Oh yes, Covid19, impossible to avoid here in Germany, at least on the news. It's spreading, one area is affected quite badly, mostly it's a few cases here and there.
The reactions range from total hysteria/panic, including wild speculations and conspiracy theories (people making what we call in German "Hamsterkäufe" - hamster purchases, buying heaps upon heaps of toilet paper, pasta, rice and canned ravioli) to people being totally cool about it and getting upset and stubborn when they feel their freedom is being restricted. Disinfectant and face masks had been sold out, even doctors' surgeries and hospitals had trouble ordering new supplies - and people even STOLE these things from hospitals...even though it's a well-known fact that this will NOT protect you from catching COVID 19!

Unbelievable... The issue has been sorted out now, I believe, and new supplies are on their way to those who really need them-
Personally, I find both extremes to be very foolish and selfish. I am not overly worried about catching it - but I know a couple of people whose health is already not for the best and who do certainly have good reason to be a concerned.
So, for now, with regard to "restrictions", what we are facing is big events (theatre, concerts, exhibitions and trade fairs) being postponed or cancelled. That is, of course, not good for those who make a living based upon these events and many are quite concerned for their respective companies' survival.
All events with an audience expected to exceed 1000 are to be postponed/cancelled - and that does, of course, include football (soccer) matches. Now THAT is causing quite an uproar here.

My goodness, you'd think these people are being forced to sacrifice their first-born or something.
Some of these matches are still on and will be played in empty stadiums, some may be cancelled or postponed, that hasn't happened yet, though.
I have to admit that, at first, I didn't quite get what all the fuss was about - but the issue with this virus is, of course, that there still isn't any vaccine for it that can help protect those with a weak immune system. So it's important to try and contain the virus as best as possible to give people in the health sector time to prepare. Makes sense to me - this certainly isn't the time to be selfish, most of us will have elderly relatives or friends with a weakened immune system - I certainly wouldn't want any of mine to catch that virus and maybe even die, so it goes without saying that I don't mind being a bit more careful.
In April and May there are shows I have tickets for - all this may have blown over by then. Neither of the shows will attract anywhere near 1000 people...so I'll wait and see how this situation develops. If they do get cancelled...fine, I'll live.
Can you imagine how "proud" I felt when I was actually able to buy toilet paper AND kitchen rolls yesterday?!
I do hope this won't get any worse than it already is, I feel especially sorry for all medical staff who, in places like Italy, seem to be far beyond what they can bear...and they still keep fighting. They are heroes, beyond amazing.
I hope you'll all be safe and fine through this!