I was in Toronto years ago. Big hockey fan so I wanted to visit the Hockey Hall Of Fame. I've also been way out east to Nova Scotia. Cape Breton. That was real nice. Went in February and it was colder than Mars out there. Really cold. Incredibly cold. Freeze to death cold.
LMAO! Why the hell would you pick the February, of all months to come, up here? LOL, not only do our asses freeze, but so do our fcukin' eyeballs!!

Yeah, how wish that was a joke, but it's true, unfortunately. Just be glad you didn't go to Ottawa that February! How folks survive the winter's
there, (among some other places in Canada) is a complete mystery, to me.
I don't know how Mr. Sullivan did it, coming here during that winter (2001?), when he came by boat, but I truly feel for the guy, he probably wasn't given a proper
heads-up about our weather here. Still, hope he had a lovely time... apparently he even went dog sledding, how fcukin' cool is that, eh! Maybe
he'll write about it in some autobiography at some point down the road. I would definitely
love to hear so much more about his time here, in Canada - about his dad, about his grandfather, great grandfather... their time here and connection to this land. How cool would that be, huh?
I have no idea why the man feels his story has to just be about the band, because, the man has just been through / lived through and seen SO much, both of darkness and light, during his lifetime. Mr. Sullivan is MORE than just a singer/songwriter/guitar player in some terrific band, he has a rich bloodline, seasoned history. tender lol, I talk as though I know the guy personally, but it's just what we've all been so lucky to learn about him, via his songs, his stories, his interviews, etc. He is quite the fascinating gentleman! Who, in their right mind, wouldn't mind spending even just
'15 minutes' with the man... he has SO much to share, a true wealth of experience,

I hope he reconsiders the book idea... I seriously believe / feel that it'd make his paternal ancestors, SO incredibly proud, if he did. I think it could be his way of thanking them, for enriching his life, his past, present, future - universe. Well, I'm going to keep praying he'll change his mind,

before it's too late.

Best months to come up here are
late April, May, June, late August, September and October. I've always wanted to see Nova Scotia... that province has produced a lot of great Canadian bands / artists. Lucky you. You should try Montreal someday, or Quebec City... it's almost like being in Europe. I made the mistake of going to Montreal a few years back during the month of January and man, was I not prepared for just how much snow that city gets! Lol, my feet are still soaked!

SUGARLAND EXPRESS is Spielberg's first film. Goldie Hawn is great in it. Gal and her guy hold a cop hostage as they drive through Texas to get their child. Spielberg has a knack for taking this dangerous, serious situation and making it a very emotional experience. We care for all in that cop car, even the criminals.
I'll watch anything with
Goldie Hawn, she's always a pleasure to watch.
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS...man, it is one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time. And Spielberg wrote it, too. A classic film that I thought everybody on Earth has seen.
lol, what can I say... I've been living under a rock! I'm going to look up the trailers for these two films on youtube, thanks for the tip(s), dude.
By the way, who's your team? Not that I follow hockey (which is a
major sin, lol, strange thing if you're from up here), but hey,
watching sports (in general)

just isn't my cup of tea. lol, I find hockey too rough, for my liking... too much shit happens on the fcukin' ice, man, that I wonder if some of the
fans / punters love the game, just because it has, on occasion, been so violent. Bothers me, that... a lot, actually. But hey,
c'est la vie.