I reckon I had it at the back end of last year
Stick with me and I'll explain
I usually get a chest infection at the back end of most years and after 3 or 4 weeks i'm ok
Last year I started at the beginning of the UK dates with the usual cold like symptoms but it got steadily worse, shortness of breath, struggling to breath and sometimes speak, hot and cold flushes, tightness in chest and headaches etc, and as usual put it down to gig lurgy
After 4 weeks it hadn't cleared so went to doctors, first thing they di dwas put me on a nebuliser (never had this done before) after 1 session it didn't help so immediately had another session.
Again this didn't help so the doctor then suggested they wanted to admit me to local A+E department so this then seemed more serious than a chest infection.
Doc said it's like you've got pneumonia but don't think it is
Also booked in for chest X-Ray, results came back clear 2 weeks later
Only issue with A+E was a possible 6 - 8 hour wait and no guarantee of a bed so i decided to go home armed with 2 inhalers and a course of steroids
Completed course of steroids ( 7 tabs in one go for 7 days)
I gave it another week after completion of steroid course
I still showed no signs of any recovery so back to docs.
Another course of steroids and signed off work for 4 weeks and told to rest
After these 4 weeks I felt better but this was approx 10 weeks from start to finish
at the time I just thought a swerious chest infection but looking back it could be possible I've had Covid 19 or a similar strain
A few others who I did the tour with also were ill and have also commented on the possiblilty that we may have already had the virus
issue is the lack of an antibody test and also no guarantee that if you've had the virus you can't get it again
Take care everyone and stay safe