  Not for riches, nor for dreams.  Just waiting.  Waiting around for what comes next, after all of this (=life) is done.  I did try, I really did.  Once, twice, three, even six times.  But was never accepted.  I never did fit the mould, fit the picture, fit the family, fit society, fit the job, fit the shoes, fit the trousers, pants, nor the religion, etc., etc., etc... you name it.  Do not worry, I'm not going to harm anyone or thing... self-included.  Promise.  Been there, done that and came out the other side to realise that it didn't solve nor ever resolve anything... not for the better nor for the greater good.  I always knew, somehow, that it never really would.

'I want no mirror, I want no shadow, I want my follies to have no echo...
only the ties, to hold-on fast...'

 2series of smaller  NMA  patches  made  to  fit  the  width  of  standard  guitar  straps...

If, for whatever reason, the Guitar straps are a no-go, then please, heavily consider this less costly alternative.  That way, anyone who wishes to, can easily sew the smaller NMA themed patches onto their own guitar straps.  Perhaps, consider asking Ms. Denby to create some new designs, or maybe source some classic designs from past NMA album artwork.  Oh!  Both square are round shaped patches, please... they're easier to work with.

 3set  of  official  NMA  plectrums / guitar picks...

Depicting tiny NMA-related signature lines, words, themes, images, and/or basic NMA logo or T&C knot (stamped).  Again, maybe consult Ms. Denby about possible new designs.

The T&C knot / emblem was superbly worked into a stunning, beautiful silver plectrum-shaped necklace pendant crafted by official NMA jeweller, Les Hollings.  Folk who haven't seen it before, can check it out in NMA's official online shop.  The direct link has been inserted, above.  Last I checked there were only three of them left.  To me, personally... the exquisite piece echoes the shark tooth (via the plectrum's triangular shape) crafted into Mr. Sullivan's very own, personal (silver necklace's) pendant.  Through and through, well-made, solid, substantial, and gorgeous pieces.

 4NMA Berlin 2022 live dates DVD/CD set ???

 5upcoming, NEW, yet to be confirmed and revealed, NMA studio recording CD/LP ???

Wherever you find yourselves this very second, I hope it's safe and comfortable...
and that the day's been generally pleasant and beautiful to you, in however small of a way.

Thank you for checking out / contributing to this thread.

'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