Author Topic: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?  (Read 3079 times)

Raw Melody Man

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Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« on: July 04, 2020, 03:03:46 PM »
Hi folks

As title says I am looking for some specifics on Stuart's gear. I know he mainly played a Westone Thunder Jet bass into a Trace Elliot amp live, and also occasionally used a Fender Precision.  No Rest obviously uses a delay pedal and it sounds like a chorus pedal on some tracks (eg Frightened) but I'm not certain and that's where my knowledge ends.

If anyone knows any more I'd be grateful, especially details such as which basses were used on both albums, FX used live and in the studio, anything really.

Why this nerdery you ask? Well I am a big fan of his work with New Model Army and I am thinking of recording some covers for YouTube, perhaps also transcribing his bass lines and recording lessons etc if there is interest. I think he's a massively underated/largely unknown British bassist yet *those* basslines and *that* tone really are something special.  His tone is so striking and unique that I'd like to get as close as I can. I might also record some of the Moose era stuff but Stuart's tone is harder to get right.

Best outcome of all would be if someone could put me in touch with Stuart so I can get details from the horse's mouth, I hear he's a top bloke. Please PM me if you can help with this.



Raw Melody Man

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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2020, 01:34:01 PM »
Damn, no-one with info?  That's a blow. Usually with these things there's someone who knows someone who knows him, especially in this interconnected world. Perhaps most folk on this forum are simply too young to know who Stuart Morrow is...

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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2020, 07:44:54 PM »
Damn, no-one with info?  That's a blow. Usually with these things there's someone who knows someone who knows him, especially in this interconnected world. Perhaps most folk on this forum are simply too young to know who Stuart Morrow is...


Maybe Mr Morrow keeps his contact details private for reasons of his own.

Still, welcome to the Forum and all... there's space for all questions and comments here!

Raw Melody Man

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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2020, 02:16:37 PM »

Maybe Mr Morrow keeps his contact details private for reasons of his own.

Still, welcome to the Forum and all... there's space for all questions and comments here!

Well if you check my post you'll see I was asking for gear details/info or to be put in touch, I'd be grateful for either. Usually on band fan type forums you'd get other musicians chipping in info to a question like this on gear used etc. I was just a little surprised to get nothing. 35-40 years is a long time ago  :-)

 I wasn't suggesting that anyone should post Stuart's contact details on a public forum. If someone knew him they could PM me and pass on a message, for example.


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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2020, 04:11:15 PM »
I have it on good authority that the fretless bass on Spirit of the Falklands was recorded on a Bass  from Kay's catalogue ( remember them before online shopping!) That had the frets removed d.i.y style with a hammer and nail! Still sounded superb though. Now that will be hard to recreate authenticall.

Raw Melody Man

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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2020, 06:41:08 PM »
I have it on good authority that the fretless bass on Spirit of the Falklands was recorded on a Bass  from Kay's catalogue ( remember them before online shopping!) That had the frets removed d.i.y style with a hammer and nail! Still sounded superb though.

Wow, really?  Great titbit thanks. I remember guitars from the Kay's catalogue too - Satellite, Columbus, we grew up with those things... awful unplayable things by today's standards. Amazing he recorded the album with that. I always wondered what the fretless bass was he used, I can hear it on several tracks. I assumed it was a fretless Westone.

Shame there is so little footage of the Stuart era.




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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2020, 12:47:43 PM »
I saw/used/ended up with a lot of Stuart's old gear when I joined. I even ended up borrowing his stuff for my first audition, which became a little embarrassing when he turned up at the rehearsal room looking for it.

Stuff that was around in June 1985 included:

A "Kay's catalogue" Fender Precision copy, which he kept, along with a Sharwood 6-string bass (of the sort Peter Hook used a lot) for Grandmother's Footsteps. The fretless at that stage was an Aria Pro II, which ended up with just one string for the cello bow stuff on Shot 18, and there was some other Aria bass lying around that I can't remember. As I recall, it was just called a Kay bass, I don't think the catalogue were involved, see later.

He also had an old Carlsboro (Stingray?) head and an unbranded 4 x 12 cabinet originally, and these were used on the early recordings, but following the signing of the EMI deal he bought possibly the worst Trace Elliot stack in the world. A 500 watt head, with a 2 x 10" speaker and a 20" bass bin. It was hopelessly unmatched and blew up on me 3 times in 6 days on the second leg of the No Rest for the Wicked tour.

