Author Topic: New Model Army Face masks  (Read 1271 times)


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New Model Army Face masks
« on: July 23, 2020, 07:57:41 PM »
I've supported the band for 35+ yrs .
  New Model Army Face masks .
 This exploitation n commercial rubbish I do NOT support!
 Rapidly losing faith ....
 Its beneath you n U should be shamed by ur actions in this instance.
Here is the add if you have not seen it :


Pure exploitation of fans and beneath you as a Band, but not just as : A band,but as a band that is soo much better than this commercial crap!
 Deff not the values of the band I started loving in the 80's.

I'm pretty disgusted by this!


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2020, 08:16:17 PM »
I must say i find this a bit strange too, but if it helps the band to go on in these complicated times, so be it!
« Last Edit: July 23, 2020, 08:24:29 PM by Guillaume »


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2020, 08:33:51 PM »
 Second to Robs drumming beat & Justin's Lyrics in the early days was their lyrics for me,1st,2nd n 3rd were very close.
  The music n beats drew me in.The Lyrics ,the meanings sold me.
  Me,I can't "Fudge" over this face mask thing .
  Yes everyone needs to make a living .But this is :For" NMA "  a step too far,I doubt they thought it up,smells of Joolz to me.

  IT IS WRONG!  You Know It n Every Fan Knows It.It's not what the band are about!

  Covid has buggered many working PPL, For bands I would (& did hope) they used the time for a new album.
  This commercialism is WRONG to me,You seem to question it too.
  Its beneath them & insulting to fans.

 Sorry I can't,won't give them slack on this.It's exploitation n commercialism at it's worst!


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2020, 10:02:57 PM »
I respectfully disagree. I can imagine these masks have come about because people have asked for them. We are now being told to wear face masks. Masks are used for preventing in-hailing particles and also for hiding identity. Personally I have to now wear a mask twice a day while on public transport. I have ordered a face mask with NMA logo as an expression of my personal identity. Just the same as I sometimes wear an NMA tee shirt.
Personally I do not buy much from the NMA shop and do not feel I have to out of a sense of loyalty. This particular product I did want to own. Supply and demand. Its not commercial exploitation, its commercial response to market demand.
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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2020, 10:38:24 PM »
Hi Shush
  Everyone is entitled to their opinion n personally I respect  ppls opinions.

  We are all entitled to free thought.

But,£10 ? plus (I'm guessing postage ) ,come on ,not even a medical mask.

  No,sorry I love the Band and the Music , but to my mind , just "WRONG!"

  Commercial exploitation, unless I missed it ? Not even a percentage given to the NHS!

Kinda "SORRY NOT SORRY" the band is out of order here in my opinion.
  After pretty much 40 yrs following them , thats actually hard to say ......


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2020, 06:24:41 AM »
I for one am very happy they sell them for two reasons:

1) I am obliged by law to wear face masks in Belgium. Most face masks I see are hideous. I want to have a mask that looks better. These masks look infinitely better. I can't wait for them to arrive in my mailbox.
2) The band had a big tour planned in 2020. As it is now, they have close to no income for a whole year. Selling merch can ease that pain.

What you say about face masks, you can say about all merch. It's all commerce. Why pay €20 for a €5 t-shirt that has their logo on it? It's partly what keeps the band going and not having to give in to record company BS and keep their independence.

And you know what the really good thing is, sparks68uk? If you don't like it, you don't have to buy it!


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2020, 10:04:40 AM »
Whilst i appreciate people are entitled to their own opinions i don't really understand your issue with face masks.....just don't buy one.However i thought your comment ''Smells of Joolz to me'' was extremely rude , unnecessary and completely out of order. >:(..


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2020, 10:49:20 AM »
What you say about face masks, you can say about all merch. It's all commerce. Why pay €20 for a €5 t-shirt that has their logo on it?

