No sorry Pol, I dont. I know someone who works at the local hospital who tells me that its creaking. I also know someone who is very ill with it.
The question I keep asking and am waiting for an answer for. How is it that countries, Islamic, Hindu, Christian, Jewish as well as Communist, Capitalist, left or right wing, countries that would go to war at the drop of a hat, have all colluded to create a disease that is killing thousands as well as plunging themselves into debt trying to control its spread. Ive yet to get an amswer to it. Slight aside to your question I know...but thats for the tin foil hatters blaming Bill Gates....who mainly seem to be American right wingers.
IF any government beleived China had started this deliberately, then the trade embargo would cost them billions and it would be out there already. Or they do know and its being dealt with in corridors of power. No way any western government would fund millions of people without an income, or tax contributions.