Cracking job there, what's planned for the next one?
Been having a muse on what Moose said about Stuart's Trace Elliot stack and its propensity to blow up after watching the ToTP footage again, and I suspect the thing that was wrong about it was having a pair of 2x10s on top. I don't claim any great expertise on TEs beyond owning more of them than I really need at present, but I think the AH500 head was intended to drive a 4x10 cab (300W) and either a 1x15 or a 1x18 (200w). The 10" Celestion speakers TE used come in both 50W and 80W, so were the 2x10s the less-powerful 100W version?
I also used to own a Carslbro Stingray combo (Stuart had the separate head from what I can tell from early live photos), I recall the five buttons on the front acted like a pre-set graphic equaliser - I'm guessing they were frequency boosters, only one could be activated at a time. My memory of it was dub deep bassiness on the left end, toppy nasal sound on the right, and enough thump to bring down part of the bathroom ceiling at my parent's house!