But face masks and t shirt (or other items on sale to help bands to go on) don't really share the same meaning in 2020...t shirts are about arts, albums, songs, bands, joy of music...when i think and see face masks in 2020 i only think about the virus, the suffering. The worldwide crisis "helping" many bands to make some money. But again, if i was broken and if selling the face masks would help me to eat and pay the rent i would very obviously sell them, so that's ok. Like someone said "no one needs morality when there isn't enough to eat"  ;)
« Last Edit: July 24, 2020, 10:50:51 AM by Guillaume »


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2020, 12:40:48 PM »
I'm not a big fan of face masks, and the new rules about wearing them in shops at this stage in the game seem to be a heavy-handed way of encouraging people back to the shops more than anything. (Not sure it will work, but that's another story).

That said, I have seen a few posts asking for NMA face masks, and have no problem with them appearing in the shop alongside turntable mats, mugs etc. Why not? If folks want to buy them, they can. If not, nobody is forcing them.

NMA have a way to go before they have their own line in bog roll (remember KISS?).


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2020, 07:08:59 PM »
Plenty of people asked for the face coverings n the band gave us what we wanted. Been wearing them in Scotland in shops for a cpl of weeks now , if it helps people be more confident about visiting local shops etc im all for it . Nobody is forcing u to buy 1 , but if we need to wear a mask then why not make it a nma mask.
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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2020, 09:10:14 PM »
I don’t speak out here often but felt I had to say that we are living in extraordinary times at the moment. We are all doing the best that we can and I appreciate this gesture from the band to allow us to express support for them with what is now a requirement to wear. You could argue that it’s commercial - of course it is as are the T-shirt’s , mugs etc etc etc. At the end of the day OUR band have lost a major source of income for this year and I have no probllem at all with trying to support them in whatever small way I can.

Love, peace and stay safe to all


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2020, 04:09:56 PM »
What you say about face masks, you can say about all merch. It's all commerce. Why pay €20 for a €5 t-shirt that has their logo on it?

But face masks and t shirt (or other items on sale to help bands to go on) don't really share the same meaning in 2020...t shirts are about arts, albums, songs, bands, joy of music...when i think and see face masks in 2020 i only think about the virus, the suffering. The worldwide crisis "helping" many bands to make some money. But again, if i was broken and if selling the face masks would help me to eat and pay the rent i would very obviously sell them, so that's ok. Like someone said "no one needs morality when there isn't enough to eat"  ;)

Personally I am no fan of the disposable face masks. They are already becoming a litter problem. When walking the dog I am starting to see them around, even in the countryside. In my opinion, if you have a few spare pounds, you buy a re-usable one, then you are likely to stick with it after having paid out for it. The disposable masks can then be stock-piled for   NHS / medical staff who need clean new masks on a regular basis - and dispose of them correctly. NMA are far from alone offering a logo masks, if you look around, you can now get them with all kinds of images and script such as you favorite football team.

Although there are now regulations about wearing a face mask, there are still plenty of people who are not bothering.  If you are wearing a mask with your favorite band or team, to me this is not making light of the situation, it shows you are making your own effort to stop the spread. 
The longer this century goes on, the more I feel I belong in the last one.


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2020, 05:22:53 PM »
If you are wearing a mask with your favorite band or team, it shows you are making your own effort to stop the spread.

Yes. I wear face mask because it's useful necessary to wear face masks but i still find this sad and ugly to live like this , it's not really a joy and so i don't really want to link the music/movies/books/sports i love to the face masks which for me are linked to the virus the worldwide crisis..but that's just my opinion of course!
Yes we have to wear face masks but...we never asked for any of this!  ;)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2020, 05:24:53 PM by Guillaume »


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2020, 01:37:56 PM »
I don't really understand the strong reaction. It's like any other merchandise. Don't like it, don't buy one. End of story.

And, yes, I agree that the Joolz comment is rude and unnecessary and kinda deflates the point you were trying to make.


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Re: New Model Army Face masks
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2020, 09:08:18 PM »
We live in strange times indeed!