The Westone Thunder Jet was crap. Muddy sound, badly made, kept falling to bits during gigs, the jack socket would always short out and the knobs fell off. Noddy, who used to do my backline, would have to rebuild it every night ready for the soundcheck the next day. Eventually, through pure frustration, I delivered it a fatal pile-driver into the stage on the Brave New World tour, snapping the head clean off. The truss rod was just for show, and was only about 4 inches long, hence it snapping so easily.

The pedals were both Boss, the original DM-2 analogue delay and a CE-2 chorus. Both ended up pummelled to bits through extended and incessant clog blows to the metalwork. Have a look at the Marquee video to see the sort of pounding they got. I replaced them with whichever evolution of delay and chorus Boss did next, including their first digital delay (DD-1) and a CE-3. As they fell to bits, the numbers kept going up.

I chopped in the Trace Elliot with John Henry's in Holloway for an old Hiwatt, initially with a Marshall 4 x 12 and a Fender 2 x 15, but as I was able to accumulate more Hiwatts (3), so I decided to trade up the mismatched cabinets for a pair of Ampeg SVT810Es, as Stuart had raved about the Hiwatt/Ampeg combination after using it at a festival in Rotterdam in 1983. Best sound he ever had, apparently, so I'd have been mad not to adopt it. Best sound I ever had... and still have, if only the one stack these days.

I replaced all of the basses with Fender Precisions, although I too bought a Kay copy from a shop in Swindon, and made that into a fretless myself. I still have it in my loft. £89 of pure crap, but with amazingly powerful pick-ups. There was another Westone, because No Rest needed 22 frets, but that too was rubbish, and eventually I worked out that retuning the G to an A made life easier, so it was binned off somewhere.

Hope this is of some help. I've not seen Stuart in about 5 years so I can't ask him for any further detail.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 11:42:01 AM by mooseharris »


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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2020, 03:53:01 PM »
Don't you just love it when Mr Harris pops in now again to give us these insights  :)
The longer this century goes on, the more I feel I belong in the last one.

Raw Melody Man

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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2020, 07:00:50 PM »
Hope this is of some help. I've not seen Stuart in about 5 years so I can't ask him for any further detail.

Moose, thank you *so* much for this info it is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for, very kind of you to chip in.   I'm a big fan of your NMA material also, saw you live many times back in the day and  I came close to filling your shoes in '89 when you left - Rob told me about you tuning the G to A for No Rest :-)

I was thinking of buying a Westone Thunder Jet, I always thought that was the key factor in Stuart's tone and now you've made me reconsider.  From what you're saying a real mix of basses were used for those two albums of Stuart's. So a Westone was used to record No Rest, the 6 string Shergold on Grandmother's footsteps... what about  Frightened and My Country, any idea?

It's that chimey, punchy, in-your-face tone of Stuart's I'm looking to get. I didn't think a Precision (real or copy)  would get me there - unless you know Stuart actually used his Kay copy - with frets – on the albums? I see him using it on The Tube and the Marquee gig unused footage.

Anyway, cheers again, and much respect.


Isaac(Black Eagle Rising)

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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2020, 08:27:04 PM »
Thanks for great info Moose.As a bass player I too found it really interesting and on this board actually I searched for NMA gear sometime but seems like not many detailed stuff about it on previous posts.If Im not wrong Stuart was playing in a band called "Into The Souls".Dont know much about it but I found this web site and they have a contact option as band here.And 3 songs included from their album.
All NMA bass players were and are great.Everyone who played bass in this band created a different point of wiev to bass guitar playing in my opinion.


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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2020, 08:50:05 PM »
This thread has made my month. Cheers all.


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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2020, 11:03:12 AM »
Don't you just love it when Mr Harris pops in now again to give us these insights  :)
Yeah, that reading was amazing, thank you so much Mr Harris !
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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2020, 05:00:17 PM »
I would love to see transcriptions or lessons.  All of NMA's bassists have just been wonderful, and learning to play some of those lines would be delightful.  Let us know if anything comes of this.

And Moose, dude!  Thanks for sharing!

Why this nerdery you ask? Well I am a big fan of his work with New Model Army and I am thinking of recording some covers for YouTube, perhaps also transcribing his bass lines and recording lessons etc if there is interest. I think he's a massively underated/largely unknown British bassist yet *those* basslines and *that* tone really are something special.  His tone is so striking and unique that I'd like to get as close as I can. I might also record some of the Moose era stuff but Stuart's tone is harder to get right.


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Mr. Harris...
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2020, 12:45:34 AM »
I saw/used/ended up with a lot of Stuart's old gear when I joined. I even ended up borrowing his stuff for my first audition, which became a little embarrassing when he turned up at the rehearsal room looking for it.

Stuff the was around in June 1985 included:

A Kay's catalogue Fender Precision copy, which he kept, along with a Sharwood 6-string bass (of the sort Peter Hook used a lot) for Grandmother's Footsteps. The fretless at that stage was an Aria Pro II, which ended up with just one string for the cello bow stuff on Shot 18, and there was some other Aria bass lying around that I can't remember.

He also had an old Carlsboro (Stingray?) head and an unbranded 4 x 12 cabinet originally, and these were used on the early recordings, but following the signing of the EMI deal he bought possibly the worst Trace Elliot stack in the world. A 500 watt head, with a 2 x 10" speaker and a 20" bass bin. It was hopelessly unmatched and blew up on me 3 times in 6 days on the second leg of the No Rest for the Wicked tour.

The Westone Thunder Jet was crap. Muddy sound, badly made, kept falling to bits during gigs, the jack socket would always short out and the knobs fell off. Noddy, who used to do my backline, would have to rebuild it every night ready for the soundcheck the next day. Eventually, through pure frustration, I delivered it a fatal pile-driver into the stage on the Brave New World tour, snapping the head clean off. The truss rod was just for show, and was only about 4 inches long, hence it snapping so easily.

The pedals were both Boss, the original DM-2 analogue delay and a CE-2 chorus. Both ended up pummelled to bits through extended and incessant clog blows to the metalwork. Have a look at the Marquee video to see the sort of pounding they got. I replaces them with whichever evolution of deli and chorus Boss did next, including their first digital delay (DD-1) and a CE-3. As they fell to bits, the numbers kept going up.

I chopped in the Trace Elliot with John Henry's in Holloway for an old Hiwatt, initially with a Marshall 4 x 12 and a Fender 2 x 15, but as I was able to accumulate more Hiwatts (3), so I decided to trade up the mismatched cabinets for a pair of Ampeg SVT810Es, as Stuart had raved about the Hiwatt/Ampeg combination after using it at a festival in Rotterdam in 1983. Best sound he ever had, apparently, so I'd have been mad not to adopt it. Best sound I ever had... and still have, if only the one stack these days.

I replaced all of the basses with Fender Precisions, although I too bought a Kay copy and made that into a fretless myself. I still have it in my loft. £89 of pure crap, but with amazingly powerful pick-ups. There was another Westone, because No Rest needed 22 frets, but that too was rubbish, and eventually I worked out that retuning the G to an A made life easier, so it was binned off somewhere.

Hope this is of some help. I've not seen Stuart in about 5 years so I can't ask him for any further detail.

Dear Mr. Harris,  :)

If you ever write a book about your days as a musician and member of NMA (etc.), I would seriously (what an incredible understatement that is)  love  to purchase a proper, legit copy of it.  Not only are you a phenomenal bass player, you've got terrific writing chops too!  Hope you'll pop in to let us know if and when.  It'd be an absolute thrill, joy!  Just one request though... please, make it long, and I mean really LLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGG, the more recollections, stories and tech bits, the better!  I'm asking because I know I'll end up reading it in one sitting!  And that's coming from someone who does very little reading, but where NMA or music is concerned, it's a whole other story.  I love music and you guys / NMA.

So great to see you around these parts, surfing these waters with us.  Your posts are always incredibly fascinating, insightful, informative and engaging.  Thanks so much for working on T&C, "White Coats" especially, because that was my introduction to NMA, when I got hooked (for better or worse) on you guys / NMA.

Hope you're doing well and have a wonderful day.  :)

Very best to you,
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Re: Wanted - Stuart Morrow's gear details and/or contact?
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2020, 08:28:33 PM »
Got a suggestion for you, Raw Melody Man - have you considered trying to get hold of  a Westone Thunder II bass as alternative to the Jet? Speaking as the owner of one, they're pro-quality instruments (more akin to Aria Pros, which were made in the same factory) with a through neck, an onboard pre-amp, coil tap and phase switching. The only slight drawback is that the neck pickup placement means that popping is a bit constrained but it is just about possible to play "Heroin".
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